A Hard Life

Readings for today: Genesis 47-50

I remember being called to the bedside of a man who was dying. When I entered the room, I found him locked up in the fetal position in tremendous pain. The drugs they gave him provided little relief for his pain was more emotional and spiritual than it was physical. Tanner was a man who lived for himself. His sole goal was to work all week so he could make enough money to grab a case of beer on the way to his boat so he could spend the weekend fishing. He neglected his wife and children. He had few, if any, friends. His extended family wanted nothing to do with him. The stated goal for his funeral service was to make it as quick as possible. I thought about Tanner when I read these words from Jacob today, “The years of my sojourning are 130 - a short and hard life and not nearly as long as my ancestors were given.”

I doubt Jacob’s life was as bad as Tanner’s but it clearly didn’t live up to his expectations. Here was a man who schemed and lied and manipulated those around him. He stole his brother’s birthright. He defrauded his father-in-law. He played favorites with his wives and children. He even tried to bargain with God. The natural consequences of his life were not good. He experienced terrible grief and loss. His years were short and hard. His family life was deeply conflicted. And here he is at the end of his life having to flee his home due to a natural disaster and settle in a foreign land under the rule of a foreign king. Thankfully, God was gracious to Jacob. He gave him the gift of seeing his beloved son before he died. He blessed his children and grandchildren. He made them promise to bury him back in Canaan in the very same cave where his ancestors were buried.

It is good for us to spend some time reflecting on death. Set against the backdrop of eternity, our lives in this world are short and hard. So how do we make the most of them? How do we make sure we are spending our time and energy and resources building on the rock rather than sand? How do we make sure we don’t get to the end of our lives and leave only regrets behind? Jesus shows us the way. Love God and love others. Serve God and serve others. Give your life away and you will gain it. Lose your life and you will find it. Do all the good you can for as long as you can with all the strength and energy and intentionality you can and those who come after you will rise up and called you blessed. Those you leave behind will grieve to be sure but with a deep sense of thankfulness and joy. Your legacy will impact the generations who come after you and God Himself will reward you with a crown of righteousness.

Readings for tomorrow: None