Readings for today: Genesis 24-26
I had the privilege this week of spending time with some of the most incredible pastors on the planet. They are committed and faithful and passionate about the Lord and the people they serve. Some are going through hard times. Some are experiencing seasons of great blessing. Some are young and just getting started in their professional career. Others are older and nearing the end of the road in their ministries. Some are middle-aged like me who are just beginning to realize there is more behind us than in front of us. It’s sobering when you start to see the end. And I am thankful these pastors are aging with deep grace. They want to make sure those who come behind them are successful. They want the transition for their churches to be smooth. They are doing all they can to prepare themselves emotionally and spiritually for the day when they preach their final sermons.
I thought of these pastors as I reflected on the life of Abraham today. Our reading today says “Abraham was now old, getting on in years, and the Lord had blessed him in everything.” (Genesis 24:1 CSB) It also says, “This is the length of Abraham’s life: 175 years. He took his last breath and died at a good old age, old and contented, and he was gathered to his people.” (Genesis 25:7-8 CSB) What a gift! Abraham finished his race, “old and contented.” I can think of nothing better. As he looked back on his 175 years on earth, he could see God’s blessing in everything. He recognized he had lived to a “good old age.” He had been given more years than he deserved and lived more life than he could possibly have expected. He had lived long enough to see his child, the child of promise, grow up. He had lived long enough to see his family and clan and tribe increase. He was wealthy in so many ways. Finally, at a specific time ordained by God, he was “gathered to his people.” He died surrounded by those he loved.
I hope I am able to finish like Abraham. To grow old with grace and complete confidence in the plans and purposes of God. To finish my race knowing I am simply one small leg on a much longer course and my job is to pass the baton well. It’s one of the many reasons why I appreciate the pastors I was with this week so much. They want to do the same. No matter how many years God gives us, there will come an eventual end. How are you preparing for that day? Have you entrusted it to God? Are you resisting growing old or embracing it, trusting God with what comes after you?
Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 27-29