Readings for today: Joshua 3-6
I used to read these stories and marvel at the men and women of faith. I would marvel at their deeds. I would marvel at the miracles they performed. I would marvel at the things they accomplished. I’ve been to the Jordan River valley and cannot imagine watching it part. I’ve stood on the walls of Jericho and cannot imagine watching them fall. I’ve stood on the plain where Israel camped before going into the Promised Land and can’t imagine what it must have felt like to celebrate Passover with the Promised Land in sight. Here’s the biggest thing I learned from those experiences. God is the primary actor in these stories. God is the hero not Joshua. Not Caleb. Not even Moses. He is the one performing all the miracles. He divided the Jordan River. He brought the manna from heaven. He brought down the walls of Jericho. Israel did none of these things. They were simply the witness. They were simply the bystanders. Yes, God worked in and through them but it was all for His glory.
What marked Joshua as a leader? It was the same thing that marked Moses. He depended on God. He was obedient to God’s commands. He followed what God said and lived his life for God’s glory. He doesn’t try to assert his own authority. He doesn’t use his position to enrich himself. You never get the sense that Joshua has any agenda but the Lord’s and God honors him as a result. “On that day the Lord exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel, and they stood in awe of him just as they had stood in awe of Moses, all the days of his life.” (Joshua 4:14) It’s a powerful reminder to us all that we are to live for the Lord alone. We are to seek His will above our own. We are to humble ourselves before Him and submit to Him and follow His commands all the days of our life. This is what it means to depend on God. And we do this not to earn His favor. Not to earn His love. Not to earn our salvation. Not for any of the eschatological blessings God has to offer but simply because God is worthy. He is worthy of all our praise. He is worthy of all our devotion. He is worthy of our allegiance.
This maps out in a lot of different ways in my own life. First and foremost, it means I spend time in worship. Daily in my devotional time. Weekly when I gather with God’s people. Making worship my first priority reminds me constantly of my need to depend on God. Second, it means I serve my wife and children and extended family. I put their needs above my own. I make time for them. I try to be fully present for them. I pray for them. This is not easy as my natural selfishness gets in the way. Third, it means I dedicate time and energy and effort to serving my church family. I give them my best effort. I don’t count the hours. I make myself available to them whenever the need may arise. Finally, I focus on myself. I take care of myself. I take a Sabbath every week. I get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. I eat healthy. I exercise. I stretch myself intellectually. I work on myself emotionally. I want to be as healthy as possible so the Lord can use me as His instrument. This is what it means to live a life of dependence on God for me. What does it look like for you?
Readings for tomorrow: Joshua 7-10