Readings for today: Numbers 6-9
One of the most significant milestones in my spiritual journey was when I realized God’s greatest desire was to bless me. For years, I had labored under the assumption that I was primarily a “sinner saved by grace” rather than a “child beloved of God.” While both are definitely true, it matters which one comes first. If I see my primary identity as a child beloved by my Father in heaven, then I will have confidence in His will to bless me. On the other hand, if I see my primary identity as a sinner saved only by grace, then I may live with an underlying fear of judgment. Fear is a terrible motivation. While important on some level, it’s designed only for the short-term. Fear activates our adrenal glands. Our muscles swell. Our heart rate picks up. We prepare to either “fight” or “flee” based on the danger of a particular situation. It’s not intended to work over time. It’s not sustainable over the long-term. And that’s why love is a far better motivation for saving faith.
For years, I wrestled with a deep fear of God’s judgment. Then I started meditating on these words from Number 6:24-26. “May the Lord bless you and protect you; may the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; may the Lord look with favor on you and give you peace.” It’s known as the Aaronic Blessing. It is the most ancient blessing or benediction in the Bible. It comes directly from God and, as such, communicates His heart for His people. God loves His people. His desire is to bless them not curse them. He looks with favor upon them not judgment. His face shines upon them, conveying the pleasure of God as He interacts with those He loves. Most of all, God gives us peace. Not as the world gives. Not just a ceasefire or a temporary cessation of hostilities. But a true and lasting peace that transcends all understanding.
Do you understand God’s heart for you? Do you believe God’s primary will for your life is blessing? Do you believe God is at work protecting and providing for you? Do you believe God’s face shines when He thinks about you? Do you believe His face is shining on you even now? Have you accepted the gift of God’s grace? The gift of forgiveness and reconciliation with your Creator? Do you believe God looks with favor on you and those you love? Do you believe God wants to give you peace? Peace with Him? Peace with others? Peace with the world? Peace within your own heart? This is literally what the name of the Lord means. This is what God is trying to convey by giving them the blessing. Whenever His name is pronounced over His people, He wants them to know they will be blessed. And what was true for the ancient Israelites is still true for us today.
Take some time today and listen to “The Blessing.” You can find it on YouTube in several different versions. The one I like best was one produced while our world struggled to fight COVID. Different artists came together to sing this blessing over the world. Here’s the link -
Readings for tomorrow: Numbers 10-13, Psalms 90