Jesus is God

Readings for today: John 1-2, Psalms 103

“In the beginning was the Word…” Before God does. Jesus is. Before God speaks. Jesus is. Before God acts. Jesus is. Jesus is the fundamental reality of our existence. He is the Word. The Divine Logos. The Word that is God. The Word that was God. The Word that was with God in the beginning. He is the firstborn over all creation. Pre-eminent over all God has made. Through Him all things came into being. Nothing was made that has been made except through Jesus. The universe and all that is in it are contingent realities. Jesus is eternal. The world with all of its fullness is temporary. It has beginning and will have an end. Jesus is the Alpha and Omega. The beginning and the end. The first and the last. He is the great I AM.

The apostle John deliberately evokes the creation narrative as he begins his Gospel. He wants us to understand Jesus is not just the Son of God…He is God. He didn’t come into existence at His birth but rather became one of us. The eternal entering the temporal. Immortal becoming mortal. Imperishable, perishable. Jesus exists from eternity in perfect communion with the Father and the Spirit. One God. Three Persons. Forevermore. Jesus is not a created being. He is the Creator. Jesus is not a human being. But a Being in which both human and divine natures come together. Jesus is not an enlightened teacher. Not an extraordinarily good person. Not a miracle worker. He is God incarnate. As such, He was present when all things came into being and an active participant with the Father and Spirit in creation.

This is the heart of the Christian faith. If we don’t have a right understanding of Christ, we cannot worship God for who He is. If we don’t have a right understanding of Christ, we cannot know God. If we don’t have a right understanding of Christ, we will remake God in our own image. Reduce Him down to our size. Attempt to manipulate or control Him. Belittle Him. Ignore Him. Forsake Him. If Jesus is not God then there is no Christian faith and we’re all just making it up as we go along. We are among men to be most pitied as the Apostle Paul will later say.

Friends, to have a relationship with Christ is to have a relationship with the Creator of the universe Himself. To know Christ is to know God in all His fullness. Christ is the perfect image of God. In Him the fullness of God was pleased to dwell. There is no God beyond Christ. No God behind Christ. No God outside of Christ. All other gods are idols. All other conceptions of god are false. All other ideas about god are foolish. Everything we can say about God, we can say about Christ. Everything we will learn about God as we read the Old and New Testaments, we can attribute to Christ. He is the Word of God. He is with God. He is God.

Readings for tomorrow: John 3-4, Psalms 104 (No devotionals on Sundays)

Fear and Trembling

Readings for today: Mark 15-16, Psalms 102

There’s a part of me that loves the original ending of Mark’s Gospel in verse eight. Probably because I’ve gotten a taste of the emotions the women must have felt when they saw the tomb was empty and heard the good news from the young man about Jesus rising from the dead. I will never forget my first trip to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and getting a chance to enter the empty tomb for myself. Trembling and astonishment are just two of the many emotions I felt in that moment. Tears came to my eyes as I touched the slab where my Lord lay. As my wife and I knelt and prayed together, a deep sense of awe and wonder came over us and we couldn’t speak for a while afterwards. We were at a complete loss for words.

The last thing the women expected to find that morning was an empty tomb. In fact, that was their chief worry as they headed out early that morning to finish preparing Jesus’ body for burial. “Who will roll away the stone for us?” Who will let us in to see His body? Who will help us finish the final burial rights for our dearly beloved rabbi, teacher, mentor, and friend? When they arrived and saw the stone had been moved, fear must have set in as they contemplated all the options of what this could mean. Did someone steal His body? Are the Roman soldiers desecrating His final resting place? Have the religious authorities done something with Him? Instead, they see a young man dressed in a white robe sitting where Jesus once lay. The other Gospel writers tell us he was an angel and His message was startling and unprecedented. Jesus is alive! Jesus will meet you in Galilee! Go and tell the rest of the disciples! I can only imagine their immediate response. Tell them what? Tell them Jesus - who we all saw tortured, crucified, and killed - has been raised from the dead? They had no categories for such a thing. Resurrection was the furthest thing from their thoughts. So they ran from the tomb, overwhelmed by fear and astonishment, completely unable to grasp what had taken place and certainly not able to articulate it to anyone.

Honestly, it’s always overwhelming when God shows up. It’s never easy or comfortable. It always engenders some measure of fear and trembling when we come face to face with the Holy One of Israel. I’ve been blessed with several such encounters over the course of my life. Times when the Holy Spirit makes Himself known in a powerful way that absolutely overwhelms all my senses. I am struck blind and deaf and dumb and mute by the experience. It has happened to me overseas and at home. It has happened when I feel like I’m on top of the world and when I’ve felt like I’ve been stripped to studs and have nowhere else to turn. Most of the time, it catches me completely by surprise and I almost always walk away trembling from the experience. It’s a fearful thing to fall into the hands of Almighty God but it’s also good for He is ever faithful and true.

Readings for tomorrow: John 1-2, Psalms 103


Readings for today: Mark 13-14, Psalms 101

I meet so many believers around the world who believe Jesus will return in their lifetimes. In almost every case, it’s because of the trials and tribulation they are either suffering currently or are anticipating suffering based on the growing hostility in their particular culture. Jesus, of course, predicted these things would happen to those who followed Him. He predicted pain and suffering and warfare and betrayal and a host of other things that would take place around the world before His 2nd coming. Honestly, I hope they are right. I would love to be out of a job! I would love to avoid as much pain and suffering as possible.

At the same time, I am enough of a student of history to know God’s people have endured unspeakable things. In the early years, they were on the run during the periods of systematic persecution under pagan Roman Emperors. They endured all kinds of hardship and suffering during the chaos of the Dark Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire. They experienced immense pain and grief and loss due to natural disasters, famines, disease, etc. Think of how they must have felt in the 14th century as the Black Plague ravaged Europe for example. Listen again to Jesus’ words, “Watch out that no one deceives you. Many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am he,’ and they will deceive many. When you hear of wars and rumors of wars, don’t be alarmed; these things must take place, but it is not yet the end. For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in various places, and famines. These are the beginning of birth pains. “But you, be on your guard! They will hand you over to local courts, and you will be flogged in the synagogues. You will stand before governors and kings because of me, as a witness to them. And it is necessary that the gospel be preached to all nations.” (Mark‬ ‭13‬:‭5‬-‭10‬ ‭CSB‬)

So what‘s the point? Why doesn’t God just bring an end to all the pain and suffering and injustice and violence on the earth? Why didn’t God just put an end to it all after raising His Son from the dead? The answer to this question comes in the last sentence. Verse ten. “It is necessary that the gospel be preached to all nations.” This is the mission of the church and God will not return until this mission is complete. God’s great desire is that all should be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth. God wants people from every tribe, tongue, and nation to be part of the great eschatological worship service before His throne. So rather than speculate on when Jesus might return or worry about how much tribulation we may have to face or how many trials we may have to endure, I believe Jesus is calling us to be humble, wise, discerning, and most of all, passionate about taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 15-16, Psalms 102

Save us!

Readings for today: Mark 11-12, Psalms 100

Hosanna. It’s a beautiful word and a powerful prayer. It’s the cry of the people as Jesus rides into Jerusalem. And it’s also the culmination of the prayers of so many generations of God’s people. Think of all the people of God have suffered throughout the ages. From the nomadic existence of Abraham and Sarah to brutal slavery in Egypt to the wars of conquest in the Promised Land to the ebbs and flows of sin and redemption under the leadership of different kings and judges to the destruction of the northern kingdom and the exile of the southern kingdom. It’s an unbelievable story that testifies to the miraculous intervention and preservation of God as He guided and protected His people over the years. And now they find themselves back in the Land but under occupation. They find themselves able to worship at the Temple but under the corrupt leadership of the religious authorities. They find themselves able to practice their faith but God’s salvation seems as distant as ever. Then along comes Jesus. He heals. He feeds. He casts out demons. He teaches. He points people to the Kingdom of God in very tangible and practical ways. It’s powerful. No wonder they looked to Him for salvation.

“Many people spread their clothes on the road, and others spread leafy branches cut from the fields. Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted: Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Mark‬ ‭11‬:‭8‬-‭10‬ ‭CSB‬‬) It’s hard to get our heads and hearts around what the people in first century Palestine must have felt. The Roman Empire was peaking under the leadership of Caesar Augustus. The religious authorities were firmly entrenched. There were several revolutionary movements underway. It must have felt like they were living in a powder keg that could blow at any time. Jesus was one of those “revolutionaries.” All they knew about Him was that He was a worker of miracles and a powerful preacher. They knew He had gained a significant following in the Galilean countryside. Now he was coming into Jerusalem riding on a colt just like the ancient prophets foretold. He was deliberately invoking the echoes of King David and the golden age of the Israelite kingdom. And they must have had such high hopes.

All of us experience those same hopes. We long for Jesus to save us. Save us from our sin. Save us from our pain. Save us from our fears. Save us from our circumstances. And whether we realize it or not, we all cry out on some level, “Hosanna!” We all cry out to Jesus for salvation. But are we willing to receive the salvation He offers in the way He offers it? Through the cross? Through His suffering and death and resurrection? That’s what tripped up the people cheering for Him back in the first century. They wanted a king. They wanted someone who would throw out the Romans and depose the religious elite. They wanted someone who would build up the military power of Israel and re-establish her ancient borders and dominate the pagan nations around them once more. This was not the salvation Jesus offered and that’s why so many turned on Him. If we aren’t careful, we can fall into this same trap. We want Jesus to exercise His authority and restore our nation. We want Him to depose our own corrupt political, social, cultural, and even ecclesiastical leaders. We want Jesus to rebuild our power and influence so we can dominate the world once again. But that’s not the salvation Jesus offers.

So why do you cry Hosanna? What kind of salvation are you actually looking for? What would happen if Jesus did actually give you your heart’s desire and would that have any kind of eternal significance?

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 13-14, Psalms 101

Transfigured Spaces

Readings for today: Mark 9-10, Psalms 99

Years ago, I came across the idea of a “thin space.” A place where the veil between this world and the next becomes permeable. All of a sudden, we can see into God’s world from our world. The dimensions of heaven and earth merge and intersect. It is the space of miracles. The space where the divine meets the mundane face to face. 

I believe the Bible records such a space when it describes what happens on the Mount of Transfiguration. Jesus has just given his disciples a promise. Some of them will not taste death until they get to see the Kingdom of God come in power. Six days later, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a high mountain. Once they arrive on the summit, Jesus is “transfigured” before them, meaning He appears to them in all His divine glory. His robes become radiant, taking on an intensity never before seen on earth. Elijah and Moses, the greatest of the Old Testament saints, appear beside Him. They begin to converse. A cloud overshadows them and a voice thunders from the atmosphere surrounding them, “This is my Beloved Son, listen to Him.” They fall on their faces in reverent fear. 

It begs the question. Where is heaven? Is it up in the sky somewhere? Perhaps deep into outer space? The famous Russian cosmonaut, Yuri Gagarin, was asked if he found God when he went to into space. “No”, he replied. “I searched and searched but He was not there.” But heaven is not a physical place residing somewhere out there in the farthest reaches of our universe. It lies in another dimension altogether. “Heaven” and “Earth” are simply different names to two different dimensions of Life. Death is the gateway between them. The dimension of heaven exists all around us all the time. In fact, the very word translated “heaven” in the Scriptures can also mean “atmosphere.” That’s how I prefer to think about it. We are immersed in it even though we cannot see it. God speaks to us from the air surrounding us. The saints who have gone before us are constantly moving in and among us. All of them waiting for the day when God finally brings these two dimensions together once and for all. 

And that begs yet another question. When we place our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. At salvation, the Third Person of the Trinity comes to dwell in our hearts. And this means Christians are walking, talking “thin spaces” (or as I like to think of it - “transfigured spaces”), constantly living at the intersection of heaven and earth. Think about the implications of that for a moment. Aren’t they glorious? If we could live with this awareness all the time, wouldn’t it change things? Change how we work? Change how we relate to friends and family? Change how interact with the world around us?

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 11-12, Psalms 100

Get Behind Me, Satan!

Readings for today: Mark 7-8, Psalms 98

In the temptation narrative from Luke’s Gospel, there is a line that has always stood out to me. After Jesus successfully resists the enemy, Luke says Satan departed “until an opportune time.” As I’ve reflected on these words over the years, it seems clear to me that throughout the rest of the Gospels, a careful reader can see moments where Satan has returned to tempt Jesus yet again. Tempt Him to be self-sufficient (turn stones into bread). Tempt Him with self-promotion (throw yourself off the Temple). And finally and most insidiously, tempt Him to achieve all His Father wants for Him but without the cross. Without the suffering. Without the pain. Without the death. “I will give you all the nations of the earth if you will worship me”, says Satan.

In today’s reading we see the Apostle Peter at his best and his worst. One moment he is declaring Jesus to be the Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. And Peter hasn’t come to that realization on his own, he has received a revelation from the Father. In that moment, Peter becomes a vessel for the Holy Spirit to speak just as He did at Jesus’ baptism and will do on the Mount of Transfiguration. And then the script flips. Jesus starts talking about what the Father has planned for the Christ. He starts talking about suffering and rejection and death. Peter’s fears get the best of him and Satan sees an “opportune time.” He speaks through Peter to Jesus offering yet again a way to accomplish all the Father has planned without any of the pain. Jesus sees right through him - literally - and confronts him directly. “Get behind me, Satan! You are not thinking about God’s concerns but human concerns.” (Mark 8:33 CSB)

None of us want to suffer. None of us want to endure hardship or pain. All of us do our best to avoid trials and tribulations. And we certainly don’t want to die. But Jesus is clear. If anyone would be His disciple, they must take up a cross. They must deny themselves. They must lose their lives. Only when we embrace this way of life, this way of suffering, this way of self-denial, this way of dying every single day, will we become the people God has created us to be. Only by following the path Jesus lays out for us, will we find the image of God being renewed and restored in us. Only by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, will we receive the blessings He has stored up for us. All other roads lead to hell. All other paths are dead ends. All other ways are temptations offered to us by Satan. May we say, with Jesus, get behind me!

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 9-10, Psalms 99

F.A.I.T.H. Gardens

Readings for today: Mark 3-4, Psalms 96

Several years ago, I met an amazing man in the Horn of Africa. His name is Taban. He is a farmer who developed a system (F.A.I.T.H. Gardens = Food Always In The Home) to provide food security and sustainability in a region afflicted by starvation and malnutrition. He plants maize and onions and eggplant and sweet potatoes and a host of other vegetables to replace the cassava plants distributed by the United Nations. He recognizes when cassava isn’t cooked to the right standards, it can become toxic and slowly poison his people. He spends his days tearing out cassava by the roots and offering a much healthier, more diverse menu of options that provide not only food for a household but also an income as they take it to market. He’s one of my many heroes.

I thought about Taban when I read through our passage for today. Here Jesus talks a LOT about seeds and sowing and farming and harvesting. He talks about what happens to seed when it is cast on the hard path or rocky soil or among the weeds or planted in good soil. He likens it to what happens when we preach the gospel and it falls on the hearts of people. Some hearts are hard. Some are rocky and it’s tough to grow deep roots. Some are full of weeds that choke out its life. Some hearts are open and ready to receive. What Jesus is doing here is providing a diagnostic for each individual Christian to discern the condition of their own heart. After all, I am in charge of my own soil. No one else is responsible for the condition of my heart. At the same time, my heart is definitely shaped by the community I surround myself with and the schedule I keep and the pace of life I set. If I set an unhealthy pace, my heart will reflect that unhealthy condition and the soil will not be conducive for spiritual growth.

When Taban trains our church planters in sustainable farming techniques, he often talks about the condition of the soil. He researches which crops have the best chance to thrive in which soil. He pays attention to average rainfall and offers suggestions for how to find the best soil possible to give them the best chance for success. Of course, each church planter has to decide what they will do with the information they are given just as each person has to decide what they will do with the gospel they are given. So what have you done? How do you intentionally till the soil of your own heart so it is open to receive the good news? What spiritual practices do you engage in to create healthy and good soil for the seeds of the gospel?

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 5-6, Psalms 97 (No devotionals on Sundays)


Readings for today: Mark 1-2, Psalms 95

A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of baptizing almost thirty people. Some were young. Some were old. Some were in between. As is the custom at our church, we had several who were being baptized for the first time and several who were being reaffirmed in their faith. And because we take both groups to the water, it can be a bit confusing for those watching. What’s the difference? Is there even a difference? And where do we find biblical support for our practice? These are great questions and the answer can be found right here at the beginning of the Gospel of Mark.

The baptism of John is not a Christian baptism. That may come as a surprise for some readers. Quite often we assume, because the word “baptism” is used, that John is administering a Christian sacrament just like we do today. Nothing could be further from the truth. Baptism is a Greek word that simply means “immersion.” It is also a term that signifies ritual purity. A common practice for the Jewish people was to “baptize” themselves or immerse themselves in a “mikvah” which is a bath used for the purposes of ritual purification. And this is essentially what John is doing. He is using the Jordan River as a mikvah to baptize or immerse people for repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Please note these are faithful Jews who have been circumcised and who are participating in the Temple rites outlined in the Old Testament. They make their sacrifices and keep their sacred festivals. So why do they feel the need to go out to John for baptism? What is it that draws them to John’s preaching? Why do they respond in such numbers? John is the last of the Old Testament prophets. He is the one messenger Isaiah promised all those years ago. The one called to prepare the way of the Lord and there’s something about his preaching that the people find deeply compelling.

At the same time, John himself acknowledges the limits of his ministry. He is simply immersing people with water but there is one coming after him who will immerse them in the Holy Spirit. The baptism of Jesus will carry far more power and far more weight than John’s baptism ever could. In fact, John isn’t even worthy to untie Jesus’ sandals and yet it is John who baptizes Jesus at the launch of His ministry. This, of course, is to fulfill God’s plan and make Jesus known to the people. After this, John will decrease as Jesus increases. And his part in God’s plan comes to a close with his execution at the hands of Herod.

So back to the questions about baptism. The church has baptized new believers in Jesus Christ since the beginning. Following Jesus’ command in the Great Commission, we immerse them in water (or we sprinkle or pour which has the same symbolic effect) and speak the baptismal formula over them. “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.” We believe the act of baptism to be a sacrament that seals the new believer as Christ’s own forever or, as in the case of infants, we baptize, trusting in the promise of God to bring the child to saving faith through the saving faith of their parents and local church community. In addition, the church has also recognized the need to offer some kind of public acknowledgement for repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Typically offered to believers who have lapsed back into their previous sinful ways or drifted from God or walked away from the church, these rituals provide an avenue for them to return to the fellowship of the saints and renew their faith in the Lord. In this way, it is very similar to the ritual John was offering at the Jordan River. And this is what we offer at our church to those who wish to publicly reaffirm their faith in Christ. It is not a second baptismal rite. It is not a replacement for a previous baptism. It doesn’t take away from the power of the sacrament of baptism. It simply acknowledges the continual need we all have as believers to repent and for the forgiveness of sins.

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 3-4, Psalms 96


Readings for today: Matthew 27-28, Psalms 94

These are some of the most gut-wrenching chapters in the Bible. Over and over again, Jesus is betrayed by those He loves and those He came to save. It begins with the abandonment of His disciples and the denial of Peter. Judas, overcome by guilt and shame at what he has done, changes his mind and tries to turn back the clock. Pilate, the one man with the authority to stop the charade, washes his hands of the whole episode. Even the crowds who had sung His praises just a few days before now turn on Jesus. Given the chance to set Him free, they choose Barabbas instead.

Then comes the Cross. Nothing beautiful about it. It stands unparalleled in human history as a horror. A terror. An act of unspeakable evil. It represents the ultimate betrayal. The Cross is where we hung God. The Cross is where we murdered God. The Cross is where we executed God. Creation despising and rejecting her Creator. Humanity lynching her Savior. Sin having it’s way. Satan rejoicing. His victory seemingly complete. 

Jesus’ suffering was unimaginable. After having been flogged and beaten. His flesh in tatters. His blood loss immense. Jesus is forced to shoulder a 300 lbs. Roman cross. (If He just carried the crossbeam - far more likely - it was still 100 lbs.) He carries it some two thousand feet up Golgotha where nails are driven into his hands and feet. The soldiers offer Him wine mixed with gall to numb the pain. He refuses. They strip Him naked so His humiliation and shame will be complete. Crowds gather to make a public spectacle of Him. Even the criminals being executed alongside Him take pleasure in His pain. Finally, He cries out, “My God, my God! Why have you forsaken Me?” Is this even possible? The Father forsaking His only Begotten Son? That’s how Jesus must have felt on some level. Darkness falls. The ground shakes. The Temple curtain protecting the Holy of Holies is torn in two. Tombs are thrown open. The dead are raised. The natural order of things is thrown into chaos as the Author of Life dies.

Jesus didn’t just suffer physically. It was existential. Impacting his heart, mind, and soul. His cry of God-forsakenness reveals the depths of His pain. His body torn. His mind shattered. His heart utterly broken. His soul rent asunder. There is nothing that can compare to the agony He endured as He bore the sin of the world on His shoulders. He hung there alone. Forsaken by all who knew Him. Betrayed by all who loved Him. Jesus hung between heaven and earth, making atonement for humanity in the ugliness of all her sin and satisfying the holy justice of God in all it’s beautiful glory. A price had to be paid. God’s righteous wrath had to be turned away. And Jesus - fully God and fully Man - was the only one who could do it. 

God forbid we ever get comfortable with the Cross. God forbid we ever take for granted what Jesus had to endure. God forbid we despise His sacrifice on our behalf. Jesus suffered and died for my selfishness. My wickedness. My sin. What He endured, I rightfully deserve. It is good for my soul to consider the depth of my betrayal. To ponder the depth of my Savior’s pain. It is good for my soul to reflect on the unfathomable cost of my salvation. It is good for my soul to contemplate how truly fierce and loyal and steadfast and unshakable is the love of God for me. 

Readings for tomorrow: Mark 1-2, Psalms 95

The Great Wedding Day

Readings for today: Matthew 25-26, Psalms 93

I’ve been married almost thirty years but I can still remember my wedding like it was yesterday. No matter where you go in the world today, weddings are special, even sacred occasions. They are accompanied by all kinds of rituals and particular traditions. There are special traditions for the bride, special traditions for the groom, special traditions involving the family. When I got married, one of the things I had to do was meet with my future father-in-law to ask his blessing. It was an incredibly intimidating experience for me as a young man and he asked a lot of hard questions about how I would care for his daughter and provide for her. He knew I was planning on being a pastor and he was a very successful businessman at the time, making a lot of money. I had to tell him I wouldn’t be able to provide the kind of life he would want for his daughter but I promised she’d be happy. Then came the planning. There was a lot of it and it got very expensive very quickly but again, that’s the expectation in our country when it comes to weddings. You spare no expense. You buy flowers that die within the week. At the time, you hired an expensive photographer because we didn’t have iPhones to take good pictures. You might have a videographer as well so you had a video of your wedding that you supposedly will go back and watch. You’re expected to provide food and drink and music and a place to dance. You have toasts from the wedding party and parents. You have the dance between the father of the bride and his daughter and the mother of the groom and her son. Then you have the first dance between the bride and groom, the cutting of the cake, and the big send off. Then there’s the honeymoon. Another typically expensive affair, hopefully in an exotic locale. Again, all of these are rituals and traditions associated with weddings in our culture today.

What about in Jesus’ time? Back in the first century, the timing of a wedding was really up to the bridegroom’s father. When he was satisfied that his son had built his prospective bride a home that would uphold the family honor, he would set the date and time for the wedding. He would give permission to his son to then go get his bride and the groom would then gather the wedding party and make a big processional to his bride’s home. One can only imagine the excitement and joy in the community as they hear the music and dancing and laughter and celebration. One can only imagine the bride’s anticipation as she prepares herself for her future husband. A huge feast would be prepared by the groom’s family and the whole community would be invited to celebrate. Now a significant part of this ritual involved the bridesmaids or the “virgins” from the parable Jesus tells. They would have been staying with the bride all day long to help her prepare. And among the many jobs they had was to leave her at a certain point, light torches, and go out to meet the bridegroom and his party to escort them to meet the bride. The torches they carried were typically sticks wrapped in oil-soaked rags and they didn’t burn forever. So when they were about to go out, the bridesmaids would take new rags, soak them in oil, and wrap them around their torch to keep the fire burning. As you can imagine, the groom’s party was often delayed due to all the celebration. Everyone wanted to congratulate him and bless him and pray for him so the torches the bridesmaids carried might go out multiple times over the course of the evening as they waited for the groom to arrive. In the story Jesus tells, half the bridesmaids were foolish. They didn’t prepare well. They brought no oil with them so their torches went out while the other half did bring oil and were able to keep their torches burning. This created a sense of panic among those who had no oil. What would they do? Their mistake would bring shame on the bride and the groom and could mess up the whole ritual procession! So they rush off in search of more. But while they were gone, the bridegroom arrived for his bride and escorted her back to his family home where the feast was waiting and the door was shut. No more guests would be admitted. To admit them late after everyone had arrived would take attention away from the bride and groom and insult the host so they are left outside. And just as aside, these feasts would last for seven straight days so they didn’t just miss out on one night but the whole event.

So why does Jesus use the image of a wedding when talking about the Kingdom of heaven? Jesus knows what’s waiting for Him over the horizon in Jerusalem and He is trying to prepare His disciples for what’s to come. Though they do not know it yet, Jesus is pointing them beyond His death and resurrection to the timing of His second coming, when He, as the bridegroom, returns for His bride, the church. They don’t know anything about the church at this point, of course. As far as they know, the Kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of Israel are the same thing. That’s what they hear when Jesus talks about the kingdom and that’s what they’re expecting when they arrive in Jerusalem. They expect Jesus to take over King David’s throne, cleanse the Temple and re-establish the worship of the Living God, and overthrow the Romans and all the corrupt religious authorities. But Jesus has a different plan in mind. One that doesn’t involve political power or military might but His sacrificial death for all humanity. Though Jesus has been given all authority in heaven and on earth, He refuses to exercise it like a tyrant. He will not give into the devil’s temptation to take control of all the kingdoms of this world. No, Jesus submits to the will of His Heavenly Father. And this is why His Father creates the church as a bride adorned for her husband. He wants the world to see the beauty and glory and majesty of His Son, the bridegroom. He wants the world to wait in eager anticipation, just like the bride waits in eager anticipation, for her wedding day. He wants the nations to join in the celebration as He comes for His bride. He wants the whole world to be part of the feast His Father has prepared.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 27-28, Psalms 94

The Essential Nature of Humility

Readings for today: Matthew 23-24, Psalms 92

Humility is an “essential” in the Christian life. Literally, one cannot follow Jesus without developing this character trait. Frankly, it’s Jesus’ main beef with the Pharisees and scribes and other religious leaders of his day. He didn’t criticize their theology so much as their focus on the minutiae of the Law rather than the purpose the Law was designed to serve. The religious authorities majored in the minors. They specialized in regulating all kinds of behavior. They had the best of intentions. They had honest concerns about ritual purity and that’s no small thing. Especially in the ancient world. But over time they became prideful. Their goal was to serve the Law rather than allow the Law to serve humanity. Remember their attacks on Jesus over Sabbath-keeping? The religious leaders had all kinds of regulations governing how many steps one could take on the Sabbath or how much effort a person could put in before something became “work” and they forgot the purpose Sabbath-keeping was to serve which was blessing. By keeping the Sabbath, humanity would be blessed. They would experience more joy and more peace and more life and more love but the strict regulations robbed the people of these blessings. When Jesus healed on the Sabbath - bringing joy and peace and life and love to the person on the receiving end - the religious leaders went crazy. And that’s when Jesus reminds them that “Sabbath is made for man not man for the Sabbath.”

Matthew 23 is a series of discourses where Jesus contrasts the pride and arrogance of the religious leaders with the humility of the ordinary, everyday Israelite. He clearly demonstrates the difference between serving the Law and serving humanity. He calls the religious leaders, in no uncertain terms, to repent and humble themselves. Sadly, there is little evidence any of them ever did in Jesus’ lifetime. In fact, they redouble their efforts to have him arrested, tried, tortured, and killed. This chapter is worth reflecting on especially if you’ve been a Christian for a long time. It seems the longer we follow Jesus, the more tempted we are to major on the minors ourselves. Focus on the non-essentials instead of the essentials. It’s why so many believers switch churches over small things or finer points of theology while neglecting the higher call to unity and community. We seem so quick to give up on each other, especially if we don’t agree on everything or feel let down or get disappointed. We don’t put each other first. We don’t assume the best of each other. We don’t seek the mind and heart of Christ. It’s heartbreaking.

Humility is defined by Jesus who was by His very nature God and yet didn’t consider His status as God something to be held onto. He didn’t consider His perfection more important than relating to us in our imperfection. He didn’t consider His purity more important than meeting us in the midst of our impurity. He didn’t consider His power and authority and rights as the Son of God worth holding onto if it created a barrier between us and Him. No, Jesus let all of those things go. He emptied Himself in order to become our servant. He humbled Himself to death on a cross. He deliberately and intentionally chose to decrease so that we might increase. And if we truly want to follow Jesus, we must do the same for each other and the world around us. We must serve rather than be served. We must proclaim a gospel that is truly good news not bad news. We must seek to call people to life and light and love and joy and blessing rather than curse them or shame them or condemn them for not measuring up. I don’t know about you but when my time comes and I stand before the Lord, I do not want to hear “Woe to you” but instead “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 25-26, Psalms 93

Owners vs. Stewards

Readings for today: Matthew 21-22, Psalms 91

I raised my kids to be independent thinkers. Strong-willed young women and a young man who can make their way in the world. I love how each of them is finding their place and it is a privilege to walk the journey with them. One of the many lessons I’ve tried to teach them is the difference between stewardship and ownership. When we grow up, we don’t own much. Everything from food to clothing to a roof over our heads is provided. Our job is to be good stewards. Clean our rooms. Follow the house rules. Take care of what we’ve been given. Then we get older. We graduate from high school. Become legally responsible. We start to become owners. We get a job. We pay the bills. We buy things like our own cars or cell phones. As a parent, I no longer have much authority over how my child takes care of their home or how much money they spend on gas or the number of apps they download on their phone.

All four Gospels tell the story of Jesus cleansing the Temple and this creates all kinds of confusion and chaos. When Jesus drives out the money-changers and turns over the tables of the loan sharks, the Jewish religious leaders ask Him an important question. “By what authority are you doing these things? Who gave you this authority?” (Matthew‬ ‭21‬:‭23‬ ‭CSB‬‬) In other words, who gave you the right to disrupt the Passover? Who told you to bring in the blind and the lame and begin healing? Will you not put a stop to the praises of the children? Jesus’ reply could not be more clear, My house shall be called a house of prayer but you make it a den of robbers. Jesus is claiming rightful ownership of the Temple. He is making it clear to the religious leaders that their stewardship of the sacred places has come to an end. The rightful owner is now on the scene and He will do with His house as He wills. And what is His will? His house shall be a place of prayer. A hospital for healing. A sanctuary for praise.  

Imagine how you would feel if someone lived in your home and trashed the place. I have a good friend who owns a rental house in the Denver area. Several years ago, a tenant used his house to grow weed and cook meth. After going to court to get his tenant evicted, my friend had to gut the house and start over. It cost him thousands of dollars not to mention the time and effort he had to put in to get his house back in working order so it could be rented again. Now put yourself in Jesus’ sandals. The people you’ve entrusted your home to have trashed the place. They have turned it into a den of robbers. Exploiting the pilgrims who come for Passover each year. They make hefty profits by price gouging the people, especially the poor. So He makes a whip of cords and drives them out. He turns over the tables and throws them out. Do you understand now why Jesus is so upset? Zeal for His own home has consumed Him and He will do whatever it takes to restore His house to it’s former glory.  

Now let me give you an even more radical take. Jesus doesn’t just assert His authority over His house, He asserts it over all of creation with the fig tree. Not only that but He tells His disciples that if they have faith and embrace the Kingdom life, they will be able to operate with His authority in the world. They will be able to do to the fig tree what Jesus did! Why? They are no longer tenants in God’s Kingdom but sons and daughters! In a sense, we’ve been given an “ownership” stake in all of creation and God expects us to exercise dominion and authority and responsibility in His name and for His glory.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 23-24, Psalms 92


Readings for today: Matthew 17-18, Psalms 89

It’s the million dollar question. I get it all the time. It gets asked in some form or fashion by lots of different people as they navigate relationships in life. How many times must I forgive? The world’s answer is clear. Not very many if any at all. The world tells us that when we are hurt, when we’ve been betrayed, when we’ve been attacked, when we are disappointed or let down to cut that person out of our lives. We are to end the relationship. It could be with an organization. It could be with a church. It could be a friendship. It could be a marriage. Forgiveness is not something we should offer that other party unless they earn it. We withhold forgiveness until they confess their sin against us and work hard to regain our trust. We demand restitution and reparation and only then will we consider extending the grace of forgiveness. Where has that gotten us as a society? Not very far. Relationships are broken and fractured in all sorts of ways. People feel more isolated than ever. Marriages don’t last very long. Families break up as kids split their time between households. Churches and other organizations are weakened as people leave at the first sign of disappointment.

Jesus offers us a different way. A much harder and more difficult way to be sure but one that promises so much more in terms of relational benefit. The way of Jesus recognizes that every single human being is a sinner. Every single human being is broken. Every single human being is imperfect and therefore prone to anger and impatience and vulnerable to hurt and disappointment. However, rather than encouraging people to cut and run, Jesus challenges us to remain connected through forgiveness. How many times must we forgive? This was the question the Apostle Peter asked him along the way. Probably because he was struggling to forgive his fellow disciples! Jesus response is legendary. Seventy times seven. In other words, as often as it takes. Why? Because that’s what God does for us.

So what is forgiveness? Is it the resolution of every feeling? Is it the end of all conflict? Does it give the other person a pass? Does it mean the person will never again sin against you? Is it fundamentally unjust? Does it mean we have to forget what they’ve done or pretend it didn’t happen? Not at all. Forgiveness is honest. It acknowledges the depth of the hurt. Forgiveness is courageous. It never forgets but is a conscious decision not to hold the hurt against the person. Forgiveness is just. It never denies the pain. Most of all, forgiveness sets us free. We are no longer bound by our hurt. No longer held back by our pain. No longer locked a cycle of bitterness or anger or frustration. And this is why Jesus calls His followers to forgive freely and often and as many times as it takes. He wants us to live in freedom. No longer held back by what’s happened in the past. No longer paralyzed by fear of what might happen in the future. This is what makes forgiveness so powerful.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 19-20, Psalms 90 (No devotionals on Sundays)

The Fickle Nature of the Human Heart

Readings for today: Matthew 15-16, Psalms 88

In his book, The Righteous Mind, author Jonathan Haidt argues persuasively that human beings are not rational creatures but instead are driven by emotion and desire. He compares the head/heart relationship to that of a human rider on a large elephant. The brain relates to our heart much like a rider relates to the elephant. Yes, there are times when it seems like the rider is in control. He or she guides the elephant one way or another using reins or perhaps a stick of some kind. But if the elephant decides to go their own way, the rider has little choice but to hang on. The same is true for the brain’s relationship to the heart. Yes, there are plenty of time when it seems like the brain is guiding the decision-making process using rationality and logic. But if the heart decides to go its own way, the brain has very little power to get it to change direction. Perhaps this is why Jesus warns us about the folly of “following our hearts.”

You and I hear it all the time. We are inundated with the same messages day after day. Do what feels good. Do what feels right. Be true to yourself. These platitudes sound so promising until one actually decides to act on them. If one chooses to follow one’s heart, one quickly ends up in a ditch. Why? Our hearts are broken. Our hearts are corrupt. Our hearts are filled with all kinds of evil thoughts and intentions. Evil? Really? Perhaps you think “evil” is too strong of a word. Okay. Try selfish. I think most of us would agree that our natural way of operating is to take care of ourselves first. Make sure our own needs get met first. Fulfill our own desires before we give or serve others. Our culture reinforces this idea. Put yourself first. Take care of yourself. You deserve a break. Make yourself the first priority. Unfortunately, the American church too often uncritically blesses this mindset. I love what a Korean pastor, Jay Kim, recently wrote, “The uniquely American emphasis of the gospel is seeing faith as a means to personal benefit, rather than a sacrificing of personal benefits for eternal rewards.”

Jesus is clear. We are not the center of the universe. Our hearts are not pure. Our hands are not clean. Our desires are oriented inward rather than outward and result in a defilement that affects the whole person. This is why behavior management is no substitute for the gospel. We cannot work from the outside in. We must work from the inside out. Our hearts have to be regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Renewed and restored by the indwelling presence of God Himself. Only then will our lives begin to reflect His true glory. The reality is too many Christians are working far too hard at cleaning the outside of the cup. Making sure they live morally upright lives. They major in the minors. And it ends up crippling our witness. Christ wants our hearts. He will not settle for less. It doesn’t matter if you are a Pharisee, a disciple, or a Syrophoenician woman. It doesn’t matter whether you are sick or well. Free or oppressed. Rich or poor. Christ wants your heart. He wants to transform you from the inside out. He wants your love and devotion far more than your outward obedience to His commands.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 17-18, Psalms 89

Treasure of God’s Word

Readings for today: Matthew 13-14, Psalms 87

God’s Word is a treasure. It is of inestimable worth. One simply cannot put a price on it. It has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Sixty-six books written over several centuries by forty different authors all declaring the mysteries and glories of the Kingdom of God. This is why I read through it every single year. It is worth the effort. It is worth the work. Through it, God speaks. God reveals. God commands. There is nothing more important than seeking to understand God’s Word. Nothing more relevant to a person’s life. The more we align our lives with what God has to say, the more we experience the blessings of the Kingdom in every moment and every conversation and every relationship in life.

Jesus tells His disciples that anyone who becomes a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the wealthy owner of a house who displays treasures, both old and new. He or she brings out the ancient, priceless heirlooms as well as the new pieces he or she has recently bought. This is a clear reference to the truths of the Old Testament as well as the truths of what will eventually become the New Testament. Jesus’ disciples are being trained in their Scriptures - the Hebrew Bible - as well as given fresh insights from the Incarnate Word of God Himself. As they combine what they are learning from Jesus with their knowledge of the Old Testament, they will gain a fuller, richer, more complete understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world. Indeed, the Risen Christ will become the “interpretive lens” through which all of Scripture is understood.

You and I have the benefit of a complete Bible. We have the benefit of two thousand years of commentary and study by some of the greatest theological minds in human history. We have the benefit of the Holy Spirit who dwells inside us and illuminates our hearts and minds so we might understand what we are reading and what we are hearing from the Lord. We are so richly blessed. And the more we study God’s Word, the more treasures we will have to display. The more we engage God’s Word, the more insights we can offer the world around us. The more we read and reflect on God’s Word, the more wisdom we will have by which we can live and encourage others to do the same. Take some time to thank God today for the Bible you hold in your hands. Ask God to hide His Word deep in your heart so you may become wealthy in all wisdom and understanding as it relates to the kingdom of heaven.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 15-16, Psalms 88

The Importance of Rest

Readings for today: Matthew 11-12, Psalms 86

Medical professionals all agree that healthy adults need around 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Rest is an essential part of our overall health and well-being not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well. Sadly, we live in a society where rest seems to be in short supply. According to recent studies by the Centers for Disease Control and the National Institutes of Health, 70% of Americans reported insufficient sleep at least one night a month. 11% report insufficient sleep every night. Sleep-related problems impact some 50-70 million Americans of all ages and socio-economic classes and seem largely due to technology, anxiety, lifestyle demands, and the lack of education around the impact of sleep loss. As the “sleep debt” piles up, so do the consequences. It is estimated that our collective lack of sleep is costing us over 100 billion a year in lost productivity, medical expenses, sick leave, etc. Throw in the fear fostered by our culture and is it any wonder we see a marked rise in hate and outrage as sleep-deprived, chronically anxious people begin acting out in all sorts of ways?

Now listen to the words of Jesus. “All things have been entrusted to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son desires to reveal him. “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am lowly and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew‬ ‭11‬:‭27‬-‭30‬ ‭CSB‬‬)

What a difference! What a contrast! All things have been given to Jesus by His Heavenly Father. All authority in heaven and on earth has been entrusted into His hands. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that has been made. Jesus reigns. He rules. He sits on heaven’s throne. As such, He is the only one with the authority to set us free from our anxiety and restlessness. He is the only one with the power to grant us a peaceful sleep. Furthermore, this is His great desire. To grant us rest. He is no tyrant. No dictator. No abusive strongman. He is a gentle and humble King who loves His people dearly. His yoke is therefore easy. His burden is therefore light. He doesn’t seek to pile on. He is not like human rulers who seek to accumulate as much control over our lives as possible. His goal for us is “soul-rest.” The kind of rest that sinks deep into your bones. The kind of rest you can only get when you truly believe someone benevolent and good and righteous and faithful sits on the throne of eternity and is watching over your life.

Human beings were made to rest. Rest one day out of every seven. It’s what we call a Sabbath. We were made to rest one-third out of every day. It’s what we call sleep. We were made to rest in an intimate relationship with God that would relieve all the pressure that comes from life in this world. It’s why Jesus tells us not to be anxious. God is in control. It’s why Jesus tells us not to worry. God is in control. It’s why Jesus tells us not to be afraid when we see all the upheaval and turmoil in the world around us. God is in control. It is the sovereignty of God that gives rest to our souls.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 13-14, Psalms 87

God Doesn’t Live in a Box

Readings for today: Matthew 9-10, Psalms 85

I love theology. I went to one of the top theological schools in the world to get my degree. I received my doctorate from another top school. I continue to study theology for a living. I am passionate about the subject. Right theology is critically important because what we think about God matters. It matters here on earth as well as in eternity. Wrong theology can be abusive and terrorizing. Right theology can be incredibly freeing and life-giving. And of course, there’s a whole spectrum in between. And that’s why I’ve taken theological stands over the years that placed me at odds at times with the prevailing authorities in the denominations I’ve served.

In today’s reading we see what happens when theology gets in the way. When theological principle becomes more important than ministering to the needs of people. We see what happens when we desire to be right over the desire to be merciful. Jesus is attacked by the scribes for claiming to forgive sins. He is attacked by the Pharisees because of the company he kept. He is even questioned by the disciples of John the Baptist over a lack of fasting. The final insult comes when he is accused of casting out demons by the power of the devil himself. What did Jesus do to merit such treatment? He healed a paralytic. He ate a meal with a tax collector and his friends. He healed a woman with a serious medical issue and raised the dead. Finally, he cast out a demon from a demon-possessed man. One would think the scribes and Pharisees and other religious leaders of his day would rejoice over what Jesus was doing. His miracles were signs of the inbreaking power of the Kingdom of God. But their theology got in the way. They had used their knowledge of the Law and the Prophets to put God in a box and they expected Him to stay there. But God cannot be controlled. He is untamable. He is not safe. He continually breaks through the boundaries we set for Him through our limited understanding which is why we should always approach Him with deep humility.

Sadly, the spirit of Pharisaism is alive and well today. I have seen it and experienced it on any number of occasions. I have been accused over the years of any number of things simply because I don’t believe God can be limited to any human theological “system.” Now don’t get me wrong. I absolutely believe God will never contradict His Word but the Bible is not a systematic theology textbook. The God who reveals Himself through Jesus Christ and in the pages of the different books that make up the Old and New Testament is a wild God who proves over and over again that He simply will not allow us to fence Him in. It’s why Jesus’ words today are so important, “Go and learn what this means: I desire mercy and not sacrifice.” If only we could learn how to embrace God’s love as well as God’s law! He would take us to places we’ve never dreamed and do things through us we never thought possible.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 11-12, Psalms 86

The Kingdom Life

Readings for today: Matthew 7-8, Psalms 84

We are entering an election season where we exercise our rights as citizens of a kingdom called the United States of America. Over the next few months, millions of dollars will be spent to fill our airwaves with messages promising the coming of a messiah. One who will save us from the existential threat of the other party. Both candidates and their campaigns are using apocalyptic imagery to suggest our nation is doomed if the other person is elected. They attack each other’s character and motives. They seek to tear down one another’s reputation. The media is complicit and joins the fray. Social media is a dumpster fire, filled with fake news and misinformation. It’s a brutal reminder of how quickly we devolve as a species. We are so prone to violence and hatred and anger and division.

Jesus offers us a different kind of citizenship. He offers us a place in a different kind of Kingdom. One marked by mercy and grace, kindness and love. One marked by humility and service, where others are considered more important than ourselves. One marked by wisdom and beauty and glory and peace. The ways of this Kingdom are far different than the ways of our little kingdoms here on earth. In fact, many of the values of Jesus’ Kingdom feel upside down to us. Naive and impractical. It’s why we struggle so much to put them into practice. And yet, Jesus promises that if we do keep His commands and align our hearts with His heart and do what He says to do, we will be building our lives on a foundation that can never be shaken.

It’s quite the contrast. I don’t know a single person - Christian or otherwise - who thinks our nation is headed for better days. Most tell me they just hope things don’t completely collapse and break down. We live with so much fear and anxiety. We medicate at high levels. We are more depressed than ever. It seems clear to me that we’ve built our life together on sand. And the storm is coming and is already here. And the foundations of our world are shaking and coming apart. In many ways, good is now evil and evil is now good. We ignore biological and sociological realities to our great peril. We’ve saddled ourselves with a debt that will take lifetimes to repay. So where do we find hope? We place our faith in Christ. We apply His Kingdom principles to our lives. We embrace the ways of His Kingdom.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 9-10, Psalms 85

John the Baptist

Readings for today: Matthew 3-4, Psalms 82

John the Baptist is one of the most fascinating figures in all the Bible. He is Elijah reborn. The one whom Malachi prophesied would prefigure the coming of the Messiah. He is the messenger. The final Old Testament prophet. Like the prophets of old, he lives an ascetic lifestyle. He dwells in the desert. Survives on locusts and wild honey. Wears clothing made from wild camel hide. From birth, he was set apart as a Nazarite which meant no wine touched his lips nor would he cut his hair. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and he was sent to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. 

John preached a message of repentance. In keeping with his prophetic forebears, he pulled no punches. He showed no fear. In the face of political and religious opposition, he spoke the truth. He called out the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He called out the immoral behavior of Herod the tetrarch. He called out the sins of the people as they came to be baptized. He called them to obedience. Called them to surrender. To sacrifice. To devote their lives to Yahweh. And revival began sweeping the region. 

God called John to serve a very special purpose. Though it meant prison. Though it would eventually cost him his life. John was called to prepare the way for Jesus. To make His path straight. To lift up every valley. To tear down every mountain. To straighten out the crooked and smooth the rough edges. He was called to lay the groundwork for the ministry of the Messiah so that all people might see the salvation of God. His calling was not to fame. Fortune. Safety. Security. Comfort. Peace. As soon as his ministry gets rolling, he hands it off. As soon as he is becoming popular, Jesus shows up on the scene. As soon as he really starts getting traction, he steps aside.

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John‬ ‭1:29‬) This is our calling as well. To step aside. To get out of the limelight. To do all we can to point everyone to Christ. It may not make us popular. It may not gain us fame or fortune or a good reputation. It may cost us some of our rights. Some of our freedoms. Some of us may indeed be put in prison. Some of us indeed may lose our lives. (Not necessarily here in America but certainly in many places around the world.) The calling John received from God has been given to the church. To preach the good news of the gospel to the ends of the earth. To call people to repentance before the Lord. To call people to surrender their lives to Jesus before it’s too late. Before the day of judgment comes. Before the ax is laid to the root of the tree and the wicked are cut off. We too must make straight the path for Jesus. We too must lift up every valley. Tear down every mountain. Straighten out the crooked and smooth over the rough edges. In short, we must do all we can to remove every barrier to Christ. We must ourselves get out of the way so that others will see Jesus. 

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 5-6, Psalms 83 (No devotionals on Sundays)

Prophetic Fulfillment

Readings for today: Matthew 1-2, Psalms 81

One of the things I look most forward to when I read the Bible every year is the transition between Old and New Testaments. To finish the Old Testament after months of being immersed in the history and story and struggles of God’s chosen people and then to see it fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ is powerful. It never gets old. It never fails to hit me. I love reading through the genealogy and reflecting on all the work it took to get from the call of Abram to the birth of Christ. I think about all the different ways God orchestrated His plan, bending their often sinful, selfish decisions to His perfect will. I think about all the times the plan of God seemingly comes under threat only to have God act miraculously and powerfully to protect the line of the Messiah. I think of the four hundred year enslavement in Egypt, the forty years of wandering in the wilderness, the victories and defeats, the corruption of the kings, the scattering and exile of the nation, and the glorious, unexpected return. As I’ve often said, there is no greater miracle than the preservation of God’s chosen people.

Matthew clearly has a deep appreciation what has come before as well. He speaks often of the fulfillment of what was spoken by the prophets. Everything from the genealogy to the miraculous conception of Jesus in the womb of his virgin mother to the birthplace of the Messiah to the flight into Egypt to the massacre of the innocents and the eventual settlement in Nazareth was all foretold. It was all planned. It was all sovereignly decreed by the Lord in advance. It’s a powerful witness that highlights the inextricable relationship between the Old and New Testaments. One cannot study the life of Jesus in a vacuum. We can’t pretend He came on the scene out of nowhere. As confusing and challenging as it is at times to read, we simply cannot jettison the Old Testament because it shapes the world and cultural context into which Jesus was born. He was a Jew. Born to Jewish parents. Circumcised on the eighth day. Raised among God’s covenant people. Taught the Torah and the histories and the words of the prophets from a very young age. The Old Testament was Jesus’ Bible and He Himself is the fulfillment of all the Law and Prophets.

So as we make the turn into more familiar, more comfortable territory, I want to encourage to take time to thank God for all that you have read so far this year. Thank God for the Law and the Prophets. Thank God for the history of His people. Thank God for the men and women who came before us and came before Jesus who were used by God to further His great salvation plan. Thank God for the Jewish people and how God continues to use them to further His purposes in the world. Most of all, pray for our Jewish friends to recognize their Messiah and come to saving faith in Jesus Christ.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 3-4, Psalms 82