Following Jesus

Practical Advice for the Christian Life

Readings for today: Colossians 3-4, Psalms 14

Yesterday I spent time with some young people after worship. They had been deeply touched by the sermon. When I challenged our church family to choose life and not death, good and not evil, and to not give the devil a foothold in their lives, these young people were moved to tears. When I shared that because of the power of the Holy Spirit living inside us we are not at the mercy of our circumstances or trapped by any situation or enslaved to our desires or without hope when it comes to battling anxiety, depression, fear, or any other chronic condition; they felt empowered for the first time in a long time in their lives. We talked about the hope we have in Christ and how He gives us the strength to overcome all life throws our way. We talked about the promise of God not being perfection but being sustained and sanctified in the midst of our imperfection. We talked about how to walk with Christ. Setting our minds and hearts on things above and putting to death that which is earthly in us. We prayed together for the Holy Spirit to fill them with everything they need to meet the challenges they face.

I didn’t come up with this advice on my own. I simply adopted what the Apostle Paul shares with his Colossian friends. Listen again to what he says in Colossians 3, “So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Therefore, put to death what belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire, and greed, which is idolatry….Do not lie to one another, since you have put off the old self with its practices and have put on the new self. You are being renewed in knowledge according to the image of your Creator….Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and dearly loved, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a grievance against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you are also to forgive. Above all, put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity.” (Colossians‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬-‭5‬, ‭9‬-‭10‬, ‭12‬-‭14‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Paul understands that growth in the Christian life requires two things. It requires us to cling to that which is life. That which is love. That which is light. And it requires us to reject that which is death. That which is sin. That which is darkness. In Christ, we’ve died. We no longer live. Christ lives in us and so our hearts naturally seek that which is above because they are naturally drawn to where Christ is, seated at God’s right hand. At the same time, our earthly body remains with all its earthly desires. And our earthly body is drawn to things on earth. Things like lust and greed and idolatry. So we get pulled in different directions.

The Christian life requires us to make a choice every single day. From the moment we wake up, our sinful nature is struggling against our spiritual nature. The sinful nature is entirely focused on gratifying Self. This leads to all kinds of lust and greed and selfish living. The spiritual nature is entirely focused on glorifying Christ. This leads to all kinds of love and generosity and selflessness. And God gives us the freedom to choose. Which nature will we feed? Which nature will we satisfy? Which nature will we encourage? As God’s chosen ones, we have been set free from the enslaving power of sin and death so we actually have the power and authority to make this choice. Will we choose to set our minds on things above? Will we choose to put to death our sin nature? Will we choose to put off the old self? Will we choose to put on the new self? Choose Christ that you might live, friends!

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Thessalonians 1-2, Psalms 15

Who is God?

Readings for today: Colossians 1-2, Psalms 13

In early December, I have the privilege of chairing the board of the Petros Network. The Petros Network is an organization dedicated to bringing the gospel to unreached villages all over the Horn of Africa by empowering and equipping indigenous church planters. I’ve been part of this ministry for almost fifteen years now and it is one of the greatest blessings of my life. Literally thousands of churches have been planted in that time and over a million new believers have come to faith. It’s incredible. One of the ways I get to serve when I go on a trip is to teach on the character and nature of God. Specifically, I spend a lot of time teaching on the doctrine of the Trinity which declares that the One True God exists eternally as Three Persons. Distinct yet undivided. Different but not separate. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…all are God. But the Father is not the Son. The Son is not the Spirit. And the Spirit is not the Father. Though they are diverse in their personalities and roles, they all share in the same essence or being. It’s a paradox to be sure and a stumbling block to faith for many. It is also notoriously difficult to translate into local tribal dialects!

The term “Trinity” was coined by a 2nd century African theologian named Tertullian. Considered by many to be the “Father of Western Theology”, Tertullian attempted to put into human words what is ultimately a divine mystery. From the opening pages of Scripture, the One God reveals Himself as a plurality. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...and the Spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters...then God said...” The Apostle John affirms this central truth in the opening verses of his Gospel. “In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” And then comes these words today from the Apostle Paul, “Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together. He is also the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that he might come to have first place in everything. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and through him to reconcile everything to himself, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through his blood, shed on the cross..” (Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭15‬-‭20‬ ‭CSB)

Why is all this important? In the consumeristic and materialistic mindset that marks American Christianity, what is often lost is our wonder and awe at what God has done in Jesus Christ. The magnitude of the miracle of God becoming one of us is something that should bring us to our knees. It should cause our stomachs to flip flop and our hearts to skip a beat. We should all fall face down on the floor in worship and adoration of the Resurrected Christ. And yet, we can barely get to church on Sunday morning. We can barely bring ourselves to pray or read God’s Word on a regular basis. Even during the Christmas season, we spend most of Advent prepping for Santa Claus, decorating the house, and going on spending sprees we cannot afford.

Jesus is the very image of the invisible God. He is the perfect representation of God’s being. In Jesus, the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. He is preeminent over all creation. Jesus is the Word of God Incarnate. The God of the universe taking on human flesh and entering into our world. Jesus is before all things. He created all things. He sustains all things. He reconciles all things. And He will one day glorify all things, whether on earth or in heaven. It is utterly amazing and beyond words that this God...this Jesus...would bend the heavens to come down and become one of us. Be born of a virgin for us. Suffer hardship and pain for us. Shed His own blood for us. Die a humiliating death on the cross for us. Spend three days in the grave for us. Descend into hell itself for us. And rise again from the grave for us. But this is our God. He is faithful and true and nothing can separate us from His love.

As I prepare to enter yet another Christmas season, I find myself asking why is Jesus Christ still not enough? Why do I not spend more time at the manger? More time at the foot of the cross? More time at the empty tomb? More time in silent awe and wonder and worship at what the Triune God has done in giving His only Begotten Son for the sake of the world?

Readings for tomorrow: Colossians 3-4, Psalms 14

A Life Pleasing to God

Readings for today: Ephesians 5-6, Psalms 10

A basic question I am often asked is how to live a life that is pleasing to God. A life that is open to God. A life that is surrendered to God. People want to know what it means in the everyday to follow Christ. What does it mean to live a godly life? What does it mean to have a godly marriage? What does it mean to raise godly children? Work towards godly ends in our vocation? These are all great questions to ask as we think about what it means to be a Christian. Is it just a set of beliefs about God? An abstract theological system we ascribe to? A set of laws we have to obey? I prefer the way Paul describes it in the Book of Ephesians…

“Therefore, be imitators of God, as dearly loved children, and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.” (Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

It starts with our perception of God. Is He a distant tyrant that exercises His rule over our lives whether we like it or not? Is He a loving Father who wants to bless and give good gifts to His children? If you lean towards the former, then the temptation will be to try to measure up. Try to prove yourself. White-knuckle your faith with an iron will and rigid self-discipline. If you lean towards the latter, you are set free to follow the example God sets for us in Jesus Christ. You can learn to imitate Him. Especially in love. As you walk with Him and talk with Him and spend time with Him, He promises to teach you a life of love. Extravagant. Abundant. Generous. Overflowing. This is the love of God and the love He wants us to walk in every single day. It is this love that should mark every relationship. It is this love that drives us to serve and submit to one another. It is this love that inspires obedience to His will. It is this love that changes how we parent, how we work, how we retire, and how we spend our free time. We don’t love to get anything from others, we love in order to give ourselves away. This is the secret to living a life pleasing to God.

Where do you find yourself imitating God in your life right now? Where is it easy? Where is it hard? What challenges do you face along the way? Are there certain people in your life that you find hard to love? Lean into Christ. Follow His example. Rather than withhold love or keep the person at arm’s length or cut them out of your life, love even more deeply. Love even more fully. Love even more extravagantly. Love in a healthy, honest, transparent way. This is the way Jesus loved.

Readings for tomorrow: Philippians 1-2, Psalms 11

Praying for One Another

Readings for today: Ephesians 3-4, Psalms 9

I happened to meet a dear friend this morning who told me they were praying for me. I was immediately overwhelmed. I’ve recently had to navigate some challenging conversations and challenging situations and this person knows some of what I’ve been going through. The fact that she has been praying for me means more to me than she can ever know. It opened a door for me to share with her some of the emotions I’ve been feeling as I’ve been walking my journey. She was supportive and encouraging and I was blessed. After she left, I shared her words with my wife and we both just marveled at the beauty of our church. The beauty of this group of people who are so passionate about Christ and so generous with their love. I cannot imagine serving a more committed group of disciples.

Then I opened my Bible. I read these words from the Apostle Paul this morning and imagine he must have felt the same way about the Christians in Ephesus. Listen to his prayer for them, “For this reason I kneel before the Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named. I pray that he may grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with power in your inner being through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s love, and to know Christ’s love that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us —  to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” (Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭14‬-‭21‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Clearly, Paul cares deeply for this group of people. He thinks so highly of them and he longs to see them continue to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. His prayer for them is beautiful and breathtaking in scope. It is also deeply convicting. I found myself pondering the relative poverty of my own prayers in comparison. Yes, I pray for those I love. Yes, I pray for my church family. Yes, I pray for my community. Yes, I pray for my nation and our world. But do I pray like Paul? Frankly, I don’t. My prayers are far more mundane and parochial. I tend to pray through lists of requests rather than pray at the depths Paul is talking about here.

What would happen if we truly prayed Christ-centered prayers? What if we prayed for one another to experience the riches of Christ’s glory, to be strengthened with Christ’s power, and for Christ to dwell in all our hearts through faith? What if we prayed for each other to be rooted and grounded in love and to be filled with the fullness of God? What if we prayed, trusting God is more than able to do all we ask or imagine? I think we might see all kinds of incredible things break loose in our lives and the lives of those we love and serve.

Readings for tomorrow: Ephesians 5-6, Psalms 10


Readings for today: Ephesians 1-2, Psalms 8

Over the years, I have been asked to lead the reconciliation process for different churches. It’s never easy. Often the seeds of conflict have been germinating for years, sometimes even decades. The impact of unresolved conflict on the life and vitality of the church is significant. The lack of forgiveness cripples ministry, poisoning the well of trust on which churches depend. Addressing the pain of the past is not easy. It requires patient, diligent work to make sure everyone feels heard. The stories are often heartbreaking. The church hurt is real. And it takes great courage and humility to forgive and let go of the anger, frustration, and bitterness from the past.

I think of one church I consulted with many years ago. Once a vibrant growing congregation in a suburb of a major city in the southern United States, they had gone through a split in the 1970’s and never recovered. The pastor had a charismatic experience that changed his life and tried to lead his church in that direction. When he faced resistance, he decided to leave and most of the people chose to follow him. The remnant left behind were saddled with a huge mortgage and could barely pay their bills. The next pastor came in and after several tumultuous years was unceremoniously fired because he couldn’t “grow” the church. A third pastor came and went. Then a fourth and a fifth. Each one lasting only a few years. Finally, I got involved during yet another painful pastor transition. We talked about the gospel imperatives of forgiveness and reconciliation. We created space for people to share their stories of heartbreak and pain. Things were said that had needed to be said for years. People were able to process, in many cases for the very first time and there was some degree of healing. But the process of forgiveness and reconciliation is not easy. It can take years. It takes patience and persistence to pursue it. And sadly, the initial momentum wore off and things stalled out. The last I heard, the congregation had folded.

Before we can forgive and reconcile with others, we must first acknowledge and recognize what God has done for us. We were “dead in our trespasses and sins.” We previously “walked in the ways of the world.” We were enslaved to the “ruler of the power of the air.” We were by nature “children of wrath.” We were without Christ. We were excluded from the citizenship of Israel. We were foreigners to the covenant of promise. We were without hope and without God. So what did God do? He brought us near by the blood of His Son Jesus Christ. He tore down every dividing wall of hostility that existed between us. He nullified the Law with its demands. He made us one with Him and became our peace. And He proclaims this good news to us over and over again. Once this reality sets in, we are humbled. Once we come to grips with the vast, insurmountable distance God crossed to redeem us, our own differences seem petty by comparison. The pain and suffering and trauma we may have endured - while very real and important to address - is nothing compared to what God endured to save us. And this amazing grace begins to fuel our own efforts at forgiveness and reconciliation.

Nothing is impossible with God. No hurt is too deep for God to heal. No grief too great for God to comfort. No anger too much for God to calm. No wall too strong for God to tear down. No chasm too vast for God to cross. All it takes is faith. Faith to believe forgiveness is possible. Faith to believe reconciliation can happen. Faith to believe trust can be restored. Faith to believe in the power of the gospel.

Readings for tomorrow: Ephesians 3-4, Psalms 9

Pro Gospel

Readings for today: Galatians 5-6, Psalms 7

I went to the retirement party of some dear friends this past weekend. A couple who have served the Lord faithfully for decades all over the world. They began their careers as missionaries behind the Iron Curtain in Communist Europe. They finished as the president of a prominent U.S. seminary. So many people attended the event and several speeches were given honoring the couple. Stories were told. Affirmations were offered. Praise given. Tears shed. The couple was rightfully honored and blessed for all they had accomplished. For me, the most meaningful line of the evening came during one of the speeches. A former student got up to share a story about how during one class many years ago, one of my friends was challenged to choose a side on a particular social/theological issue. He was asked, “Are you pro-these people or pro-those people?” The tension was thick. It was a contentious topic. She never forgot his response. “I am pro-gospel”, he said.

What a simple, yet powerful line. It’s one the Apostle Paul fully affirms. “But as for me, I will never boast about anything except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. The world has been crucified to me through the cross, and I to the world.” (Galatians‬ ‭6‬:‭14‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Paul lived in a world not unlike our own. A world full of different parties and factions and groups, all vying for his allegiance. In his Jewish context, there were the Pharisees and Sadducees and Essenes and Zealots. In his Roman context, there were the Senators and Emperor and free people and slaves. In the church context, there were Jews and Gentiles, slaves and free, male and female and everyone wanted to know if Paul was “pro-these people” or “pro-those people.” Paul was pro-gospel. He was pro the cross of Jesus Christ. He had been crucified to all worldly distinctions. They no longer had any hold on him. This is why he can speak so compellingly of the freedom Christ offers those who follow Him. Paul had been set free from the world. All the ties that might have bound him or tripped him up or set him apart had been cut. All of the identity markers he once held dear had been erased in favor of his identity in Christ. Christ alone held Paul’s allegiance.

What about us? Are we pro-gospel or are we pro-these people or pro-those people? Do we find ourselves choosing sides more than choosing Jesus? Do we find ourselves choosing worldly identities over our identity in Christ? Do we find ourselves associating only with those who look like us, act like us, spend money like us, vote like us, agree with us or are we willing to cross all kinds of divides to meet people where they are with the goal of loving them like Christ?

Readings for tomorrow: Ephesians 1-2, Psalms 8

Finishing Strong

Readings for today: Galatians 3-4, Psalms 6

“After beginning by the Spirit, are you now finishing by the flesh?” (Galatians 3:3 CSB) I have to admit these words hit hard this morning. I look in the mirror and I see a man who constantly wants to live by his own strength, make decisions according to his own wisdom, and lean on his own understanding in life. I have been blessed with an exceptional education and I get to serve in a community filled with amazingly gifted people. The church I have the privilege of pastoring is passionate about the gospel, generous to a fault, and makes a huge impact both locally and globally. With all the gifts and resources at my disposal, it is so tempting to start relying on myself rather than on God.

Paul knows what he’s talking about. He was one of the most gifted people in his generation. As a Jew, Paul was born into faith. He was raised from day one to love God with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. He was taught the Scriptures from an early age and participated in all the ancient traditions of his spiritual fathers and mothers. As a Pharisee, Paul was an expert in God’s Law. He had the entire Old Testament memorized. He was zealous for his faith, even to the point of persecuting those he considered a threat. As a Roman citizen, Paul had access and opportunity to travel all over the empire without fear. He was in a protected class of people. He clearly had exposure to a Hellenistic education. He was able to quote pagan philosophers along with the Scriptures. As a literal tent maker, Paul was economically independent. He didn’t need to rely on anyone to provide for himself. But Paul considered all of this as “loss” for the sake of knowing Christ. Paul knew none of his abilities or qualifications mattered when it came to his faith. He was saved by grace. He lived by grace. And he would finish his race by grace. This is why he so passionately confronts the Galatian Christians. He doesn’t want them turning back from grace and trying to live by their own works.

If you are like me, you were raised to work hard. Provide for yourself by the sweat of your brow. Put your hand to the plow. No such thing as a free lunch. Reject handouts in favor of a hand up. These are things that were instilled in me from a very young age and they are good. They often lead to great success in life. But they are not the kind of qualities God is looking for from His people. God wants us to live by grace. He wants us to understand there is nothing we can do to earn our way into His Kingdom. Nothing we need to do to earn His love and favor. It is by grace alone that we’ve been saved, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. This is the message of the gospel and it cuts against the grain of our sinful human nature that always wants to go it alone or rely on self to get by. Don’t be foolish. Don’t try to live from your own strength. Heed the words of Paul. “All who rely on the works of the law are under a curse.” (Galatians 3:10 CSB) They are cursed because righteousness does not come through our obedience but only through the obedience of Christ on our behalf. This is why Scripture declares that the righteous shall live by faith and it’s why Scripture lifts up the many men and women who lived by faith over the centuries.

Readings for tomorrow: Galatians 5-6, Psalms 7

Handling Critique

Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 11-13, Psalms 4

The election is over. If you’re like me, you breathe a sign of relief that the daily onslaught of text messages, emails, and ads attacking one candidate or the other are over. You’re thankful we no longer have to be subjected to daily messages of fear and shame and outrage. At least until the next cycle revs up or the party that won makes their first controversial decision. We live in a culture of outrage. A time where personal attack has become virtue-signaling. We too often assume the worst rather than the best of each other and we too often weaponize systems of power against those who might not agree with us. It’s a merciless, pitiless, Darwinian process that tears everyone down.

The Apostle Paul lived in similar times. In chapters 11-13 of 2 Corinthians, Paul is answering his critics. People who have personally attacked him. Self-proclaimed “super-apostles” who follow Paul around to correct his theology. They take it on themselves to serve as the theological police of the fledgling early church. They preach that everyone must be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. They attack Paul’s methods and speaking skills. They attack his character and reliability. They accuse him of being a conflict avoider. They claim to have the same mission credentials as Paul and a better spiritual pedigree. Their CV’s are filled, so they say, with church plants and signs and wonders and visions. This forces Paul’s hand. He has to do what he hates. He has to defend his apostleship by citing his own hard-won accomplishments. 

As we read, it is important to discern his tone. In our current cultural and political climate, it would be easy to assume Paul feels as we do. It would be easy to read anger and rage into his words as he defends his apostleship. That would be a mistake. Paul says right up front that he is coming to them in meekness and gentleness. Though confident in his authority as an apostle of Christ, he will not “boast beyond limits” nor will he “overextend” himself to make his point. He calls himself a fool numerous times throughout the reading and mocks his former “credentials.” Over and over again, he reminds them of his love for them. Reminds them of his great desire to see them restored in their faith. I love how he ends his letter, “Finally, brothers and sisters, rejoice. Become mature, be encouraged, be of the same mind, be at peace, and the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11‬) This is Paul’s heart on display. 

Originally, Paul came to them in humility. He placed no financial burden on them, preaching the gospel free of charge. Living off the support of other churches, like the one in Macedonia which was extremely poor and yet very generous, he was able to live among them and teach them the good news of Jesus Christ. He didn’t lord his authority over them. He didn’t pass out his resume. He refused to promote his past success. Instead, he came to them in weakness. He shared in their sufferings. He intentionally relinquished his rights in order to build them up as a church. I love how he describes his love for them. “For I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy, because I have promised you in marriage to one husband — to present a pure virgin to Christ.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭11‬:‭2‬ ‭CSB‬‬) “I will most gladly spend and be spent for you...” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭12:15‬ CSB) “We rejoice when we are weak and you are strong. We also pray that you become fully mature.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭9‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Perhaps the most famous part of this set of readings has to do with the “thorn in Paul’s flesh.” Commentators throughout history have argued over what exactly Paul is referring to here. Is it an illness? An addiction? A persistent temptation? I believe Paul clearly identifies the thorn when he calls it a “messenger from Satan.” In 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 CSB, Paul writes “For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no great surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will be according to their works.” The Greek word for “angel” can also mean “messenger” and it is the same word in both cases. Essentially, Paul believes that these false apostles are being used by God to keep him humble and utterly reliant on grace. God is using these evil men and their lies to protect Paul from pride and arrogance. He is using them to remind Paul of his weakness and dependence on Christ. He wants Paul to understand that the power he possesses does not come from him but from Jesus Himself. 

I too have experienced the pain of betrayal. I know a little of what Paul is talking about here. I have had a few people I considered to be close friends and ministry partners turn on me. Falsely accuse me of being motivated by pride, arrogance, money, misogyny, you name it. Thankfully, these incidents have been few and far between. Not only that but the elders I’ve submitted myself to were always quick to support and encourage and pray for me. My wife and family always stood by me as did the congregations I served. At the same time, God taught me much about His sufficiency in these moments. He used what others intended to tear me down to build me up. And He showed me my weakness and utter dependence on Christ. So I find myself thanking God even for my worst critics because they keep me humble. They keep me in my place. They keep me from thinking too highly of myself. Most of all, they remind me that all that I have and all that I am comes from Christ alone and He deserves all the glory.

How do you handle unfair criticism? Remember God uses all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Rather than lash out, take a step back. What is God trying to show you? What is God trying to teach you? Is His grace truly sufficient for you? Is His power made perfect even in your weakness?  

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians Galatians 1-2, Psalms 5 (No devotionals on Sundays)

How to Get Rich!

Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 9-10, Psalms 3

Greed seems to be part of human nature. There’s an impulse deep inside all of us that craves wealth. Craves possessions. Craves material things and the “easy life” that comes along with such things. I cannot tell you the number of people I’ve met and counseled over the years who wanted to get rich quick. This desire pushed them to take incredible risks in business or with their personal finances. They leverage themselves to the hilt. They speculate on all kinds of commodities like land, precious metals, foreign currency, you name it. They play the lottery every single week hoping their lucky number comes up. Sadly, the ship never does come in. The big deal never quite materializes. Things never seem to go their way and the impact on their lives and the lives of those they love is heartbreaking. I think of one man I knew many years ago who had put his family almost a million dollars in debt. He carried himself like he was wealthy. Made all kinds of promises to people. Even told me he was planning on funding our annual budget as a church out of his pocket once the “big deal” he was working on came through. Tragically, the house of cards he built came crashing down on him. His business failed. His creditors came to collect. The bills came due. He had to declare bankruptcy, sell everything he owned, and move to a small apartment which he could barely afford on social security. Eventually, he passed away and left his widow destitute.

Friends, God has a better way. It’s the way of generosity. The reality is all wealth comes from God. Everything we earn through our hard work is a gift from God. He is the one who shaped and formed us in our mother’s wombs. He is the one who gave us our gifts and talents abilities. He is the one who opens doors and creates opportunities for us to take advantage of in life. And if we prove faithful and seek first His Kingdom and do all we can to be good stewards of what He entrusts to us, then He will entrust us with even more. Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes it to the wealthy Corinthian church, “The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work…You will be enriched in every way for all generosity, which produces thanksgiving to God through us. For the ministry of this service is not only supplying the needs of the saints but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭6‬-‭8‬, ‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭CSB‬‬) What an incredible promise! You will be enriched in every way as you are generous in every way. You will be given wealth beyond what you expect so that you can give in ways you never dreamed. The more you give, the more you will be given. The more you sacrifice, the more God will entrust into your hands. You will have everything you need so you might excel in every good work. These are not principles for a “health and wealth” gospel. The goal here is not for you to hoard your wealth but to give it away. And as you give generously and sacrificially to the Lord, you will be supplying not only the needs of fellow Christians but also many, many others in your community, resulting in a great outpouring of thanksgiving to God.

This, of course, begs the question…what should I give? How much? How should I determine it? Notice Paul doesn’t command a “tithe” here. There is no mention of a percentage or a goal or a target. Instead, Paul trusts the Holy Spirit. He calls on all Christians to prayerfully go before the Lord and ask Him what they should give. This is what he means when he says each Christian should “do as he has decided in his heart.” We shouldn’t give out of obligation. We shouldn’t give out of fear or shame. We shouldn’t give because we’re forced to or feel like we ought to. We should give cheerfully and joyfully and sacrificially, knowing God takes what we give and multiplies it many times over for His Kingdom and His glory. This is what it means to be rich, friends.

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 11-13, Psalms 4

The Importance of Repentance

Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 7-8, Psalms 2

John the Baptist came preaching a message of repentance. Jesus came preaching a message of repentance. Paul traveled all over the known world at the time preaching a message of repentance. Clearly “repentance” lies at the heart of the Christian faith. But what is repentance? Is it simply saying sorry to God? An existential feeling of guilt or condemnation? A deep sense that we are wrong? And how does one actually “repent?” Kneel in sackcloth and ashes? Engage in self-harm like the monks of old? Beat oneself up emotionally and spiritually? Subject oneself to rigorous, daily self-examination?

I love how Paul describes repentance in 2 Corinthians 7:10, “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.” The key to repentance is the fruit it produces in a person’s life. If your grief - as deep and profound as it may be - produces death it is not from God. On the other hand, if your grief leads to salvation without regret then you can be sure it is from the Lord.

I cannot tell you the number of times I have counseled someone whose grief only produced death. They were sorry they got caught. Sorry for the mess they found themselves in. Sorry for the way life turned out. Sorry for the bad choices they made. But they weren’t sorry enough to make a change. Their sorrow did not lead to repentance. It did not lead to surrender. It did not lead to submission. They still wanted control. Still wanted to be in charge. Still wanted to justify themselves. So we’d scratch the surface of their grief only to find excuses. Blame-shifting. Denial. As a result, their lives seemed perpetually locked in a death spiral.

At the same time, I have had the joy of walking with people through their grief as it produced salvation. Their sorrow was less about them and more about God. They had come face to face with the depth of their sin. The depth of their depravity. They realized no matter how hard they tried, they simply didn’t have it in them to make things right. In their despair, they cast themselves at the foot of the cross where they found freedom and healing. Hope for their journey. And all their regrets. All the guilt from past mistakes. All the shame they carried was washed away. They fixed their eyes on Christ. They surrendered to His love. Submitted to His will. Gave Him control over their lives. Scratch the surface of their grief and you find beauty. Joy. Peace. And they enter a virtuous cycle of living that leads to fulfillment and true happiness.

Where do you find yourself this morning? When confronted by the Spirit over mistakes you have made. Sins you have committed. Ways you have fallen short and let people down. How do you respond? Is your grief grounded in Christ or in the world? Does your repentance lead to a changed life or are you still holding onto past regrets? Let me encourage you to let go of the death-dealing ways of this world so that you may receive the life-giving Spirit of Christ.

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 9-10, Psalms 3


Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 5-6, Psalms 1

Years ago, I read a great book called, “Drive.” The subject was motivation. What “drives” a person? Is it external motivation like money or affirmation or achievement? Is it internal motivation like values and passion? The evidence is clear that internally motivated people will outperform externally motivated people over time. It’s not even close. And the author, Daniel Pink, offers a set of easily implemented conditions that foster an environment that leads to the development of internally motivated people. The weakness of the book is that it’s based entirely on human effort. It’s a secular prescription for a secular person living in a secular world. And while Christians can learn from what Pink has to write, we have access to far more resources through the Holy Spirit. And this is what the Apostle Paul is talking about in our reading for today.

“For the love of Christ compels us, since we have reached this conclusion, that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all so that those who live should no longer live for themselves, but for the one who died for them and was raised. From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

As Christian believers, we are compelled by the love of Christ. The love of Christ the primary motivation of our lives. It drives all we think, say, and do. And the only way to access this love is through the Holy Spirit who Paul says is a “down payment” given to us by God as the guarantee of eternal life. The love of Christ is what compelled Jesus to lay down His life for the world. It’s what “drove” Jesus to the cross where He made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of all. Those who claim to follow Jesus are now primarily “driven” not to live for themselves but to live for Christ and for others. We refuse to see people and treat people from a worldly perspective but instead apply Christ as a filter in every relationship. And this changes things. Changes how we react and respond to those around us. Changes how we treat those with whom we are at odds. Changes even those we might once have considered enemies.

Imagine what might happen if the love of Christ became the primary “driver” of your life? What would that look like for you? How would it change your friendships? Your marriage? Your parenting? Your work? Your school? Your interactions in the community? How might it shape how you live? How you spend your time, energy, and resources? What does it look like to live - not for self - but for Christ and for others?

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 7-8, Psalms 2

Godly Dependence

Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 3-4, Psalms 150

For most of my life, my goal was self-sufficiency. I didn’t want to have to depend on anyone for anything. When I left home at 18 to go to college, I promised myself I would never go back. Not because my home life was bad but because I felt this desperate need to be on my own. Independent. I’ve always had this personality streak. My mom tells a famous story about my first day at preschool. She drove me up to the school, unbuckled me, and gave me my backpack. She was hoping for a tender moment where I would hug her and tell her how much I would miss her and how much I needed to stay with her. Sadly, it was not to be. I simply turned around and walked into school. Didn’t even look back to wave goodbye. My poor mother! Fast forward about twenty years. My wife and I are dating. There were moments when she needed me but I had other plans. I refused to change them for her. Didn’t even think twice about it. No wonder we were told by an older, wiser couple - both of whom were mental health professionals - that in their professional opinion, we weren’t good for each other. I was too independent. Too self-sufficient.

Perhaps that’s why the words from the Apostle Paul hit home with me. “Such is the confidence we have through Christ before God. It is not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything as coming from ourselves, but our adequacy is from God. He has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter, but of the Spirit. For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” (2 Corinthians‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬-‭6‬ ‭CSB‬‬) The Apostle Paul was a self-sufficient man. He had spent his entire life progressing ahead of his peers in Pharisaism. He was on track to be one of the major leaders of his sect of Judaism. He had studied at the feet of the greatest teachers. He was born with the privilege of Roman citizenship. He was a polyglot who could speak multiple languages and interact with different cultures. He was brilliant, passionate, and deeply committed to his faith. But all of it was insufficient to prepare him for his calling as a “minister of the new covenant.” Coming face to face with the Risen Christ reminded Paul of his deep inadequacies and insecurities. As faithful as he was to the “letter” of the Law, all he could produce was death. Only by surrendering to the Holy Spirit, could he produce life.

I too spent my entire life growing up trying to chase success. Whatever I put my hand to, I tended to succeed. I was an all-state athlete. Honor student. Eagle Scout. I sang solos in the church choir and was the lead when we produced a version of Godspell. I was well on my way to self-sufficiency but then I met Jesus. And Jesus revealed my deep inadequacies and insecurities. He showed me that for all my effort to follow all the rules and achieve success, all I had produced at the end of the day was dust. Only by surrendering to Him would I ever find the significance I was looking for, and longing for, in my life. Thankfully, I said “yes” to Jesus that day and He made me a minister of a new covenant so that I might impart His life to others. What about you? Are you still striving? Are you still waking up each day trying to win the rat race we call life? Or have you entrusted your life to Jesus? Will you let His Spirit in to give you the abundant life only He can deliver?

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 5-6, Psalms 1

The Foolishness of God’s Wisdom

Readings for today: 2 Corinthians 1-2, Psalms 149

I read a book years ago titled, “The Enigma of Reason”, where the authors persuasively argue that “reason” - far from being the evolutionary superpower we make it out to be - is deeply flawed and never objective. In fact, they believe what we call “reason” is simply one way of drawing inferences about the world around us. It’s far more instinctual than we like to think. It is driven by desire more than logic and we are far more likely to use “reason” to confirm our existing biases than we are to actually make decisions based on the evidence presented to us.

I thought about that book again as I read these words from Paul, “The testimony of our conscience is that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you, with godly sincerity and purity, not by human wisdom but by God’s grace.” (2 Corinthians 1:12 CSB) God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts. What human beings consider “wisdom” often results in all kinds of tragedy. Consider the “wisdom” of democracy. A system that too often elevates some of the least capable and most corruptible people who are willing to do anything to gain power. While it may be true that democracy as a system is better than any other human political system out there (and I believe this to be true), it too often fails because it is based on human wisdom. Consider the “wisdom” of a free market economy. A system where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer as everyone pursues their own economic self-interest. While it may be true that free markets are better than planned, controlled, or command economies (and I believe this to be true), they too often fail because they are based on human wisdom. Consider the “wisdom” of the sexual revolution. A movement begun in the 1960’s in the United States that has led to all kinds of sexual abuse, harassment, sexually transmitted diseases, the breakdown of families, rampant divorce, widespread pornography, etc. While it is true that every individual should be free to make their own choices regarding who they love (and I believe this to be true), the movement has clearly failed because it was based on human wisdom. The reality is human wisdom is often terrifying and tragic and deeply heartbreaking. It often results in deep loneliness, suffering, and pain. It should not surprise us as we pursue human wisdom that things only get worse not better. Rates of depression and suicide are on the rise. So are rates of reported mental illness. At what point do we stop and reflect on the fact that following human “wisdom” may not be the best path for human flourishing?

As we read in 1 Corinthians, Paul believes “the message of the cross is foolish to those who are perishing. But it is the power of God to us who are being saved. (1 Corinthians 1:18 CSB) This is not a triumphalistic statement but rather one written in tears. Paul surveys the landscape of his own culture and his heart breaks to see so many enslaved to their sinful desires. He spends his life trying to break their chains and set them free. He longs for the day when Christ will appear and all things will be made new. Until that day comes, he calls Christians to proclaim the “foolishness” of God. God has put to shame the wisdom of this world. The idea that God would give His life to save His people makes no human sense whatsoever. Why would God do such a thing? How in the world can this be just? Righteous? Even logical or rational? Furthermore, why would God gather His church from among the poor and powerless? Why does He use the weak to shame the strong? Why does He use the foolish to confound the wise? Why does He use those who’ve been despised to expose the vanity and pride of our world?

He does it for His glory. He does it in order to make His glory known. No one can take credit for what God has done. Why would anyone even want to? God left heaven and came to earth. Relinquished all His power and authority in order to become a human being. He humbled Himself in obedience to the point of death. Even death on a cross. The worst and most shameful death ever devised by the wisdom of man. Because Christ embraced this descent, God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above every name. And now He calls those who follow Christ to walk the same path.

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Corinthians 3-4, Psalms 150

The Depths of God’s Love

Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 13-14, Psalms 147

Our world is so confused when it comes to love. Too many people have fallen for the lie that love is a feeling. Something you can fall in and out of. Something disposable. Something that comes and goes. We see it all the time when celebrities break up. When cultural influencers announce their separations on social media. They still “love” each other but their love is not strong enough to overcome their differences. Their love is not strong enough to overcome their infidelities. Their love is not strong enough to hold them together.

Too many people have fallen for the lie that they must “love” themselves first. To do anything else is to subject oneself to abuse or dysfunction. The idea of sacrificing oneself regularly for another human being, putting that person’s needs above one’s own is anathema in our culture. Love must be “self-serving.” Love must lead to “self-actualization.” Love must demand that others love us the way we love ourselves.

Too many people have fallen for the lie that “love” is the same as sexual attraction. Everything is hyper-sexualized in our culture and to deny our attractions is now considered harmful. We are warned it might lead to depression and suicide. If we fail to affirm the sexual attractions of other people - no matter how disordered - we are hateful and bigoted and phobic.

Love has become a false god in our culture. A brutal tyrant with an insatiable appetite. He demands complete obedience and blind loyalty. His corrupting influence is now being felt in our schools and communities. In our courts of law and state houses. Even many churches are bowing at his altar. The results are devastating.

The Bible is clear…God is love but love is not God. It’s a critical distinction. God is love. God demonstrates His great love in the sending of His Son. God shows us what love is by sacrificing Himself in our place. God’s love is completely selfless. He puts our needs above His own. He is solely focused on the good of the “other.” His love is not self-serving. It is not possessive. It is not resentful. It is not prideful. It keeps no record of wrongs. It patiently endures all for the sake of all.

God’s love bears all things, including you and me. All of us are sinners. We are enslaved to our desires. We do the things we don’t want to do and we don’t do the things we do want to do. We can’t help ourselves.

God’s love believes all things. I have people in my life that I dearly love. They tell me they no longer believe in God. My response is always the same. “God believes in you.” God’s love can do no different. He sees each one of us as we ought to be. As He created us to be. As He redeemed us to be. And He longs for us to turn and embrace Him.

God’s love hopes all things. God will never give up on you. God will never stop pursuing you. God is relentless in the chase. His love drives Him. His great desires is that all should be saved and come to a knowledge of His truth.

God’s love endures all things. All of us are at war with God on some level. We rebel against His will. We reject His way. Our hearts are corrupt and deceitful and full of pride. They are always pulling us to go our own way. Do our own thing. Take our destiny into our own hands. God’s love endures our fits and starts. Our fears and failures. Our mistakes and missteps.

God’s love never fails. It will never fail you. It will never fail me. It will never fail the world. God’s love is enough. He died on a cross to satisfy the demands of justice. He willingly and joyfully took our place. Endured the punishment we deserved. Paid the price for our sin. God’s love would not stop until the work was finished. Until every last sin was wiped away.

Do you know you are loved by the God of the universe? Do you walk in His love? Rest in His love? Are you confident in His love? We aren’t talking about a feeling here. We are talking about an objective reality that is true whether we know it or not. Believe it or not. Understand it or not. Feel it or not. God’s love is the deepest, most profound truth undergirding the entire universe. His love is the foundation of all creation. His love provides meaning and purpose to human life. It is the telos or goal of our existence. Embracing this love is what gives us peace. Peace with God. Peace with others. Peace with ourselves. Peace with our world.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 15-16, Psalms 148 (No devotionals on Sundays)

God’s Design for His Church

Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 11-12, Psalms 146

God has given us everything we need to accomplish the plans He has for us. All the money we need. All the time we need. All the talent we need. All the resources we need. All the people we need. This has been a fundamental conviction of mine ever since I became a pastor over twenty years ago. It’s been true in every church I’ve served no matter the size. Attendance doesn’t matter. Budget doesn’t matter. Buildings don’t matter. Property doesn’t matter. All that matters is God’s will for that individual church because every single church has been designed specifically by God to accomplish His plan and purpose in their particular community or context.

The challenge, of course, is that each church has to commit to putting God’s mission first. They have to seek God’s Kingdom first. They have to submit to God’s will and God’s timing and God’s ways. And this has always been a challenge for the church. Even in the first century. Even among the early Christians. The temptation is always to seek our will and our way and our timing and our desires and our plans rather than God’s. Consider what we’ve been reading in 1 Corinthians. The Apostle Paul confronts the Christians in Corinth multiple times over their tendency to divide. They do not look to the needs of others. They do not consider others better than themselves. They even take the gifts God has given them and use them for self-promotion. The result is a fractured church. A broken church. A church that is weak and impotent and ineffective.

So Paul gently but firmly guides them back to some fundamental principles. “Now there are different gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different ministries, but the same Lord. And there are different activities, but the same God works all of them in each person. A manifestation of the Spirit is given to each person for the common good…One and the same Spirit is active in all these, distributing to each person as he wills.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭4‬-‭7‬, ‭11‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Everything the Corinthians have has been given to them by God through the Holy Spirit. None of it is theirs to own. None of it has been earned. None of it is deserved. The Spirit has simply distributed the gifts as He sees fit and His desire is to see the Corinthians use those gifts in concert with each other for the common good. The Corinthians can’t get caught up playing the comparison game. “If the foot should say, “Because I’m not a hand, I don’t belong to the body,” it is not for that reason any less a part of the body. And if the ear should say, “Because I’m not an eye, I don’t belong to the body,” it is not for that reason any less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? But as it is, God has arranged each one of the parts in the body just as he wanted. And if they were all the same part, where would the body be?” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭15‬-‭19‬ ‭CSB) A healthy church needs all the gifts just like a healthy body needs all the parts. And God has ordered the different parts of the body in particular ways so that there would be no division and everyone would support and uplift and encourage and care for each other. “Instead, God has put the body together, giving greater honor to the less honorable, so that there would be no division in the body, but that the members would have the same concern for each other.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭24‬-‭25‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

I’ve served the church for almost thirty years now in various capacities. Over twenty of those as an ordained pastor. I’ve led churches. I’ve counseled churches. I’ve consulted with churches. I’ve helped churches heal from conflict and division. I’ve walked with churches through forgiveness and reconciliation. I love the church with all my heart. She is beautiful even in her brokenness. And she is God’s chosen instrument to bring the message of the gospel to the world. When she reflects the biblical pattern God has set for her, she can accomplish incredible miracles. I’ve seen it firsthand. I’ve been blessed to experience it in several different contexts. Inside a prison in Trenton, NJ. Among the poorest of the poor in rural villages in South Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia. In a racially divided and economically depressed area of Mobile, AL. And in my current context…a wealthy suburb of Denver, CO. God is doing amazing things through His church in each of these places and the key to unlocking our potential as God’s people is to trust God, seek His will, and serve His mission. As a friend of mine likes to say, “If we take care of the things God cares about, He will take care of the things we care about.”

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 13-14, Psalms 147

The Beautiful Complexity of Humanity

Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 9-10, Psalms 145

Human beings are deeply complex creatures. We are an inscrutable mix of desires, passions, thoughts, life experiences, and core beliefs. We cannot be flattened into two-dimensional caricatures. We resist broad categorization. We refuse to conform to general stereotypes. Each person is unique. Each person fearfully and wonderfully made. I love how sociologist Christian Smith defines “personhood” in his book, What is a Person?

“By person I mean a conscious, reflexive, embodied, self-transcending center of subjective experience, durable identity, moral commitment, and social communication who - as the efficient cause of his or her own responsible actions and interactions - exercises complex capacities for agency and intersubjectivity in order to develop and sustain his or her own incommunicable self in loving relationships with other personal selves and with the non-personal world.”

If you are like me, you had to read and re-read that statement several times to really understand it and that makes perfect sense. After all, we are made in the image of God. We are finite creatures created to reflect the infinite. We are temporal creatures created to reflect the eternal. We are mortal creatures created to reflect the immortal. As such, we should expect complexity. We should expect intricacy. We should expect enigma and inscrutability. This is normal when one speaks of the human creature. It’s also why we have to meet each person where they are. We cannot make assumptions. We have to lay aside any expectations. We have to approach each person individually with a heart to listen and learn.

This is the genius of Paul. He treats each person as a unique creature worthy of God’s unconditional love. He believes with all his heart that no one is beyond the reach of God’s amazing grace. Listen to how he describes it from our reading today, “Although I am free from all and not anyone’s slave, I have made myself a slave to everyone, in order to win more people. To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win Jews; to those under the law, like one under the law — though I myself am not under the law  — to win those under the law. To those who are without the law, like one without the law — though I am not without God’s law but under the law of Christ — to win those without the law. To the weak I became weak, in order to win the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that I may by every possible means save some. Now I do all this because of the gospel, so that I may share in the blessings.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭9‬:‭19‬-‭23‬ ‭CSB‬‬‬) If Paul were using today’s categories, he might say, “To the Republicans, I joined their convention in order to win Republicans. To the Democrats, I joined their administration in order to win Democrats. I invited both conservatives and progressives into my life, listened and loved them well, in order to win them with the gospel. I spent time with those who saw the world differently, refusing to use shame or fear to coerce or change their behavior, instead choosing to embrace both grace and truth in order to win them to Christ. I have become all things to all people that by all means I might save some.” This is the way of the Kingdom. This is the way of Jesus.

As we near the end of yet another challenging election cycle, my heart is broken by the divisions that fracture our families, churches, communities, and nation. Rather than walk in the way of grace, we walk in the way of the world. We judge our neighbors. We exclude and divide. We isolate and separate. We rarely, if ever, look in the mirror. We rarely, if ever, acknowledge our own contributions to the toxicity of our social environment. We shift blame. We externalize responsibility. Our problems are always someone else’s fault. Even more tragically, we treat those who think differently than us as not just wrong but evil. We treat them as if they are beyond the reach of God’s forgiveness and grace. Unworthy of our time or attention. This is not the way of Jesus. Friends, Jesus came to us. He met us in the depths of our broken condition. He came to us while we were still sinners. While we were still dead in our trespasses. While we were still at war with Him. He became our peace by tearing down every wall that separated us from Him. How can we - who call ourselves Christians - not do the same for others?

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 11-12, Psalms 146


Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 7-8, Psalms 144

Recently, I have felt overwhelmed by the immense pain and suffering that exists all around me all the time. I have found myself in situations interacting with people who bear on their bodies the scars of their emotional distress and it brings me to tears. I have spoken to person after person who are struggling with identity issues, substance abuse issues, relational brokenness, moral failure, the list goes on and on. Add to that the growing fear, hatred, anger, and potential violence of this year’s election season and I feel like I am stretched well beyond my own emotional and physical and spiritual strength. The burdens I carry these days are heavy. While I love what I do and who I get to do it with, I am weary. Wrung out on a lot of levels. Thankfully, my condition is not abnormal. Quite the opposite. The Psalmist knows exactly how I feel and gives voice to the emotions bubbling up from the deepest recesses of my soul.

“Lord, part your heavens and come down. Touch the mountains, and they will smoke. Flash your lightning and scatter the foe; shoot your arrows and rout them. Reach down from on high; rescue me from deep water, and set me free…” ‭(Psalms‬ ‭144‬:‭5‬-‭7‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Only God can heal our broken world. Only God can heal our wounded hearts. Only God can heal our battered souls. This prayer from Psalm 144 was a balm for me today. As I sat with the Lord and laid all my burdens at His feet, I found myself crying over the state of the world. And from the depths of my heartache, came these words of hope. Part the heavens, Father, and come down. Touch the mountains that I gaze upon as I look out the windows of my office so they will smoke. Flash your lightning and put the enemy to flight. Shoot your arrows and rout the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly as well as earthly places. Reach down from on high and rescue us from deep water. Set us free. Free from the burden of sin. Free from slavery to our base desires. Free from the ungodly systems of power in this world.

As I prayed this prayer over and over again, I felt my hope renew. I felt my own heart be filled. I felt my own soul start to mend again as God’s Spirit assured me of His abiding presence. The reality is God has parted the heavens and come down. God has touched the mountains. He has flashed His lightning. He has scattered His foes. He has reached down from on high and rescued us from deep water. He has set us free. God has done all this and more in Jesus Christ and He sends the Holy Spirit to live and dwell with us to deliver us from all evil and protect us from all sin. All we have to do is submit to Him. Trust Him with those we love and live among. Trust Him with our hearts and our hopes. Trust Him with our plans and our resources. Trust Him with our choices and decisions. Trust Him with our will and our ways. If we walk with the Spirit, we will not grow weary or faint for He will lift us up like eagles and renew our strength so we might soar with Him.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 9-10, Psalms 145


Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 5-6, Psalms 143

Everyone has moments where they struggle. Everyone has seasons of dismay. Everyone struggles with depression or despair on some level. Everyone is fighting a battle. I don’t care whether you are young or old, rich or poor, black, white, or brown, heterosexual or LGBTQ+, Republican or Democrat, progressive or conservative…all of us have to find a way to overcome adversity in our world. This is why I love the Psalmist so much. He captures and expresses what we all feel deep down in our hearts. He gives us permission to bring our emotions before God, even when they are at their most raw and primal.

“My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay. I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands. I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you.” Weak. Overwhelmed. Dismayed. Parched. Dry. Weary. Those are good words for me right now. Words that describe my condition. Words that express how I am feeling at this moment. Life has not been easy for me this year. There have been great losses and great griefs that I am working through with the Lord. The Psalmist feels like a kindred spirit. He helps me know I am not alone in these feelings. Many men and women have trod this path before me. Their wisdom guides and directs me. Their experience comforts me. “Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Don’t hide your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit. Let me experience your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in you.” They point me to God’s faithful love. The only love that never fails. The only love powerful enough to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things. They remind me that God never hides His face from me. He weeps when I weep. He laughs when I laugh. He is always at my side even when I am walking in valleys of deepest shadow. “Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord; I come to you for protection. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground.” God not only is with me but He lights my path. He shows me the way. He teaches me how to walk. He strengthens my feet. He holds my hand. He leads me to level ground.

This is my hope today. In the midst of all I am feeling, God is with me. He is comforting me. He is strengthening me. He is filling me. He is giving me what I need for today. As I lean on Him, He answers me. He turns His face towards me and gives me peace. He abides with me and quiets my soul with His faithful love. And as I abide with Him, He reveals to me the way I should go. He leads me to level paths. He levels every mountain and raises up every valley in my path. He makes straight my crooked ways and my rough places, He makes plane. This is who my God is. This is how my God works. I never have to be afraid. Thank you, Father.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 7-8, Psalms 144

Importance of Teamwork

Readings for today: Romans 15-16, Psalms 140

No person is an island. No Kingdom leader every goes it alone. As one celebrity Christian leader falls after another, it is good for us to reflect on Paul’s words from Romans 16. Paul is surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. The burden of Paul’s work is shared by many. The names are listed for all to see. Phoebe. Pricilla and Aquila. Epenetus. Mary. Andronicus and Junia. Ampliatus. Urbanus and Stachys. These are just a few of the leaders Paul surrounded himself with as he carried the gospel throughout the Mediterranean basin. We also know he journeyed with Barnabus, Luke, John Mark, and several others. The early church was wise to set apart teams of missionaries rather than commission these men to go out on their own.

We would do well to follow their example. We live in a culture that celebrates the myth of the self-made woman or man. The woman who does it all. She has a fast-track career. Perfect kids. Volunteers on the local school board and teaches Bible study at church. The man who does it all. He climbs the corporate ladder. Prays with his kids every night. Serves his wife sacrificially. And is a leader in the community. We celebrate these women and men. We place them on pedestals. We follow them on social media. We read their books and take their advice. We seek to emulate them in all we do. Then they fail. They fall. They have an affair. They embezzle money. Their carefully curated public persona comes crashing down. And we are shattered.

Why do these things happen? The pattern is now fairly clear. These men and women start to isolate themselves. They separate from their team. They believe their own hype. They put themselves beyond any kind of real accountability. The results are disastrous.

Friends, Kingdom-work is teamwork. Not even the Son of God could do it by himself! Throughout the Scriptures, we see the great leaders of the Bible sharing authority. Moses raises up elders to serve alongside he and Joshua. David has an abundance of counselors to share the load. Jesus calls 12 disciples and the Apostle Paul thanks numerous people at the end of his letters for their support and encouragement and labor in the work of the gospel.

Who’s on your team? With whom do you share the burdens of life? Are you and your spouse a team in your home? Do you give your children as much authority and responsibility as they can handle as they grow up? Do you share leadership at work? Are you intentionally raising up leaders to take your place? Do you give people around you the freedom to fail and learn from their failures? Do you empower your team to make real decisions and then hold them accountable? Do you submit yourself to accountability? These things are critical if you are going to do God’s work over the long haul.

For my part, I am deeply grateful for a group of elders who hold me accountable. They ask about my marriage. They pray for my family. They are not afraid to tell me no. I am deeply grateful for a wife who is a true partner in life and ministry. She gets in my face. Doesn’t believe the hype. Brings me back to earth when I need it. I am thankful for my children and the honest relationships we are cultivating with each other. I am thankful for the staff and colleagues I work alongside who ask great, probing, personal questions that make me reflect deeply on life.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 1-2, Psalms 141 (No devotionals on Sundays)

The Bible and Politics

Readings for today: Romans 13-14, Psalms 139

Imagine you are the Apostle Paul. Writing to a group of Christians living in Rome in the late 50’s AD. The Roman Empire has suffered tremendously since the reign of Augustus Caesar. Successor after successor has tried and failed to live up to his legacy. Political opposition is met with violence. The Praetorian Guard (think Secret Service of the first century) assassinates the very emperors they swear to protect. Tax rates rise and fall depending on public opinion polls. The borders of the empire are starting to crumble. The government is unstable and rulers are often certifiably insane. Then a man named Nero rises to power. The initial signs are good. He seems to care about the poor. He often takes the side of the little guy. It looks like he’s being advised well by Seneca. By all accounts, things are looking up. Then he murders his stepbrother. Murders his mother. Murders rival senators who oppose him. He initiates building projects that exhaust the treasury and overtax the populace. Rumors spread about the Great Fire that burned Rome for a week in July of 64 AD. Nero blames the Christians. He starts systematically persecuting them. He imprisons them. He throws them to the lions. He burns them alive in his gardens. It’s a rough time. 

Now imagine receiving a letter from Paul and reading these words, “Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God’s command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval. For it is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For it is God’s servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong. Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath but also because of your conscience. And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God’s servants, continually attending to these tasks. Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.” (Romans‬ ‭13‬:‭1‬-‭7‬ ‭CSB‬‬‬)

How would you respond? What thoughts would go through your mind if you were living in Rome under Nero watching the country descend into chaos? How would you feel about the “governing authorities” when you see them carrying your friends off to be tortured and executed for their faith? How likely would you be to submit to them? Continue to be a model citizen? Pay your taxes? Honor the emperor? Is Paul serious? Does he not understand who’s in power here? Is he ignorant of what’s actually happening on the streets of Rome? 

Clearly, Paul understands. He will be imprisoned in Rome by 60AD or so, where he will await his eventual torture and execution. He has been flogged. Stoned. Beaten. Left for dead. He has been falsely accused. Falsely imprisoned. He knows what it’s like to suffer and yet, throughout his life, he seemed to model the very words he wrote to his Roman friends. And Paul didn’t come up with this approach on his own. He’s simply following his master, Jesus. Jesus submitted himself to the governing authorities of this world. Herod. Pilate. The Sanhedrin. All driven by a lust for power. All corrupt to the core. And yet Jesus refused to call down legions of angels to fight at his side. He allowed his farse of a trial to stand. He refused to advocate for Himself before Pilate. He ignored Herod when he asked for a sign. Why? Jesus and Paul both understood they belonged to a Kingdom not of this world. They were citizens of a heavenly empire that transcended any earthly one. Their sole allegiance was to the God of the universe who had given all authority in heaven and earth to Jesus so there was no need to fight the power. No need to lead a rebellion. Because at best you would be replacing one sinful system with another. 

At the same time, Paul is not advocating apathy. He is not calling for Christians to become doormats for the empire. What he calls for is a very proactive way of living that sets an example before culture and society of humble godliness even in the face of persecution. We are never to surrender the moral high ground. Never to surrender our deeply held Kingdom values. Never to give up Jesus for the sake of political expediency and gain. Why? First and foremost, we recognize all authority comes from God. It serves His purposes. God is able to bend both good and evil intentions to His will. God is able to use even the most corrupt to accomplish His plan. No matter what happens. No matter who gets elected President. No matter who serves in Congress. No matter who gets confirmed to the Supreme Court. ALL of them serve at God’s pleasure. He takes them down just as easily as He raises them up. All of them rule under His sovereign authority and command. 

Second, Paul understands the power of a godly witness. Even corrupt rulers cannot deny the power of the gospel. This was the genius behind the leadership of Martin Luther King Jr. during the Civil Rights struggle in America. He believed by engaging in peaceful, non-violent protest of unjust laws that African-Americans and their allies would hold a mirror up to the corrupt soul of segregation. They believed their godly example would expose the evil legacy of slavery. They believed their political “enemies” needed salvation not destruction and this set them apart. The same was true for Nelson Mandela in South Africa. The same was true for Pope John Paul II when he led the Solidarity movement against communism in Poland. The same was true for Ghandi - though not a Christian, he based his resistance on the example of Christ - in India. In each and every case, these leaders led movements that transformed the course of nations and they were almost entirely based on the “good conduct” of their followers. “Do what is good and you will receive (the ruler’s) approval, for he is God’s servant for your good.” (Romans 13:3) This is the power of a godly witness.

Finally, Paul elevates the cardinal virtue of humility. Offering respect and honor to the office even if the person in the office is corrupt. Paul believes we should model our lives after Jesus. As he will write to his Philippians friends, Jesus is by nature God. But Jesus did not hold onto His equality with God. He relinquished it. He gave it up. He emptied Himself of all His divine rights and riches in order to become a human being. And not just any human being but a servant. A slave. But even then Jesus wasn’t content. He took it one step further. Humbling Himself to death. The most humiliating death possible. Death on a cross. Paul sought to pattern his own life after Jesus and he calls all Christians to do the same. “Follow me as I seek to follow Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1) Just as Christ rendered to Caesar what was Caesar’s, Paul now calls on Christians in Rome to pay their taxes. Keep honest financial records. Respect the authorities. Honor the emperor. For in so doing, we honor Christ.

Of all the things we’ve read this year, this may be the most difficult passage for us to accept especially on the eve of an election. Hate seems to be the political currency of our day. Rage. Anger. Condemnation. Character assassination seems to be our national pastime. We tend to rejoice when our enemies fall. We defend our allies at all costs. We are tempted to sacrifice everything - including our Kingdom values - on the altar of political power and gain. Scorched-earth resistance is now the norm when the opposing party is in power and it is crippling our nation. And this is true for both Republicans and Democrats. Sadly, Christians seem no different than their non-Christian neighbors in this respect. Jesus weeps, friends.

Thankfully, the truth of God remains. Though the grass withers and the flower fades, the Word of God is eternal. Jesus is still on His throne. He still reigns from on high. He still sits at the right hand of the Father. He will bend even this time to His will. He will use even the corrupt politics of our day and age to accomplish His plan. There is nothing any human being can do that will thwart His purposes. So submit to the governing authorities, friends. Live godly lives before them. Witness to them by working for justice and righteousness. Pray without ceasing for the Spirit’s work in their hearts. Give them the respect and honor due them by virtue of the office they hold. Engage. Vote. Stay involved even after Election Day comes and goes.

Readings for tomorrow: Romans 15-16, Psalms 140