Godly Contentment

Readings for today: Psalms 13-18, Acts 18

Recently, a friend asked me for the secret to godly contentment. This is a person who struggles to find peace. They are anxious and afraid much of the time. They catastrophize, frequently spinning out only the worst case scenarios. They are pretty negative, often waiting for the other shoe to drop. They assume the worst rather than the best of themselves and others. They are at war with those closest to them. In fact, it was because of a recent blow-up that they found themselves in my office.

I walked them through Psalm 16 and asked them to reflect on a series of questions.

“Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” Do you believe God is safe? Do you believe His door is always open to you? Do you believe you can run to Him when you are in trouble or when you are anxious and afraid? Do you believe God wants only your good?

“As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight. The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips.” Look at the people around you. Look at the people you have surrounded yourself with. Are they godly or ungodly? Are they content or are they anxious? Are they selfless or selfish? Does being with them bring your soul delight or sorrow? Does being with them make you feel closer to God or further away?

“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” Is God enough? Is He sufficient? Does He satisfy? When you consider what’s most important in your life, is God at the top of the list? Is spending time with Him your greatest joy? Is worshipping Him your greatest desire? When you look at your life, do you see evidence of His blessing? Do you live from a place of gratitude for all He has done for you? All that you’ve been given? All that He has entrusted into your hands?

“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; in the night also my heart instructs me. I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.” Do you seek the Lord’s wisdom when you make decisions? Do you spend time in prayer when you are anxious and afraid? Do you commit yourself to follow God’s ways no matter how crazy it may sound or foolish it may appear in the eyes of the world? Do you follow Christ no matter what the cost?

“Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also dwells secure. For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, or let your holy one see corruption. You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm‬ ‭16:1-11) Gladness comes when we embrace the promises of God for our life. Security comes when we commit to walking in God’s ways. Abundant life flows when we listen to Him. Fullness of joy becomes ours when we dwell in His presence. It is ONLY at God’s right hand that we find the eternal pleasure our hearts long for.

How would you answer these questions? As St. Augustine once said, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.” Our hearts are never content. Never at peace. Never at rest until they find their rest in Christ. Abiding with Him. Intentionally placing ourselves at His right hand. Dwelling His presence. Walking in His ways. Seeking His face. Obeying His will. This is the only way to satisfy the deepest cravings of hearts.

Readings for tomorrow: Psalms 19-22, Acts 19