Dreams and Visions

Readings for today: Genesis 41-43

A few years ago, I was in Ethiopia when I met a man whom God had visited several times in a dream. We were in the middle of a training session of several hundred church planters in a village called Gojo up in the highlands of the country, four and a half hours away from Addis Ababa in a pretty remote area. About halfway through the week, a few of us were walking through the village where we were staying to our training center when a man approached us. He was dressed head to toe in traditional Muslim tribal garb. Long flowing robes. Head scarf. A long scimitar belted to his hip. We weren’t sure what to make of him except that he didn’t seem aggressive so we sent for a translator. He told us the most amazing story. Several months previous, he had been visited by Jesus in a dream. Jesus shared the gospel with him and he woke up and gave his life to Christ. He then went around his village preaching Christ to anyone who would hear and the whole village - about 80 people - came to faith. Then he had another dream. Jesus told him to come to this town called Gojo where he would meet people who could teach him the ways of the gospel. So he started walking. And walking. And walking. Turns out he traveled two or three days to get to Gojo where he “happened” to arrive on the exact same week we were conducting our training session. Crazy!

God often speaks to us in our dreams…if we have the ears to hear and the hearts to listen. Sometimes those dreams are prophetic in that they tell the future. Sometimes those dreams are prophetic in that they convict us of sin. Sometimes dreams bring to light anxiety and fear that we need to bring to our Heavenly Father. Sometimes our dreams affirm us or reveal the deepest desires of our heart. Joseph was a dreamer. Sheaves of wheat. Stars in the sky. Sun and moon. Clusters of grapes. Baskets of bread. Fat cows and thin cows. Somehow Joseph is able to make sense of it all. Why? Because God was with him! 

Over and over again throughout the Joseph “cycle” in Genesis, we see this refrain. “The Lord was with Joseph.” “The Lord caused all he did to have success.” “The Lord showed steadfast love and gave him favor.” Despite all that happens to Joseph, God never leaves his side. And Joseph is faithful in return. “Do not all interpretations belong to God?” “It is not in me, God will give Pharaoh a favorable answer.” “God has shown Pharaoh what He is about to do.” Joseph never claims his gift as his own. He always acknowledges God. He always gives all the glory and honor to the Lord. And this blows Pharaoh away. “Can we find a man like this, in whom is the Spirit of God?” You see, the dreams are really beside the point. They are simply the signposts that point to the greater reality of God! 

The same is true of Joseph’s life. Yes, he faces hardship. Yes, he experiences tragedy. Yes, he is the victim of injustice. Yes, he languishes in prison. Yes, he also experiences success and wealth and great honor. But again, all these things are really beside the point. Joseph’s life - and this is what he really grasps on a deep, deep level - is itself a signpost that points to the greater reality of God! Joseph’s life is itself simply a tool God is using to reveal His steadfast love and faithfulness! All that happens to Joseph is not just for Joseph’s sake but for the sake of the greater glory of God, the greater good of God’s people, and even the greater welfare of the pagan Egyptians. It’s mind-blowing.

So what dreams is God giving you these days? Not just when you are asleep. What dreams and desires has He placed on your heart? Where is He calling you to step out for His greater glory? Your greater good? And the welfare of those around you? As you look back over the course of your life, ask the Spirit to give you the eyes to see where He has been faithful. Where He has been with you. Where He has taken the good, the bad, and the ugly and used it for His purposes.  

Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 44-46