The Sovereignty of God

Readings for today: Jeremiah 45-48, Psalms 25

Over the years, I’ve been blessed to have friends from many different faith backgrounds and life experiences. Some of my friends are not believers. They are agnostic or atheist. They don’t think there is anything beyond this world. Some of my friends are deists. They believe in a higher power of some sort but not necessarily a Christian one. In fact, many of them would argue all gods are the same. Some of my friends are Muslim. They believe in Allah and what the Prophet Muhammed taught. Some of my friends are Hindu. They believe in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. Some of my friends are Buddhist and their desire is to seek enlightenment. Their god isn’t personal per se though becoming one with him is the very definition of enlightenment. When we have conversations about faith, I often hear my friends say something along the lines of “that’s okay for you Christians to believe, it’s just not for me.” Essentially, you do you and I’ll do me. And while that sounds nice and the epitome of tolerance, it’s actually dangerous. Why? Because Jesus Christ isn’t just the “Christian god.” He is the God of the universe and everyone will one day appear before His judgment seat.

Consider our reading from today. God exercises His judgment over the nations. Each of these nations had their own gods. They each had their own belief systems. They each had their own religions but all of them are still subject to God. They live and move and have their being under His sovereign authority. They exist at His pleasure. They are subject to His righteous judgment. Pharaoh, Philistia, Moab…none of them shall escape. They shall all fall before the Lord. The same will be true with Babylon. It’s the same for every nation on the earth. Every nation that has ever or will ever exist. All of them are subject to the Lord of hosts. This is the mistake so many make when they pursue other religions or worship other gods. They make the same mistake the ancient pagan nations made. They fall into the trap of believing all gods are the same and belief in god is a matter of personal choice. They are wrong. There is only one God who holds all authority in heaven and earth and under the earth and all of us will one day appear before His judgment seat.

Readings for tomorrow: Jeremiah 49-50, Psalms 26