Readings for today: Leviticus 26-27, Numbers 1-2
Throughout the Bible, we see God establish a series of covenants with His people. Adam and Eve. Noah and his family. Abraham and Sarah. Isaac and Rebekah. Jacob and Leah and Rachel. Moses. David. The climax of the covenants is Jesus Christ. The new covenant God makes with us through the death and resurrection of His eternal Son. All of these covenants hold several things in common. They are initiated and established by God. They are grounded in God’s desire to have a relationship, even to dwell, with His people. There are blessings and curses associated with obedience and disobedience. Finally, covenant renewal is always possible through confession and repentance.
Consider how this maps out in Leviticus 26. The covenant is established in the right worship of God. He essentially summarizes the first four commandments in verses one and two. This is followed by the promise of blessings to those who are faithful. The point here is not to create some legalistic system whereby God’s people “earn” God’s favor and blessing. The point is that these blessings are the natural byproducts of living for God. The flip side is also true of course. There are natural byproducts to disobedience. Natural consequences for sin. God will not bless us when we walk away from Him. Instead, He will patiently wait for us to repent and turn from our sinful ways. This is why, when we finally do come to the end of ourselves, He welcomes us back with open arms. He renews or “remembers” His covenant with them.
The covenantal way of life promoted throughout Scripture offers a pattern for us to follow as Christians. God has initiated a covenant with us through Jesus Christ. He has fixed His covenant in our hearts through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. He has promised blessings for obedience and discipline for those who do not follow His will. Finally, He never closes the door on us but always offers forgiveness and grace for those who confess and repent of their sins.
Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 3-5