Readings for today: Judges 19-21
Today’s reading is one of the most horrifying in all of Scripture. A woman is raped to death. Her body cut into pieces. A war ensues. Tens of thousands are killed. An entire tribe is put at risk. More violence ensues. Women are captured and forced into marriages. It’s brutal. It’s terrible. And none of it is from the Lord.
This is honestly what I find most compelling about the Bible. It is raw. It is real. It never tries to sugarcoat or whitewash the depravity of humanity. The reality is human beings are capable of all kinds of evil. We are capable of all kinds of violence. We are capable of all kinds of exploitation and oppression and injustice. Our history is replete with example after example. Just watch the news and you will see it. Pay attention to what’s happening in the world today and you will witness it. For all the scientific and technological advances we’ve made as a species, we have made so little progress morally and ethically.
What is our fundamental problem? I think the last verse of Judges sums it up well. “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did whatever seemed right to him.” (Judges 21:25 CSB) Everyone did what seemed right to them. Everyone did what was right in their own eyes. Everyone looked out for themselves and no one else. The disease that afflicts every human heart is selfishness. We privilege ourselves above everyone and everything else. Taken to an extreme, we will engage in all kinds of violence in order to preserve what we believe is rightfully ours. The Levite believed his concubine was worth sacrificing for his own life. The people of Israel believed the tribe of Benjamin was worth sacrificing for their national pride and honor. When the conflict came to an end and they realized what they had done, they believed the women were expendable as they sold them to the men who were left of the tribe of Benjamin. This is what happens when there is no king in Israel. When there is no authority in Israel. When there is no God in Israel.
What about us? What about our communities and our towns and our cities and our nation today? Is there a righteous authority? Do we honor God? Are there godly men and women in positions of leadership? Or is everyone doing what is right in their own eyes? Is it every person out for themselves? How do you live your life? How do I live mine? These are great questions to ask and the only way to avoid going down the road Israel found herself on is to submit yourself to God.
Readings for tomorrow: Ruth 1-4