The Holy Spirit

Readings for today: John 16-18, Psalms 110

Today’s reading introduces us to the Holy Spirit. What some have called the “forgotten member of the Trinity.” Because of the materialistic nature of Western thought and our discomfort with anything supernatural, we often forget the Holy Spirit and the active role He plays in our sanctification and salvation. As Christians, we do not struggle to wrap our minds around the Father. The Creator of heaven and earth. We similarly do not struggle to understand the Son. The Savior of our souls. We do struggle to understand the Spirit. The One who comes to live with us and dwell with us and point us to Christ. And yet, the Spirit is so important! He is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise that though He would ascend back into heaven, we would not be abandoned. Not left stranded in this world. Doomed to wander as orphans and strangers in this world. 

The Holy Spirit is sent to accomplish several things. First and foremost, He is the Helper. (John 16:7). His role is to encourage and assist believers in following Christ. How does He do this? “When He comes, He will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment:” (John‬ ‭16:8‬ CSB) He operates as the “conscience” in the heart of every believer. He lets us know when we wander and stray. He tells us when we fall outside of God’s will. He brings us back in confession and repentance. He also leads us to righteousness. He doesn’t just show up when we do something wrong, He teaches us what is right and good and holy and pure.  He also reminds us all of God’s final judgment. An assurance for believers and a terror for unbelievers. 

The Holy Spirit also guides us into all truth.  He illumines God’s Word so that we may understand God’s ways more fully and seek to align our lives with Him. He gives us insight to see God’s activity all around us in creation. In the lives of those we love. Even in our own hearts. Sometimes He shows us what’s to come. Gives us a foretaste of heaven or a premonition of the future. Finally, and most importantly, “He will glorify Me, for He will take what is Mine and declare it to you. All that the Father has is Mine; therefore I said that He will take what is Mine and declare it to you.”‭‭ (John‬ ‭16:14-15‬ CSB) The main job of the Holy Spirit is not to draw attention to Himself but to point us to Christ. I think this is one of the reasons He is so often overlooked. He never self-promotes but instead fulfills the will of the Father and the Son to glorify Christ above all things. 

Belief in the Holy Spirit is essential for every Christian. Learning to hear His voice. Tap into His wisdom. Follow His will is what leads us to sanctification. He is the One who makes us more into the image of Christ and surrendering to His will in our daily lives is the essence of what it means to be a disciple.  

Readings for tomorrow: John 19-21, Psalms 111 (No devotionals on Sundays)