
Readings for today: John 9-10, Psalms 107

Who is the one who is blind? The one who cannot physically see or the one who cannot spiritually see? In John 9, we have a record of Jesus healing all kinds of blindness. The cultural blindness of the disciples who believed in a closed world of cause and effect. Every physical ailment or illness or disability was a punishment for sin. Either the individual sinned and deserved it or their parents sinned and the judgment was passed down a generation. Then there is the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees who missed the forest for the trees when it came to the ministry of Jesus. Because they couldn’t “see” beyond their own legalism, they couldn’t rejoice with the man who was healed. Instead, they criticized Jesus for breaking the Sabbath and declared He must not be from God. Finally, there is the physical blindness of the man himself. A man who had not been able to see from birth. Jesus’ healing comes in two different stages for him. First, there is the healing of his eyes. Second, there is the healing of his soul. In the first case, it was a combination of mud, a ritual washing, and the power of Jesus who gave him his sight. In the second case, it was the power of faith given to him by the Holy Spirit that brought him salvation.

All of us suffer from blindness on some level. It may be physical. It may be mental or emotional. It may be spiritual. All of us need the healing power of Jesus in our lives to give us back our sight. I have personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed from physical blindness. It’s incredible to watch them see for the first time in a long time. I have personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed mentally or emotionally through prayer, medication, therapy, forgiveness, and reconciliation. It’s incredible to see their burdens lifted and the freedom they experience. I’ve personally witnessed and spoken with those who have been healed spiritually through the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing better than seeing someone come to saving faith in Jesus Christ!

Where do you find yourself today? What kind of healing do you need in your life? Where do you need Jesus to restore your sight? Pray to Him! Ask Him! He will answer. He will open your eyes in ways you cannot begin to imagine so that you may bear witness to His glory.

Readings for tomorrow: John 11-12, Psalms 108