Radical Inclusivity

Readings for today: Acts 11-12, Psalms 124

Today’s reading contains one of the most explosive stories in the New Testament. The gospel of Jesus Christ is spreading rapidly around the region, moving from Jerusalem to Judea to Samaria and now to the ends of the earth. As that happens, it isn’t just Jewish people who come to saving faith but Gentiles as well and this presents one of the greatest questions to the early church. How in the world can Jews and Gentiles, separated from almost the beginning, be joined back together in one covenant family of God? These two groups were separated not only ethnically and socially and culturally and geographically but also theologically, tracing their division almost all the way back to the beginning. And though Israel was called by God to be a light to the Gentile nations, she had spent centuries at war with them and had turned inward, becoming far more concerned with her ritual purity than embracing her role as priests, interceding for an unbelieving world and teaching them about the one, true God.

But now the Holy Spirit has been unleashed. He was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost and He is moving so rapidly, the apostles can barely keep up. He awakens Jew and Gentile alike. He brings them all to saving faith. He fills Samaritans, Ethiopians, and all sorts of people in places like Antioch. The apostles send representatives to these places to follow up on what He is doing, seeking to verify the fantastic claims they are hearing. Then one of their own - the Apostle Peter himself - testifies to what he witnessed at the house of Cornelius. He walked the church leaders in Jerusalem, many of whom were Jewish believers and still held to circumcision as the sign of the covenant, through his vision and what happened afterwards when he preached the gospel to the Gentiles. He quotes Jesus Himself who said, “John baptized with water but you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit.” And he went to share how God had broken through all the ethnic, social, cultural, and theological divisions that existed between Jew and Gentile and was bringing all people into His family. “If, then, God gave them the same gift that he also gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, how could I possibly hinder God?” (Acts 11:17 CSB) And how do the leaders respond? “When they heard this they became silent. And they glorified God, saying, “So then, God has given repentance resulting in life even to the Gentiles.” (Acts 11:18 CSB)

It’s an incredible story. One that sets the tone for the rest of the book. If Peter had not obeyed God’s voice or closed his eyes and heart to God’s vision, who knows what might have happened to the mission? Would it have remained a small Jewish sect like the many others that existed in the first century? Would it have died a quick death due to the self-limiting factors being imposed by the Jewish Christian leaders? Would it have been stifled by entrenched theological system of Judaism? I doubt it. The gospel is the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. It cannot be contained by a theological system or inherited tradition or the limitations of leaders or any other created thing on the earth. The gospel will break free from any bonds we try to impose because it is a movement of the Holy Spirit and He cannot be contained. He cannot be constrained. And He is still at work today! He is still drawing all people to Himself. Still crossing every human boundary and division and faction and dividing wall of separation we try to set up. ‭‭

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 13-14, Psalms 125


Readings for today: Acts 9-10, Psalms 123

I had a conversation with a friend recently who asked me about the work I do in Africa. After sharing with them all the incredible things God was doing in some of the hardest to reach places on earth, he asked me, “But isn’t it dangerous?” “Yes”, I replied. “But God never promised me I would be safe serving Him.” It may sound like I’m being a bit flippant but I’m not. I’ve been to some dangerous places. I’ve worked with men and women who are persecuted, imprisoned, beaten, tortured, and even killed for the cause of the gospel. The last time I was in Ethiopia, we were in an area where we were the only Westerners. Everyone else had pulled out of the region due to the conflict in the area, including the UN. I don’t say this to brag but to simply illustrate the fact that sometimes God calls us to do hard things, even dangerous things for Him.

If you don’t believe me, consider the situation Ananias found himself in. He’s a disciple of Jesus living in Damascus probably minding his own business. He’s not a pastor. He’s not an apostle. There’s nothing in the text that suggests he’s even a leader in the church. He’s just an ordinary guy who is called to an extraordinary task. He is to go and meet Saul and pray for him to be healed. Saul? The church’s greatest enemy? The man who is pursuing and imprisoning and murdering Christians all over the Roman Empire? This is the man Ananias is called by God to go and meet? And not only to meet him but to lay hands on him and pray for him? Can you imagine the courage this would take? Imagine the conviction Ananias must have felt from the Holy Spirit. Imagine the fear he had to overcome. And yet he still went. There doesn’t seem to be any hesitation in his heart. Once the Lord had spoken to Ananias and shared with him the purpose behind God’s call, Ananias went. He obeyed. He laid hands on Saul. He prayed for Saul to not only receive back his sight but be filled with the Holy Spirit. And Saul’s life was never the same.

I wonder how many times Saul - who became Paul soon after this event - looked back on that day. How many times did Saul thank God for sending Ananias into his life? How many times did Saul pause in the midst of all his missionary journeys to reflect on how his ministry began? I know as I look back in my own life I marvel at the ways God used different people to not only bring me to saving faith but encourage me to become a pastor. I am blessed by so many men and women who invested in my life along the way. Yes, I wasn’t a persecutor of the faith like Saul was but I was resistant and rebellious in so many other ways. All of us not only need an “Ananias” in our lives but we need to be an “Ananias” to others as well. They may be people whom you love and live with or among. They may be people you work with or attend class alongside. They may be people on the other side of the political or social or cultural aisle. They may even be people who otherwise would be your enemy. I think back to my friends in the Horn of Africa. So many of them sacrifice their lives to reach people of a different tribe. They reach across all kinds of cultural and ethnic boundaries to proclaim the gospel to those whom God loves. Many of these tribes have been at war for generations and yet these men and women seek to intentionally reach their enemies with the good news. It’s a powerful testimony to what God can do when we make ourselves available to Him.

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 11-12, Psalms 124

Filled with the Spirit

Readings for today: Acts 7-8, Psalms 122

I love the Book of Acts. The chaos of the early days of the church. God pressing His people outside their comfort zones. Blowing up their expectations. Transforming how they see themselves, one another, and the world.

Jesus told His disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. The gospel was so disruptive in Jerusalem and Judea that believers were being dragged from their homes and thrown in prison. Many were being tortured and killed. The Pharisees were coming after them with a vengeance and Saul - who would later become the Apostle Paul - was at the forefront of it all.

As the disciples scattered, running for their lives, they continued to preach the gospel. And that’s how Philip came to Samaria. He preached and performed many signs and wonders and many Samaritans believed. They received the Word of God with open hearts. They were baptized in the name of Jesus. But they had not yet received the blessing of the Holy Spirit so the Jerusalem church sent Peter and John to lay hands on them. Frankly, we do not know why they didn’t receive the Holy Spirit at their conversion. It seems in the early days of the church that the Holy Spirit was moving in different ways. Coming to different people at different times. In Acts 2, He comes with power over the disciples as they are praying together, giving them the miraculous gift of tongues. In Acts 8, He comes at the laying on of hands by Peter and John. In Acts 10, He comes as Peter preaches the gospel to Cornelius and his household. It’s important not to build our doctrine on these isolated passages but simply to accept the fact that God was doing a new thing in those days and it manifested itself in different ways.

One thing we can take away from this passage is the importance of being filled with the Spirit. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He promised His followers they would not be alone. He would not leave them as orphans in this world. He would send His Spirit to dwell with them. To guide them into all truth. To lead them to a deeper understanding of Christ. To empower them for Christ’s service in the world. The Spirit imparts gifts to God’s people. The Spirit bears fruit in the lives of God’s people. The Spirit is active, constantly transforming us and sanctifying us and making us into the image of Christ.

Most of all, the Spirit brings unity. He brings us together across our differences. It is the Spirit who reconciles Jews and Samaritans. Healing racial divisions going back centuries. It is the Spirit who will bring Jews and Gentiles together into one church. Overcoming cultural and social and ritual divisions that had always kept them apart. It is the Spirit who sends Philip to the side of an Ethiopian official as he returns home. Opening his eyes to the truth of the gospel and sending him forth to proclaim the good news to his own people.

Friends, this same Spirit is on the move today! He regenerates the heart of every believer who comes to faith in Jesus Christ. He dwells within us, bearing His fruit in our lives. He teaches us, opening up the Scriptures to us in ways we can understand. He empowers us, giving us gifts to serve the church and our community in Jesus’ name. He brings unity to His people, crossing every divide you can imagine. Breaking through every dividing wall of hostility we tend to set up that keeps us apart. He heals. He reconciles. He drives us from our places of safety and security and comfort to bring this ministry of reconciliation to the world.

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 9-10, Psalms 123

Sharing the Sufferings of Christ

Readings for today: Acts 5-6, Psalms 121

Something very powerful takes place when we share in the sufferings of Christ. The Apostle Paul experienced it as did the Apostles Peter and John and the new believers in Jerusalem. Christians throughout the ages have experienced it in places like Russia, China, Iran, South Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia. I have had the privilege of meeting some of them. Over the past ten years I have personally trained hundreds of church planters in the Horn of Africa. Many of them bear on their bodies the scars of the persecution they face on a daily basis. They’ve been threatened. Beaten. Shot. Stabbed. Imprisoned. Some of them have even died in the field. And still they go. When I ask them how I can pray over them, they never ask for personal safety but always for boldness to preach the gospel in the face of the opposition. It is deeply humbling and inspiring. 

I think about these men and women when I read Acts 5. I love the boldness of those first believers. Peter and John are arrested, imprisoned, and tried for preaching about the resurrection of Jesus. They were not among the elite. They had no wealth. No power. No education. They were just ordinary people whom God used to proclaim an extraordinary message. The gospel stirred up the city - as it always does - and threatened those in power - as it always does. So Peter and John were threatened. They were roughed up. They were imprisoned. They were put on trial. But they return home praising God for the opportunity to share in the sufferings of Christ. They praise God for the persecution. Praise God for His sovereign will and plan. Praise God for the opportunity to proclaim the gospel. “Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching that the Christ is Jesus.” (Acts‬ ‭5:41-42 CSB)

What do you pray for when you come against opposition? What do you pray for when you experience suffering and hardship? What do you pray for when you are in pain? For most of us, I imagine we pray for relief. Healing. Safety. Comfort. These are not necessarily bad things to pray but they certainly are not the most important things. The Apostle Paul experienced all these things and more in his life. He was mistreated, abused, left for dead. He gave up his home. His family. His livelihood. He sacrificed everything for the sake of knowing and serving Christ. And what did he gain in return? Christ. Peter and John and the early believers made similar sacrifices. They considered everything “rubbish” when compared to knowing and serving Christ. And what did they gain in return? Christ. What if - instead of safety and security - you prayed for boldness to proclaim the gospel? What if - instead of comfort and peace - you prayed for courage to share your faith? What if - instead of provision and protection - you prayed for God to use all that you are and all that you have - even your sufferings and pain - to grow His Kingdom in this world?

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 7-8, Psalms 122

The Power of God

Readings for today: Acts 1-2, Psalms 119:153-176

The promise of the Holy Spirit is the promise of power. Divine, supernatural power filling us so that we might be Jesus’ witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. It’s a good thing Jesus gives us His power because we couldn’t accomplish His mission without it. The stakes are too high. The challenges too great. The obstacles too daunting. The trials too hard. The suffering too painful. Whether you’re walking across the street to share Christ with a neighbor or you are at work sharing Christ with a co-worker or you’re headed across the world to share Christ with someone who’s never had access to the gospel before, it requires power to accomplish. God’s power not our own.

Every Christian I’ve talked to over the years wants this power. They want to experience the miraculous power of God in their life. They want to see the miraculous power of God on display. They want to feel the miraculous power of God within them. But for so many Christians, God’s power remains an abstract concept. An elusive idea. Something they acknowledge as possible but don’t expect to actually ever experience. Why is that? What is it that holds us back? What is it that keeps us from living and walking in God’s power as His followers? Simply put, we aren’t serious enough about God’s mission. God grants us His power not to use for ourselves. Not to use to enrich our own lives. Not to make us healthy and wealthy and wise. This is where the prosperity preachers have it all wrong. God’s power is not given to us so that we can spend it on ourselves. No, God gives us His power so that we might be His witnesses to a dead and dying world. He gives us His power so that we might serve His Kingdom purposes. He gives us His power so that we might spread the good news of the gospel.

Being a witness in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth requires risk. It requires us to take steps of faith. It requires us to sacrifice. When we do these things for the sake of God’s mission in the world, we see miraculous things take place. Hell is emptied and heaven is filled as people come to saving faith. The blind see. The deaf hear. The lame walk. The diseased are cured. The demon-possessed are set free. The dead are raised. I’ve seen all these things and more in my travels around the world as Christians put themselves at great risk in order to proclaim the gospel and plant churches where the name of Jesus has never been spoken or even heard. I’ve also seen some of these same things in my own home town as believers that I know and love take risks to share their faith, stand for the gospel, proclaim truth, and sacrifice in incredible ways to reach the lost and least resourced.

If you want God’s power in your life, there is only one way to get it. Get on mission for Jesus! Join Jesus on His mission to reach the lost and serve the least resourced. Intentionally go to places and meet people who need Jesus desperately. Take risks. Prayerfully sacrifice. Find ways to serve. Step out in faith. God will meet you there in a powerful way and you will experience Him in ways you never thought possible.

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 3-4, Psalms 120 (No devotionals on Sundays)

Faith of Jesus Christ

Readings for today: Luke 23-24, Psalms 119:129-152

As Christians, we often talk about placing our faith in Jesus Christ. This is a core component to salvation. We must confess with our lips that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:9) At the same time, there is an oft-overlooked dynamic in Scripture that talks about the faith of Jesus Christ. For example, Galatians 2:16 CSB says, “we know a person is not justified by works of the law but by the faith of Jesus Christ.” Or consider Romans 3:22 CSB which says, “The righteousness of God is through the faith of Jesus Christ.” Now to be sure, if you were to look both of these passages up in your Bible, it mostly likely is translated “faith in Jesus Christ.” Technically speaking, there is a debate raging in Biblical scholarship as to whether the phrase is an “objective genitive” (faith in Jesus Christ) or a “subjective genitive” (faith of Jesus Christ). For my part, I believe the latter is more accurate and this is important because it is not our faith that saves us but our faith in the faith and faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Faith is a gift not a work according to Ephesians 2:8-9. It comes from God and it enables us to believe in all Christ has accomplished for us. And as we place our faith in the faith of Jesus Christ, we are saved.

I thought about this debate when I read the chapters assigned for today. The faith of Jesus is not something I often pause to consider as He stands before Pilate and Herod and the religious leaders. Probably my default is to assume Jesus has access to some kind of supernatural peace because He is God or I assume because Jesus is God, He refuses to recognize the jurisdiction or authority of any human court. However, when I pause to consider Jesus’ humanity, I realize it took faith for Him to face His accusers. It took faith for Him to look Pilate in the eye and say “You say so” when asked if He were a king. It took faith for Him to remain silent before Herod and refuse to perform for Him like some kind of circus act. And, of course, it took faith for Jesus to hang on the cross and pray for the forgiveness of those who tortured and mocked and crucified Him. Jesus had to walk by faith just as we have to walk by faith. He had to place His trust in His Heavenly Father just as we have to trust our Heavenly Father. Jesus was made like us in every way, was tempted like us in every way, suffered like us in every way and still He believed. He clung to faith.

What about us? Do we place our faith in the faith of Jesus Christ? Do we believe He did everything for us? Do we believe He was baptized for us? Kept the law for us? Suffered for us? Died for us? Rose again for us? Even believed for us? If we do, we place the whole work of salvation in His more than capable hands and claim no boast for ourselves. Not even the boast of faith.

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 1-2, Psalms 119:153-176


Readings for today: Luke 21-22, Psalms 119:97-128

One of the many things I get to do is travel to remote villages in the Horn of Africa twice a year to preach the gospel. The organization I serve alongside holds training conferences in Ethiopia, Uganda, and South Sudan. We gather hundreds of church planters and train them in theology, Bible, pastoral leadership, discipleship, and other disciplines. As part of the experience, they send us out to villages around the training center to preach on Sunday mornings. On a typical Sunday, we arrive with the worship service already in progress. The indigenous people have gathered earlier in the morning to begin singing and praying and praising God. Once we arrive, we join them, often being given seats of honor in the worship service. At some point in time, they take up an offering. Remember, these men and women are subsistence farmers. They have little to nothing to call their own. Quite often, their offering consists of the first fruits of their hard labor. Maize. Squash. Wheat. Perhaps a chicken for the wealthier families. Then there are the people who come forward with nothing. They have empty hands. They hold them over the offering basket and pantomime the act of giving as practice for the day when they will have something to give. It’s incredibly humbling and powerful every single time.

I think about those men and women every time I read this passage out of Luke about the widow’s offering. It’s so easy in my culture to get caught up in the size of the gift. It’s so easy where I live to honor the rich who give generously. But Jesus takes us deeper. He reminds us it’s not the size of the gift that matters as much as the size of the sacrifice. “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For all these people have put in gifts out of their surplus, but she out of her poverty has put in all she had to live on.” (Luke‬ ‭21‬:‭3‬-‭4‬ ‭CSB‬) Imagine the faith it takes to give when you have little to nothing to live on. Imagine the faith it takes to make your offering when you know you may be choosing to go without as a result. I remember when my wife and I were living on public assistance early in our ministry. We felt the pinch every month as we gave. It wasn’t always easy. There were times we went without as a result. But we never regretted our decision. Now we have been blessed with much. We have far more than we could ever need. And this verse continues to challenge us. Do we give out of our excess or do we give sacrificially?

People often ask me about the biblical standard for giving. Is it the tithe? Is it more? Is it less? Is there a New Testament standard at all? My answer is always the same. God calls us to sacrifice. God calls us to give like the widow in Luke’s Gospel. We are called to prayerfully consider what that might look like in our lives for it looks differently for each of us. The goal is not to hit some arbitrary number like 10% but to give in such a way that we feel it. Give in such a way that we go without. Give in such a way that we learn to depend on God. For most people in my situation, I believe that it involves giving far more than 10%. This is scary I know. Especially if you are not trained in the spiritual discipline of giving. So the key is to begin where you are and commit to grow your giving with each passing year. As you do, you will find yourself learning to live on less and less while receiving the freedom that comes from knowing your life depends on God not on the stock market or your ability to produce or your retirement account.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 23-24, Psalms 119:129-152

Seeking to Save the Lost

Readings for today: Luke 19-20, Psalms 119:65-96

I can remember times in my life when I felt lost. When I was a young boy, it often had to do with being in strange places that I was not familiar with and not being able to see my mom or dad. When I was a young man, it often had to do with a sense of purpose or direction in life. Before I became a Christian, it often had to do with the choices I made that led to depression and despair. Even after I became a Christian, I would often feel lost when I would try to go my own way or do my own thing apart from Christ and His wisdom and strength. Thankfully, Jesus says He came to seek and to save the lost. He came to find us and bring us back home. He leaves the comfort of heaven and comes to earth like a Good Shepherd leaves the ninety-nine in their safe pasture to go to the wilderness to find the one.

Imagine how the world might be different if Christians did the same? Imagine if we put aside our petty theological squabbles and instead focused our energy and resources on seeking and saving the lost? Imagine if we put aside our own culturally or generationally bound preferences and did all we could to seek and to save the lost? Imagine if we deployed more of our energy and time and money and resources on seeking and saving the lost rather than on ourselves? We don’t have to imagine it. We have seen it in action. We see it in the Person of Jesus Christ. We see it in His disciples after the resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit. We see it in the Book of Acts with the churches that are planted. We see it throughout Christian history. Sure, it’s never perfect. Not this side of heaven. We make tragic mistakes and costly errors and even horrific decisions along the way that result in a lot of pain and suffering but still God works in and through us. And when the church gets it right, even if but for a moment, it is beautiful.

Perhaps that’s why I love the church I serve so much. This past weekend, we celebrated our annual Missions Weekend. We flew in mission partners from around the world and platformed them so we could hear their stories, pray for them, and celebrate all God is doing in and through them. The miracles they’ve seen encouraged and blessed us. The number of lives God has used them to change is breathtaking. The number of churches and ministries they’ve planted is awesome in scope. So many of them asked me why our church is so engaged in God’s mission. They asked me why our people are so obviously passionate about God’s Kingdom. I told them it’s because we have a heart here to seek and to save the lost. We have cultivated the heart of Jesus over the years and it is bearing tremendous fruit. We don’t let ourselves get caught in the weeds on secondary issues of piety and theology like the Pharisees and Sadducees and religious leaders of Jesus’ day but instead keep the main thing, the main thing. What about you? Where do you spend most of your time, energy, and money? Is it on yourself or are you seeking to advance God’s Kingdom? What about your church? Where does your church spend most of it’s time, energy, and money? On itself or on the mission to seek and to save the lost?

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 21-22, Psalms 119:97-128

The Most Beautiful Psalm

Readings for today: Luke 17-18, Psalms 119:33-64

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John‬ ‭14:15‬) Jesus’ words. Simple. Plain. True. Not if you want to earn my love, keep my commandments. Not if you want to be good enough for my love, keep my commandments. Not if you want to be worthy of my love, keep my commandments. Simply, “if you love me, keep me commandments.” The reality is we cannot love Jesus and reject His commandments. We cannot love Jesus and reject His ways. We cannot love Jesus and reject the Law of God in our lives. 

We don’t know for sure who penned the words of Psalm 119 but there is a tradition that tells us David wrote this Psalm in order to teach Solomon the “ABC’s” of the spiritual life. (The Psalm is arranged in stanzas according to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.) David, as we know, was a “man after God’s own heart.” Why? Certainly, it had nothing to do with his behavior. Over and over again, David proved himself to be the chief of sinners. Just like you. Just like me. No, what set David apart was his great love for God’s Law. Despite his crimes. Despite his mistakes. Despite his failures. David never stopped loving God’s commands. Never stopped aspiring to them. Never stopped seeking to follow them all the days of his life. David’s love for the statutes, testimonies, and rules is expressed over and over again in this particular Psalm. 

“Teach me, Lord, the meaning of your statutes, and I will always keep them.”

“Turn my eyes from looking at what is worthless; give me life in your ways.”

“I will walk freely in an open place because I study your precepts.”

“I delight in your commands, which I love. I will lift up my hands to your commands, which I love, and will meditate on your statutes.”

“Your statutes are the theme of my song during my earthly life.”

“The Lord is my portion; I have promised to keep your words. I have sought your favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promise.”

“Lord, the earth is filled with your faithful love; teach me your statutes.”

‭‭(Psalms‬ ‭119‬:‭33‬, ‭37‬, ‭45‬, ‭47‬-‭48‬, ‭54‬, ‭57‬-‭58‬, ‭64‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Many Christians today claim to love Jesus but they don’t know His commands, much less seek to follow them. They remain ignorant of God’s desire and design for their lives and yet they are shocked when things fail to go their way. They are surprised when God doesn’t bless their sinful, selfish ways. Honestly, it’s a bit baffling to me. I’ve heard Christian after Christian argue God’s laws are biased, privileged, or misogynistic. I’ve heard Christian after Christian argue God’s laws reinforce patriarchy, hierarchy, and tyranny. I’ve heard Christian after Christian argue God’s laws are culturally bound therefore useless as a guide in today’s world. My challenge to them in every single one of these conversations is why follow Jesus? Jesus believed in God’s law. In fact, Jesus said not on “jot or tittle” would change under His reign and rule. So how can you say you love Jesus and not love the very law Jesus came to fulfill? It’s pure hypocrisy and self-serving. The reality is one cannot love God and NOT love His commands. Jesus doesn’t leave us that option. “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.”  

Now I can already hear the protests. What about the prohibitions on eating shellfish, mixing clothing with two fibers, or slavery? This is where wisdom comes in. There are laws in the Old Testament that are ceremonial, meaning they govern the worshipping life of ancient Israel. Jesus fulfilled these laws by offering Himself as the perfect sacrifice. (See the Book of Hebrews) There are laws in the Old Testament that are civil, meaning they governed the national life of ancient Israel. Since we don’t live under the authority of the theocracy of ancient Israel, these laws are no longer binding. Finally, there are the moral laws which are timeless and eternal. We see them repeated and paraphrased throughout both the Old and New Testaments. These laws remain in force and guide us to a life well-lived before God. David is addressing the moral law in Psalm 119 as was Jesus in John 14:15.

So that leaves pondering an important question today…do we love God’s law? Do we seek to follow it? Do we seek to honor Jesus by obeying all He commanded us and teaching others to do the same? This is what it means to build your life on the rock and not on sand.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 19-20, Psalms 119:65-96

Letting Go

Readings for today: Luke 14-16, Psalms 119:1-32

I used to be that guy. The one who would elbow his way to the highest place of honor no matter what the occasion. At work, I would weigh in on every matter whether I knew what I was talking about or not. At school, I would try to answer every question. On the athletic field, I did my best to stand out. My god was achievement. My goal was success. My greatest fear was failure. All because I wanted to be known. I wanted to be praised. I wanted to be the center of attention. This was true in my work as a pastor as well. When I went to seminary, I felt like I had something to prove so I did my best to outwork and outshine my classmates. After I graduated and started serving the church, I would look for opportunities to demonstrate I was more effective than my colleagues. I was constantly in competition with those around me. Constantly on the lookout for potential threats. It was exhausting. Then the Lord called me to plant a church in Wisconsin. It was the most painful, heartbreaking experience of my life. He crucified my ego. He broke me of my pride. He stripped my life down to the studs. I had nothing left. I was at the end of myself. I was a complete and utter failure.

Perhaps that’s why I resonate so much with the parable Jesus tells in Luke 14. I spent most of my life trying to claim the seat of highest honor only to have the Lord send me back to some of the lowest places over and over again. I was put in my place frequently by those with much more experience at work. My teachers stopped calling on me at school. My athletic career eventually ended as those better than me took my place. Even among my pastoral colleagues, I often made a fool of myself. Then, when things were falling apart in Wisconsin, I remember reading this story and thinking to myself, “Wow, God has sent me to the lowest possible place. Where do I go from here?” The answer comes at the end of the parable. Seek the lowest place. Don’t try to raise yourself up. Stop competing with those around you. Stop jockeying for position. Stop trying to prove yourself. Instead, embrace obscurity and anonymity and insignificance and let the Master raise you up.

Honestly, I’ve not looked back. My life from the fall of 2009 onward has been one grace after another. As soon as I relinquished my need to be successful, my need for achievement, and my need for attention, I became far more open to God. Instead of exhausting myself trying to show everyone how smart and capable I am, I was able to let go. God spoke to me very clearly, commanding me to labor in obscurity, embrace anonymity, and pursue insignificance. These three words have guided my life ever since. Not only that, but He made it clear to me that I am not to seek another position nor ask for another raise. Instead, I am simply to trust Him to take care of me. Every opportunity I’ve had professionally over the last fifteen years has come from the Lord. I have not pursued a single one. Every financial blessing I’ve received from my church has come from the Lord. I’ve not asked for a single raise. In fact, I’ve turned several down. These are not points of pride for me but rather examples of what it means to live out the parable of Jesus. What about you? Where do you need to relinquish and let go? Where do you need to stop your striving and rest in God? Where do you need to give up control so the Lord can raise you up in His time and according to His will?

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 17-18, Psalms 119:33-64

The Source of Jesus’ Power

Readings for today: Luke 10-11, Psalms 117

It’s one of the most challenging questions I face as a pastor and believer in Jesus Christ. How can a good God allow evil and suffering in the world? My atheist friends rightly press the question even further. “The existence of evil and suffering in the world leaves two possibilities...either your God is good but not all-powerful. Impotent in the face of evil and suffering. Helpless to stop it. Or your God is all-powerful but not good because He chooses not to step in. Either way, your God ceases to be god. Heads we win, tails you lose.” 

The Pharisees and religious leaders were essentially asking Jesus the same thing. Does He truly have the power and authority to defeat evil? And is His power good? Does it come from God? The reason they asked these questions is because they had just seen Jesus perform an exorcism. It’s not the first time. They’ve probably heard reports of other miracles of deliverance. But now they are seeing it with their own eyes. A mute man released. Set free. Words literally tumbling out of his mouth. It’s like everything he’s wanted to say for so many years comes rushing out in a torrent all at once. Exorcism wasn’t a common practice in Israel in those days but it wasn’t unknown either. There were other Jewish exorcists running around, claiming to cast out demons but something about the way Jesus did it was different. The power and authority He exercised was clearly unique and set the religious leaders on edge. What were they seeing? The demons obeyed this man’s every word. What did that mean? Grasping for understanding, they accused Jesus of being in league with Satan or Beelzebul himself. Perhaps the reason the demons obeyed is because Jesus’ power came from the prince of demons? Jesus shoots that theory down. A house divided against itself cannot stand. Why would Satan fight against himself? That leaves only one other option. Jesus is confronting evil and darkness and the devil with the power of God. 

Now we enter really dangerous territory. If the Kingdom of God has come. If Jesus is casting out demons by the finger of God Himself. If the Holy Spirit is at work in these miracles then to deny them is to deny God Himself! An unforgiveable sin! An unpardonable offense! If the religious leaders persist in their skepticism and unbelief, they will find themselves on the outside looking in when the Kingdom of God finally comes. This is why Jesus is so confrontational with them at the end of Luke 11. He wants them to believe. He wants them to come around. He wants them to lay aside their skepticism and disbelief and embrace Him as the Son of God and Son of Man. To see what He’s doing as the work of God in confronting evil and suffering. To see what He’s doing as the goodness of God in action in destroying all the works of the devil. The blind see. The deaf hear. The mute speak. The lame walk. Those who are opppressed and possessed are set free. These things are not random miracles. They are intentional acts of God to break the power of evil and suffering in our world.

And the work Jesus is performing here is just the beginning. After His death, resurrection, and ascension, Jesus pours out His Spirit on the church. The people of God. The Body of Christ. We now are called to go forth - with the same power and authority - to confront the darkness! To defeat evil! To work for the good of the world. This is the commission given to us by our Father. So you ask what God is doing to defeat evil and relieve suffering in the world? I say look in the mirror. He has put you on this earth to make that happen. He has given you His Spirit to empower you and strengthen you and give you wisdom for the task. He has planted you in your neighborhood. Sent you into your school or workplace. Brought different people into your life and across your path for this very purpose.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 12-13, Psalms 118 (No devotionals on Sundays)

Confronting Demons

Readings for today: Luke 8-9, Psalms 116

The world of the Bible can seem strange at times. Today’s passage is filled with stories of Jesus confronting demonic powers and we aren’t sure quite what to make of it. Should we take these stories literally or figuratively? Are these encounters real or just a first century, rudimentary understanding of mental illness? Is Jesus casting out demons or is He healing the mind or is it a bit of both?

It’s important to read these stories in context. Jesus has just exercised His authority over creation as He calms the wind and the waves on the sea. Interlaced between these stories are miracles of healing and resurrection as Jesus exercises His authority over physical illness and even death itself. It shouldn’t surprise us then that Jesus would exercise His authority over the spiritual forces of evil in our world. In addition, we need to remember that though these stories were written for us they are not written to us. They are written to people living in the first century with a first century understanding of the world around them. For most of human history and for most cultures around the world today, there is no separation between the physical and spiritual world. Human beings are integrated creatures with no division between heart, mind, body, and soul. The fracturing of the human person into these component parts is a thoroughly modern, Western concept.

For example, whenever I travel to rural villages in South Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia, I frequently hear the indigenous people describe illness or disease in terms of demonic activity. When they pray for healing, they pray for the whole person. They pray for the Spirit to heal body, mind, soul, and heart. It’s powerful and it is a far more holistic way to approach healing. The same was true for the people Jesus encountered all over Galilee. They lived in a supernatural world where science and faith were not mutually exclusive but deeply intertwined with each other.

Why is the Western world so different? The renowned philosopher, Charles Taylor, outlined a powerful argument in his monumental work, A Secular Age, in which he traced the “disenchantment” of the world back to the Enlightenment. During that period, science and religion began to compete rather than collaborate and the result was a deep fracture that exists to this day. This, of course, creates all kinds of cultural distance we have to overcome when we read the Scriptures. In the Bible, we re-enter an “enchanted” world where the supernatural and natural overlap. This understanding is critical if we are to understand what’s happening when Jesus performs His miracles. He is not just addressing physical issues but mental, emotional, and spiritual issues as well.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 10-11, Psalms 117

Kingdom Values

Readings for today: Luke 6-7, Psalms 115

God bless you. God bless America. God bless this nation, this land, this people, this tribe, this family. All of us want the blessing of God on our lives. All of us want to experience the blessing of God. All of us want to live in a country that is blessed by God. But how do we get from here to there? How must we live so the blessing will come? What must we value? What must we treasure? What must we prioritize in order to make ourselves “blessable?”

Jesus makes it very clear. Blessed are those who are poor, hungry, grieving, and hated because of the “Son of Man.” That last point is key. It is the critical qualifier that governs everything that comes before it. As Christians, we walk by faith not by sight. We are called to give all we have unto the Lord. We are to dedicate every single dollar, even to the point of impoverishing ourselves, to the work of the Lord. We are called to give regularly and cheerfully and sacrificially. And when we do this, Jesus tells us we are blessed because what we will receive in return is nothing less than the Kingdom of Heaven. We are called to share our food and resources with those around us. To the point where we ourselves may go hungry. And if we do, Jesus says, we will be filled. Fulfilled in ways we cannot begin to imagine. We are called to grieve over the state of the world. Grieve over the lostness of our friends and family and neighbors. Grieve over the injustice and oppression and violence and hatred and rage. Grieve over the rampant sin and immorality. And if we find our hearts breaking, Jesus says we will begin to see beyond the horizons of this world to the world to come and we will rejoice. We should expect persecution. We will be hated. We will excluded. We will be insulted. We will be slandered. We will be called evil as we seek to follow Jesus. But those are simply signs that we stand in good company. The company of the ancient prophets of Israel. The company of the saints who have gone before us. And we can rejoice and leap for joy on that day even in the midst of all we are suffering for we know the reward waiting for us in heaven will make it all worth it.

So…is this the blessing you seek? Is this the blessing you desire? Are you willing to live a life that is blessable? A life of daily sacrifice? A life of service? A life of humility and compassion and grace and love? A life of radical generosity? A life of radical faith? Or, have you chosen a different way? Do you want to have it both ways? Do you want to be rich in this world while still trying to follow Jesus? Then you have received your comfort already and small comfort it is! Do you want to be full in this world and never in need? Then you will find yourself hungry. Hungry for more out of life. Do you find yourself laughing, without a care in the world? Then you will find yourself grieving as the eternal consequences of your decisions start to set in, both for yourself and those around you. Do you enjoy a good reputation? Do you make it a point never to rock the boat or stand up for the truth of Christ? Then you most likely have compromised in some way and “gone along to get along” and will not find yourself in the company of the prophets and saints who gave everything to pass along the faith you now enjoy. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you where you might repent and make the turn back to Jesus.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 8-9, Psalms 116

Making Jesus Famous

Readings for today: Luke 4-5, Psalms 114

We live in a world that is rapidly spinning out of control. A tsunami of pain is about to hit our shores, if it hasn’t already. Our children are losing any sense of healthy identity. Mental health crises are on the rise. Suicide rates are trending upward. Substance abuse is skyrocketing. Our culture is filled with an increasing amount of rage and anger. Death threats are now common against those with whom we disagree, including two assassination attempts on a former President. It seems like everything is taken to the extreme. It makes for a very hostile and dangerous environment especially for those living in marginalized communities. So what’s next? Are we doomed to live the rest of our lives under threat? Constantly drawing our relational boundaries ever tighter in order to protect ourselves and those we love or perhaps withdrawing altogether? Surely there has to be a different way.

First century culture in Palestine was little different than our own. Pharisees. Saduccees. Essenes. Herodians. Roman collaborators. It was a fractured society where different religious/political factions dotted the landscape. Each having an agenda. Each vying for power. Each seeking supremacy so they could eradicate their opposition. Each seeking to bring about the Kingdom of God in their own strength and according to their own wisdom. This was the world into which Jesus was born. This was the world in which Jesus launched his ministry. And what a ministry it was! So different than all the rest! Jesus welcomed the outcast. Ate with sinners. Spent time with the ritually unclean. He lifted up women. He cleansed lepers. He restored the isolated and lonely to community. As his fame grew, many people came from all over to bring him their sick. Their diseased. Their hurting. Their wounded. The demon-possessed were set free. He healed all their afflictions. And this only drew more hurting people to him, the Kingdom of God drew near, and Jesus’ fame increased.

What if the church took a similar stance today? What if the church made it her aim to serve her community? To share the good news of the gospel? Bring healing in Jesus’ name? Freedom in Jesus’ name? Hope in Jesus’ name? What if the church was known as a refuge? A place of safety and security amidst the turmoil and violence of our world? What if the church was known for love rather than hate? What if she were known for grace rather than judgment? Faithfulness rather than hypocrisy? What if we made space for people to come as they are? Wherever that may be? What if we committed to walk beside anyone…anytime…anywhere…for as long as they will let us? Would not the fame of Jesus increase? Would not people be drawn to the care and comfort we provide? What if we laid aside our agenda? Our internal ideological squabbles? Our insider theological tussles and instead linked arms to serve? What if we stopped stabbing our wounded in the back and instead embraced the Jesus way of life? What if we put aside our need for political/social/cultural influence and power and instead sought to prayerfully engage across these various spectrums? What if our posture were humility rather than pride? Peace rather than war? Kindness rather than outrage? Service to others rather than to self?

True followers of Jesus are known more by what they’re for than what they’re against. Jesus was certainly against many things in his day but he was known more for his love and compassion and ministry among the poor. The outcast. The sinner. Thankfully there are many churches who follow his lead. What about you? What about your church? How can you represent Christ in your community more faithfully today?

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 6-7, Psalms 115

Songs of Salvation

Readings for today: Luke 2-3, Psalms 113

I love to sing. I’ll sing just about anything, any style, from any era. I have a deep appreciation for music which I learned from my mother who taught elementary music school music for forty years. Perhaps that’s why I love worship so much. I love to sing the great hymns of our faith. I love to sing the praise songs currently being written. I love to sing Gregorian chant, the Psalms, and other meditative, prayerful music. I love the pipe organ. I love praise bands. I love brass and woodwinds and percussion. I love the human voice most of all. I’ve sung sung songs in small groups, sanctuaries, cathedrals, even stadiums. I’ve songs in different languages around the globe. All of it fills my heart and stirs my soul.

One of the features I appreciate most about Luke’s Gospel is all the singing that accompanies the birth of Jesus. He records four separate songs from four separate people, all of whom are responding to the birth of the Messiah. Traditionally, these songs are known as “canticles” from the Latin term which means “little songs.” They are the Benedictus of Zechariah from Luke 1:68-79, the Magnificat of Mary from Luke 1:46-55, the Gloria in Excelsis Deo of the angels from Luke 2:14, and the Nunc Dimittis of Simeon from Luke 2:29-32. All of them praise God for what He has done. All of them express the wonder and awe at the great plan of God that is being fulfilled. All of them marvel at God’s steadfast love and faithfulness towards His people.

There is something about singing that taps into the deep places of our hearts. Something about music that moves our souls. I’ve sat with people in advanced stages of dementia or Alzheimer’s who can still remember the songs they sang when they were little. It’s miraculous to listen to them sing the Doxology or Gloria Patri or a hymn like Amazing Grace. It brings incredible comfort to those they love who stand vigil as they pass from this life to the life to come. And I’m quite confident that when they finally reach those heavenly shores, they will be met by the saints who’ve gone before them with even more singing. They will learn new songs, songs of glory known only to the residents of heaven who worship Jesus face to face. I can’t wait for that day and believe with all my heart that our worship here on earth is just the warm up act for the worship service we’ll join when we too cross over from the dimension of earth to the dimension of heaven.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 4-5, Psalms 114

Rational Faith

Readings for today: Luke 1, Psalms 112

I often meet and talk with people who struggle with the concept of faith. Typically, they are more “left-brained” in their thinking. They are more analytical and methodical and scientifically and/or mathematically minded. They want to know what evidence exists for the Christian faith and how one can believe in events that, by definition, defy the laws of physics. They tend to bracket out, a priori, the existence of miracles. And they tend to think of faith and reason as oppositional concepts. I love talking with them. Mainly because these are my people. I too am an analytical thinker. I too want to know the evidence that exists for the Christian faith and if Christianity presents the best explanation of what’s available. I too struggle to accept events that defy the laws of physics, though admittedly my struggle has diminished the more I travel to places like South Sudan, Uganda, and Ethiopia. I too used to think that faith and reason were opposing concepts.

Perhaps that’s why I love Luke’s Gospel so much. He sets out from the opening lines to present a clear and compelling case, based on eye witness testimony, of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He carefully investigates all the claims. He writes in an orderly fashion. His goal is for Theophilus - which literally means “God lover” - to find assurance and certainty and peace of mind when it comes to what he or she believes. Luke certainly helped me find this assurance. His Gospel presents a faith that is rational. A faith that is reasonable. A faith that is not blind but rather the best account of the evidence provided.

Now one can certainly argue about the veracity of miracles but one also has to be honest that they are making an argument from deduction not observation. One can certainly argue over the reliability of eye witness testimony and have questions about whether the story changes in the years between the actual events and when Luke was writing but one must also be honest that eye witness testimony has been found reliable in courts of law for centuries and across cultures. Furthermore, one has to set aside their anachronism and cultural definitions of literacy and grapple with the differences between oral and textual societies. One can certainly challenge Luke’s historical chops but one must not impose 21st century standards on ancient authors but instead ask if Luke’s writings represent a compelling account of ancient biography. All of these are important questions to ask and seek answers to but perhaps most important is what one does with the basic facts of the case. What does one do with the person of Jesus Christ who lived and taught and suffered and died and was crucified and buried and whose tomb was empty three days later? No honest historian disputes these basic, fundamental facts so one has to come up with a hypothesis to explain them and to date, no one has come up with anything better than what Luke presents in his Gospel.

One may choose to reject the rationality of the Christian faith but that doesn’t make it irrational. The Christian faith is a rational approach to real events that happened in real time in human history. It is a clear and compelling way to make sense of the empty tomb and it’s implications for humanity and the world.

Readings for tomorrow: Luke 2-3, Psalms 113

The Holy Spirit

Readings for today: John 16-18, Psalms 110

Today’s reading introduces us to the Holy Spirit. What some have called the “forgotten member of the Trinity.” Because of the materialistic nature of Western thought and our discomfort with anything supernatural, we often forget the Holy Spirit and the active role He plays in our sanctification and salvation. As Christians, we do not struggle to wrap our minds around the Father. The Creator of heaven and earth. We similarly do not struggle to understand the Son. The Savior of our souls. We do struggle to understand the Spirit. The One who comes to live with us and dwell with us and point us to Christ. And yet, the Spirit is so important! He is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise that though He would ascend back into heaven, we would not be abandoned. Not left stranded in this world. Doomed to wander as orphans and strangers in this world. 

The Holy Spirit is sent to accomplish several things. First and foremost, He is the Helper. (John 16:7). His role is to encourage and assist believers in following Christ. How does He do this? “When He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John‬ ‭16:8‬ CSB) He operates as the “conscience” in the heart of every believer. He lets us know when we wander and stray. He tells us when we fall outside of God’s will. He brings us back in confession and repentance. He also leads us to righteousness. He doesn’t just show up when we do something wrong, He teaches us what is right and good and holy and pure.  He also reminds us all of God’s final judgment. An assurance for believers and a terror for unbelievers. 

The Holy Spirit also guides us into all truth.  He illumines God’s Word so that we may understand God’s ways more fully and seek to align our lives with Him. He gives us insight to see God’s activity all around us in creation. In the lives of those we love. Even in our own hearts. Sometimes He shows us what’s to come. Gives us a foretaste of heaven or a premonition of the future. Finally, and most importantly, “He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take what is Mine and declare it to you.”‭‭ (John‬ ‭16:14-15‬ CSB) The main job of the Holy Spirit is not to draw attention to Himself but to point us to Christ. I think this is one of the reasons He is so often overlooked. He never self-promotes but instead fulfills the will of the Father and the Son to glorify Christ above all things. 

Belief in the Holy Spirit is essential for every Christian. Learning to hear His voice. Tap into His wisdom. Follow His will is what leads us to sanctification. He is the One who makes us more into the image of Christ and surrendering to His will in our daily lives is the essence of what it means to be a disciple.  

Readings for tomorrow: John 19-21, Psalms 111 (No devotionals on Sundays)

Following the Example of Jesus

Readings for today: John 13-15, Psalms 109

I am always struck by the foot-washing episode in John’s Gospel. Jesus taking on the role of a house servant and cleaning the feet of His disciples. He cleans the feet of the men who will abandon Him in the days ahead. The feet of the one who will deny Him three times. The feet of the one who will betray Him. It’s an incredible act of humility. And then Jesus takes it one step further. He commands His disciples to follow His example. It’s why some Christian denominations consider it a sacrament. They practice it regularly. Others practice it on Maundy Thursday which is the night we celebrate the Last Supper every year. Still others may not practice the act itself but they dedicate themselves to lives of service and sacrifice in recognition of what Jesus modeled for us by taking the servant’s role.

Many years ago, I served as a volunteer prison chaplain and led a Bible study on the Book of John. When we got to the foot-washing story, I brought a bucket and some sponges. It was incredible to see the reactions of the inmates. These were men who had become good friends. Men with whom I had shared a lot of life. We knew each other’s stories. I knew the crimes they had committed and they knew of my failures as well. We had been vulnerable with each other. Prayed with each other. Wept with each other. But there was something about washing each other’s feet that made us deeply uncomfortable. In fact, when I first suggested it, the immediate reaction was “no.” As I gently pressed them, tears sprang to their eyes as they nodded their heads. One or two continued to hold out but eventually did give in. Then they washed my feet and I too wept. It was one of the most spiritually intimate experiences of my life.

There is power in emulating Jesus. Power in following in His footsteps. Power in engaging in the same practices He set before us. Listen again to His words and think about what it might mean to put these words into practice in your own life. “So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you also should do just as I have done for you. “Truly I tell you, a servant is not greater than his master, and a messenger is not greater than the one who sent him.” (John‬ ‭13‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Jesus dedicated His life to serving others. Jesus gave up all His rights and privileges in order to stand in solidarity with the least and lost of our world. Jesus sacrificed His life in order to save sinners. And He calls us, as His disciples, to do the same for each other and for those around us. Whose feet can you wash today?

Readings for tomorrow: John 16-18, Psalms 110

Life isn’t Fair

Readings for today: John 11-12, Psalms 108

“Whoever told you life was fair?” If only I had a nickel for every time I heard this phrase from my father growing up. Typically it came when I was complaining about having to do more work than my two younger brothers. I was the oldest so was alway assigned the hardest chores and it didn’t make sense to me. Why didn’t my brothers have to pull their own weight? Why didn’t they have to do as much work as I did? Why couldn’t they help out more especially on the big projects dad always had planned in our backyard? It just didn’t seem fair. Looking back, I can see the lesson dad was trying to teach me. Life isn’t fair. The burdens are not equally spread out nor are the resources. Some face unbelievable challenges while others seem to cruise through life. Some work hard and barely get ahead while others work less and strike it rich. None of us have the same gifts. None of us are given the same opportunities. None of us put in the same amount of effort. So fairness clearly isn’t a value God built into the system.

Perhaps that’s what John was getting at when he summed up the fickle nature of human faith in John 12:39-40 CSB, "This is why they were unable to believe, because Isaiah also said: He has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, so that they would not see with their eyes or understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them.” I know those are not easy words to hear. That doesn’t seem very fair. How is it that God would choose some and not others? How is it that God would open the eyes of some and not others? How is it God would regenerate some hearts and not others? How is it that God would actively blind eyes and harden hearts to the message of the gospel? I will not pretend to probe the mysteries of divine election in this post. Nor will I seek to untangle the Gordian knot of predestination vs. free will. I imagine that debate will last until Jesus’ return. Perhaps even beyond. It is not given to us to understand these things, only to accept them. And this is where our faith is put to the test. Do we believe God is good? Do we believe God is wise? Do we believe God is true? Do we believe God has a plan? Do we believe God is worthy? Do we believe God is righteous? All these things are called into question the very moment we read verses like these and think to ourselves “this doesn’t seem fair.”

It is a dangerous thing to question the nature and character of God. It is a fearful thing for the clay to say to the Potter, why have you made me thus? It is arrogant to demand God give an account to us or answer to our flawed notions of justice or meet our democratic standards of fairness. This is where growing up in America where our leaders must answer to the will of the people hurts us. Our cultural context works against us as we read. God is no democratically elected leader. He is our King. Our Lord. Our Sovereign. He created the universe and all that is in it. We are dust. We are ashes. We are nothing and it is only because God has decided to set His love on us that we are worth anything at all. It is only because God decided to make us in His image that we have dignity and honor. But these things are not our own! They are conveyed to us by God Himself for His own mysterious purposes.

So what if God – desiring to make known His power and reveal His glory – decided to make some vessels for honor and some for dishonor? What if God – desiring to make known His justice and righteousness – raises up some for glory and others for destruction? Does this make God unjust? Does this make God unfair? Does this call into question God’s goodness and righteousness? If we are honest, there can be only one answer. What right do we – created beings one and all – have to question our Creator? As the Apostle Paul says, “What right does the clay have to question the Potter?”

Here is where the rubber meets the road when we talk about surrender. We are called to lay it all in His hands. We give it all to Him. He alone is worthy of all glory and honor and power because He stands outside time and space and creation. He is far removed from any of our human notions of justice and righteousness. He does not answer to His creation. Furthermore, humility demands that we accept the fact that He sees far more than any of us do. He has an eternal perspective we cannot grasp. His wisdom is infinite and His knowledge without end. What seems paradoxical to us is logical to Him. What seems contradictory to us makes perfect sense for Him. What seems impossible to us is well within the bounds of His authority and rule and reign.

Readings for tomorrow: John 13-15, Psalms 109


Readings for today: John 9-10, Psalms 107

Who is the one who is blind? The one who cannot physically see or the one who cannot spiritually see? In John 9, we have a record of Jesus healing all kinds of blindness. The cultural blindness of the disciples who believed in a closed world of cause and effect. Every physical ailment or illness or disability was a punishment for sin. Either the individual sinned and deserved it or their parents sinned and the judgment was passed down a generation. Then there is the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees who missed the forest for the trees when it came to the ministry of Jesus. Because they couldn’t “see” beyond their own legalism, they couldn’t rejoice with the man who was healed. Instead, they criticized Jesus for breaking the Sabbath and declared He must not be from God. Finally, there is the physical blindness of the man himself. A man who had not been able to see from birth. Jesus’ healing comes in two different stages for him. First, there is the healing of his eyes. Second, there is the healing of his soul. In the first case, it was a combination of mud, a ritual washing, and the power of Jesus who gave him his sight. In the second case, it was the power of faith given to him by the Holy Spirit that brought him salvation.

All of us suffer from blindness on some level. It may be physical. It may be mental or emotional. It may be spiritual. All of us need the healing power of Jesus in our lives to give us back our sight. I have personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed from physical blindness. It’s incredible to watch them see for the first time in a long time. I have personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed mentally or emotionally through prayer, medication, therapy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It’s incredible to see their burdens lifted and the freedom they experience. I’ve personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed spiritually through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing better than seeing someone come to saving faith in Jesus Christ!

Where do you find yourself today? What kind of healing do you need in your life? Where do you need Jesus to restore your sight? Pray to Him! Ask Him! He will answer. He will open your eyes in ways you cannot begin to imagine so that you may bear witness to His glory.

Readings for tomorrow: John 11-12, Psalms 108