Treasure of God’s Word

Readings for today: Matthew 13-14, Psalms 87

God’s Word is a treasure. It is of inestimable worth. One simply cannot put a price on it. It has stood the test of time for thousands of years. Sixty-six books written over several centuries by forty different authors all declaring the mysteries and glories of the Kingdom of God. This is why I read through it every single year. It is worth the effort. It is worth the work. Through it, God speaks. God reveals. God commands. There is nothing more important than seeking to understand God’s Word. Nothing more relevant to a person’s life. The more we align our lives with what God has to say, the more we experience the blessings of the Kingdom in every moment and every conversation and every relationship in life.

Jesus tells His disciples that anyone who becomes a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the wealthy owner of a house who displays treasures, both old and new. He or she brings out the ancient, priceless heirlooms as well as the new pieces he or she has recently bought. This is a clear reference to the truths of the Old Testament as well as the truths of what will eventually become the New Testament. Jesus’ disciples are being trained in their Scriptures - the Hebrew Bible - as well as given fresh insights from the Incarnate Word of God Himself. As they combine what they are learning from Jesus with their knowledge of the Old Testament, they will gain a fuller, richer, more complete understanding of who God is and what He is doing in the world. Indeed, the Risen Christ will become the “interpretive lens” through which all of Scripture is understood.

You and I have the benefit of a complete Bible. We have the benefit of two thousand years of commentary and study by some of the greatest theological minds in human history. We have the benefit of the Holy Spirit who dwells inside us and illuminates our hearts and minds so we might understand what we are reading and what we are hearing from the Lord. We are so richly blessed. And the more we study God’s Word, the more treasures we will have to display. The more we engage God’s Word, the more insights we can offer the world around us. The more we read and reflect on God’s Word, the more wisdom we will have by which we can live and encourage others to do the same. Take some time to thank God today for the Bible you hold in your hands. Ask God to hide His Word deep in your heart so you may become wealthy in all wisdom and understanding as it relates to the kingdom of heaven.

Readings for tomorrow: Matthew 15-16, Psalms 88