
Readings for today: Deuteronomy 8-11

The best definition of discipleship that I’ve ever encountered comes from Eugene Peterson. A long-time Presbyterian pastor, he defines discipleship as a “long obedience in the same direction.” It’s the relentless, life-long pursuit of God that results in transformation. The most impactful people I’ve ever met in my life invest all of their time, energy, and resources in a single community over a period of decades. The spiritual legacy they leave behind is enormous and generational. And it’s how God designed His church to work.

“Keep in mind all God has done for you.” This is where Moses begins. He encourages the people of Israel to keep in mind all the miracles. All the signs. All the wonders. Everything God has done from the moment He began to deliver them from slavery in Egypt through their wilderness journey and now as they stand on the cusp of the Promised Land. Parting seas. Feeding them with manna. Making water come from a rock. Over and over again, they cried out to Him. Over and over again, He answered. Their clothing did not wear out. Their feet did not swell. For forty years they wandered and God was faithful to wander with them every step of the way.

“Keep all the commandments I have given you.” This is Moses second admonition. Keep the commandments of God. Obey the laws He has laid down. He knows better than you. He knows what it takes to make this life work. He knows what you need before you need it. He knows the kind of people He’s trying to create. He knows the character qualities that will lead to a flourishing life. This is why He gives us commands. He is giving us instructions on how to live the righteous life. A life that flourishes. A life God blesses. If they carefully follow all the commands, they will live and increase and take possession of the land God is giving them.

“God will keep you.” This is perhaps the most important lesson Moses wants Israel to learn. God is the faithful covenant-keeper. He will never leave them or forsake them. He will remain true to them through thick and thin. He will remain loyal to them though they will abandon Him. He will remain faithful to them though they will betray Him. He has made them a promise. A promise He intends to keep. A promise that can never be broken. A promise He will fulfill fully and completely in Jesus Christ. And what is true for Israel is true for us today. So keep in mind all God has done for you. Keep all the commandments He has given you. Keep faith with God and know He will keep faith with you.

Readings for tomorrow: Deuteronomy 12-15