
Readings for today: Joshua 11-14

I remember sitting in a class at the University of Colorado and discussing anthropology with our professor. The history of Homo Sapiens is a violent one. From the moment our ancestors began to populate the earth, they engaged in all kinds of warfare, especially with other hominid species. Some historians argue that violence and conflict is an intrinsic part of being human and there are very few periods in history where we haven’t been at war with someone, somewhere around the world. Perhaps this helps put into context our readings for today.

Israel, like every other tribal nation in the ancient near east, fought wars. They fought to establish themselves in the Promised Land. They fought to secure a future for themselves and their children. They fought to accumulate land and wealth and resources. They fought to secure the inheritance God had promised them. This is what every tribe did in the region at that time. It was either kill or be killed. It was a war fought for survival. In fact, many of the tribes listed in the Book of Joshua would return the favor and attack Israel at different points in her history. And while it may seem strange to us in the 21st century, it is the norm throughout human history.

God works through human culture. You’ve read those words time and time again on this blog. God refuses to work apart from the creatures He made in His own image. He refuses to revoke the mandate He gave us at creation to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and exercise dominion over all He has made. He refuses to absolve us of our responsibility to act as His chosen instruments in the world. At the same time, He will not override our freedom. He will not force Himself on us nor will He coerce us into doing His bidding. He works through even our bad choices, sinful choices, evil choices to make Himself known. He works through our brokenness and corruption to make His will known. So even as Israel invades the Promised Land and puts entire cities and tribal groups to the sword, God is at work. Does it mean He approves of everything they do? Clearly not. But God is capable of using all things - the good, bad, and ugly - to bring about His sovereign purposes.

We still live in a world at war. Conflict rages all over the globe. Gaza. Ukraine. Azerbaijan. Turkey. Syria. The list goes on and on. There seemingly is no end to the violence. Man’s inhumanity towards man knows no boundaries. It is perhaps comforting to remember that God is at work even when we cannot see Him. He is at work even when we cannot hear Him. He is at work even when we cannot understand His plan or purposes. He is bringing His Kingdom to earth. He will set all things right. He will make all things new. And we will receive the inheritance He has stored up for us in heaven.

Readings for tomorrow: Joshua 15-18