God is on our Side

Readings for today: Jeremiah 49-50, Psalms 26

There is nothing like knowing God is on your side. With God, you can endure every hardship. You can overcome every obstacle. You can persevere through every trial. With God, the battle is already won. The power of sin is already broken. The defeat of evil has already been accomplished. With God, no weapon that is formed against you can stand. No scheme of the enemy can prevail. No attack against you will succeed. God is your strength. God is your redeemer. God is your protector. God is the strong warrior who stands at your side.

Consider all Jeremiah has gone through in his life. He has been to the mountaintop and he has lived in the valley of deep shadow and despair. He has been imprisoned. He has been beaten. He has been ostracized by society. He has been persecuted in so many ways. But as he watches his beloved city fall and his beloved people get carried off into exile, he is preserved. God protects him. God keeps him safe. Not only that but God gives him a promise. One day, the Babylonians will fall. One day, they too will be overcome. One day, the Lord will bring His judgment against them and deliver His people yet again. Why? God is faithful. He is faithful to His promises. He is faithful to His covenant. He loves Israel with an everlasting love. And He loves us the same.

How do I know the God of Israel stands at my side? Jesus Christ. He literally came to earth to show me He is with us. To show me the lengths He is willing to go to save us. Like Jeremiah, Jesus spoke the truth. Like Jeremiah, Jesus was beaten. Jesus was betrayed. Jesus was imprisoned. But unlike Jeremiah, Jesus was not saved. He went to His death in accordance with God’s perfect plan. He laid down His life in order that we might be redeemed. Listen again to how Jeremiah describes it and rejoice in God’s faithfulness to you and to His people…

“This is what the Lord of Armies says: Israelites and Judeans alike have been oppressed. All their captors hold them fast; they refuse to release them. Their Redeemer is strong; the Lord of Armies is his name. He will fervently champion their cause so that he might bring rest to the earth but turmoil to those who live in Babylon.” (Jeremiah‬ ‭50‬:‭33‬-‭34‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

Readings for tomorrow: Jeremiah 51-52, Psalms 27 (No devotionals on Sundays)