
Readings for today: Genesis 44-46

Repentance is an important word in the Bible. It was central to the preaching ministry of Jesus. “Repent! For the Kingdom of God is at hand.” It is central to the lives of many saints in both Old and New Testaments. It was the sign of salvation for them. Literally, the word “repentance” means to make a 180 degree turn in one’s life. It means turning around and walking in a new direction. Instead of running from God, one now seeks after God. Instead of striving to be our own gods, we surrender our lives back to God. It is far more than simply feeling sorry for our sin. It is far more than regret over what we have said or done. It is definitely more than the shame we feel when we get caught. It signals change at a fundamental, heart level and it results in new attitudes and actions in our lives.

In today’s reading, Judah models repentance. The first time he appears on the scene in the story, he is conspiring with his brothers to kill Joseph. He is bitter and angry at his prideful little brother and wants to get rid of him. After beating his brother and throwing him into a cistern, it is Judah who comes up with the idea of trafficking Joseph to some Midianite traders on their way to Egypt. Why kill him when you can make a profit? Now here we are many years later and it is Judah who offers his own life in exchange for Benjamin. It is Judah who pulls Joseph aside and intercedes on behalf of his family. It is Judah who offers to traffic himself and remain a slave so that Benjamin and the rest of his brothers can go free. What a turnaround! No wonder Joseph couldn’t control himself at that moment!

As a pastor, I’ve had the blessing of watching many people repent of their sin and come to faith. It is one of the greatest privileges of my life. I have seen marriages and families healed. Addicts delivered. The greedy become generous. The selfish become selfless. The prideful become humble. It’s truly awesome to witness. As a person, I’ve had to engage in the process of repentance myself. It is humbling to sit under the ministry of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to do His sanctifying, purifying work. I’ve become a more selfless, generous, and humble person…though I still have so far to go. I’ve given up my own addictions and compulsions. I’ve seen my own marriage and family be healed as I gave up my former ways and started walking in the newness of life Christ promises to those who place their trust in Him.

What about you? Where do you find yourself today? In what areas of your life is God calling you to repent? To turn around and start walking in a different direction so that you might become a different person? What holds you back? Would it change anything if you knew that all of heaven rejoices every time a sinner repents? Don’t you want to experience the joy of heaven in your life today?

Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 47-50