

Readings for today: 1 Corinthians 5-6, Psalms 143

Everyone has moments where they struggle. Everyone has seasons of dismay. Everyone struggles with depression or despair on some level. Everyone is fighting a battle. I don’t care whether you are young or old, rich or poor, black, white, or brown, heterosexual or LGBTQ+, Republican or Democrat, progressive or conservative…all of us have to find a way to overcome adversity in our world. This is why I love the Psalmist so much. He captures and expresses what we all feel deep down in our hearts. He gives us permission to bring our emotions before God, even when they are at their most raw and primal.

“My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay. I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands. I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you.” Weak. Overwhelmed. Dismayed. Parched. Dry. Weary. Those are good words for me right now. Words that describe my condition. Words that express how I am feeling at this moment. Life has not been easy for me this year. There have been great losses and great griefs that I am working through with the Lord. The Psalmist feels like a kindred spirit. He helps me know I am not alone in these feelings. Many men and women have trod this path before me. Their wisdom guides and directs me. Their experience comforts me. “Answer me quickly, Lord; my spirit fails. Don’t hide your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit. Let me experience your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in you.” They point me to God’s faithful love. The only love that never fails. The only love powerful enough to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things. They remind me that God never hides His face from me. He weeps when I weep. He laughs when I laugh. He is always at my side even when I am walking in valleys of deepest shadow. “Reveal to me the way I should go because I appeal to you. Rescue me from my enemies, Lord; I come to you for protection. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. May your gracious Spirit lead me on level ground.” God not only is with me but He lights my path. He shows me the way. He teaches me how to walk. He strengthens my feet. He holds my hand. He leads me to level ground.

This is my hope today. In the midst of all I am feeling, God is with me. He is comforting me. He is strengthening me. He is filling me. He is giving me what I need for today. As I lean on Him, He answers me. He turns His face towards me and gives me peace. He abides with me and quiets my soul with His faithful love. And as I abide with Him, He reveals to me the way I should go. He leads me to level paths. He levels every mountain and raises up every valley in my path. He makes straight my crooked ways and my rough places, He makes plane. This is who my God is. This is how my God works. I never have to be afraid. Thank you, Father.

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Corinthians 7-8, Psalms 144

God’s Raw Emotion

Readings for today: Ezekiel 13-16

There is immediate tension when you start talking about the emotions of God. Some within the Christian tradition believe Him to be impassible and therefore “without emotions” on some level. Some want to protect His immutable (unchanging) nature and therefore don’t like to think of God expressing any emotions lest we give the sense that He is driven by them. Some believe the description of the emotions of God that appear throughout the Bible are “anthropomorphisms” or examples of humans “projecting” onto God in an effort to understand Him. I don’t buy any of it. I think God is deeply emotional. I think He’s the author of all emotions. I think all emotions find their perfection in Him. I do not think His emotions in any way threaten His unchanging nature and consistency. Quite the opposite, I think we can count on His emotions just like we count on His righteousness, goodness, etc. I expect God to express anger when confronted with sin. I expect God to express compassion when drawing near the broken-hearted and crushed in spirit. I expect God to approach every human being with love. I expect God to hurt when we hurt and laugh when we laugh. This is the essence of what it means to be in relationship with Him.

God’s heartbreak is palpable in passages like Ezekiel 16. Here He lays out the history of His relationship with His people and expresses His deep grief over what they have become. Read the words again and hear the pain and anguish of God’s feelings of betrayal…

“On the day you were born your umbilical cord was not cut, you weren’t bathed and cleaned up, you weren’t rubbed with salt, you weren’t wrapped in a baby blanket. No one cared a fig for you. No one did one thing to care for you tenderly in these ways. You were thrown out into a vacant lot and left there, dirty and unwashed—a newborn nobody wanted. And then I came by. I saw you all miserable and bloody. Yes, I said to you, lying there helpless and filthy, “Live! Grow up like a plant in the field!” And you did. You grew up. You grew tall and matured as a woman, full-breasted, with flowing hair. But you were naked and vulnerable, fragile and exposed. I came by again and saw you, saw that you were ready for love and a lover. I took care of you, dressed you and protected you. I promised you my love and entered the covenant of marriage with you. I, God, the Master, gave my word. You became mine. I gave you a good bath, washing off all that old blood, and anointed you with aromatic oils. I dressed you in a colorful gown and put leather sandals on your feet. I gave you linen blouses and a fashionable wardrobe of expensive clothing. I adorned you with jewelry: I placed bracelets on your wrists, fitted you out with a necklace, emerald rings, sapphire earrings, and a diamond tiara. You were provided with everything precious and beautiful: with exquisite clothes and elegant food, garnished with honey and oil. You were absolutely stunning. You were a queen! You became world-famous, a legendary beauty brought to perfection by my adornments. Decree of God, the Master. But your beauty went to your head and you became a common whore, grabbing anyone coming down the street and taking him into your bed. You took your fine dresses and made “tents” of them, using them as brothels in which you practiced your trade. This kind of thing should never happen, never.” (Ezekiel‬ ‭16‬:‭4‬-‭16‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

Do you hear the heartbreak of God? Do you feel His pain as He reflects on what Israel has become after all He’s done for her? Now think about your own life. Think about all God has done for you. Did God meet you at a time in your life when you were spiritually orphaned and abandoned? Did He not reach down and save you when you were helpless and afflicted? Did He not walk by your side as you grew in wisdom and stature before God? Did He not fill you with His Spirit? Where have you, like Israel, fallen into complacency? Where have you, like Israel, begun to take God for granted? Where have you, like Israel, perhaps given yourself to other gods? Played the spiritual harlot by worshipping idols in your own life? Do you not see how this breaks the heart of God? Again, this is what it means to be in a real relationship. It means God responds to everything we think, say, or do. He is not indifferent. He is not apathetic. He is not distant. He is engaged. He is involved. He is invested. And this lends eternal weight to the decisions we make on a daily basis.

Readings for tomorrow: None

An Emotional God

Readings for today: Jeremiah 5-8

“I drown in grief. I’m heartsick. Oh, listen! Please listen! It’s the cry of my dear people reverberating through the country. Is God no longer in Zion? Has the King gone away? Can you tell me why they flaunt their plaything-gods, their silly, imported no-gods before me? The crops are in, the summer is over, but for us nothing’s changed. We’re still waiting to be rescued. For my dear broken people, I’m heartbroken. I weep, seized by grief. Are there no healing ointments in Gilead? Isn’t there a doctor in the house? So why can’t something be done to heal and save my dear, dear people?” (Jeremiah‬ ‭8‬:‭18‬-‭22‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

This passage from the end of Jeremiah 8 is one of the most poignant in all of Scripture and it bleeds into the beginning of chapter 9. Most English translations put these words in Jeremiah’s mouth. Primarily because of how uncomfortable we are with God experiencing deep, heartbreaking grief. As Western Christians we are heavily influenced by Greek Platonic thought whether we realize it or not. We tend to believe God is fundamentally distant. Fundamentally different. Fundamentally beyond all human experience, including emotions. We believe He is untouchable. Unmovable. Unchangeable. We associate emotions with feelings of change. Instability. Unpredictability. And these things cannot be true of God...right? 

But what if we were willing to embrace a different understanding of emotions? A deeper understanding? Again, it is without question that God experiences emotions. Love. Anger. Frustration. Joy. We read about them over and over again and they are not simply anthropomorphisms. (A way for God to express Himself in human terms we can understand. Ex. “The arm of the Lord...”) What if our understanding of God could be expanded to include the full range of emotions? What if us having emotions is part of being made in God’s image? What if our “emotionalism”, which breeds the feelings of instability and unpredictability, is actually a result of sin and brokenness? What if God, because He remains untouched by sin, is able to experience all emotions without being driven by them? 

This brings us back to the passage cited above. God is expressing the deepest, most heartbreaking grief possible.  ”I drown in grief. I’m heartsick.” God is experiencing an incredible sense of loss. His people have betrayed Him. They have abandoned Him. They have turned around and blamed Him. “It’s the cry of my dear people reverberating through the country. Is God no longer in Zion? Has the King gone away?" They refuse to bow the knee. Refuse to repent and return to Him. Refuse to humble themselves before Him. Quite the opposite. They brazenly continue in sin. "Can you tell me why they flaunt their plaything-gods, their silly, imported no-gods before me?" This is a stiff-necked people. A foolish people. A rebellious people. They take their relationship with God for granted. They are entitled. They are spoiled. They assume God will come to their rescue despite their unwillingness to walk in His ways. "The crops are in, the summer is over, but for us nothing’s changed. We’re still waiting to be rescued."

The perspective shifts back to God at the beginning of chapter nine which we’ll read tomorrow. (Remember the chapter and verse divisions are somewhat arbitrary and appeared much later than the original text.) ““I wish my head were a well of water and my eyes fountains of tears So I could weep day and night for casualties among my dear, dear people. At times I wish I had a wilderness hut, a backwoods cabin, Where I could get away from my people and never see them again. They’re a faithless, feckless bunch, a congregation of degenerates.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭9‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭MSG‬‬) Again, one pictures deep, heavy sobs. God weeping a flood of tears. God experiencing unimaginable pain. Because He has freely joined Himself in an unbreakable covenant with His people, their wounds become His wounds. Their pain becomes His pain. Their heartbreak becomes His heartbreak. Things get so bad, God wishes He could leave. Abandon them to their fate. Leave the Temple in Jerusalem and return to the wilderness. To the time when He tabernacled with them on the Exodus journey. But the Tabernacle is gone. There is no lodging place in the desert God can run to. He is stuck. He is committed. He will endure. This is the great faithfulness of our God! It is costly. It is hard. It is painful. But it remains true. 

Really, God is being faithful to Himself here. Faithful to the promise He has made. To be our God, come hell or high water. This was the message He communicated through the covenant He first made with Abraham in Genesis 15 and sealed through the death and resurrection of His Beloved Son Jesus Christ. His steadfast love establishes the fundamental reality of our lives. The bedrock on which we can build our lives. Without fear. Without shame. Without worry that somehow, someway there will come a day when God will finally lose patience and abandon us. God will not leave us or forsake us for in doing so He would be unfaithful to Himself. Let this truth be your firm foundation today, friends!

Readings for tomorrow: Jeremiah 9-12