

Readings for today: Job 18-21

There’s a scene in the movie, The Perfect Storm, where the crew of the Andrea Gail catches a glimpse of a potential way to salvation. Their commercial fishing vessel is being battered by one of the fiercest storms ever to hit the North Atlantic. Waves measuring over sixty feet in height were tossing their little boat all over the place and the crew was rapidly losing all hope. In the midst of the darkness, a brief pinprick of light appeared. The sun broke through the clouds and illuminated a potential path out of the storm. The captain set his course but simply didn’t have the power to escape. The storm closed back in and all hands were lost as the Andrea Gail sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Job finds himself in the midst of one of life’s fiercest storms. His condition is grave. His future is bleak. His suffering is great. The darkness of despair has closed in all around him to the point where he believes God has become his enemy. “God threw a barricade across my path—I’m stymied; he turned out all the lights—I’m stuck in the dark. He destroyed my reputation, robbed me of all self-respect. He tore me apart piece by piece—I’m ruined! Then he yanked out hope by the roots. He’s angry with me—oh, how he’s angry! He treats me like his worst enemy. He has launched a major campaign against me, using every weapon he can think of, coming at me from all sides at once.” (Job‬ ‭19‬:‭8‬-‭12 MSG‬) I can think of nothing more terrifying than believing God has set Himself against you. You want to talk about hopelessness! If the Lord is against you, who can be for you? If the Lord has determined to destroy you, who can save you? If the Lord is coming for you, who can deliver you? Certainly no one on earth. Certainly no weapon that’s formed by human hands can fend Him off. Certainly no army no matter how large and mighty can overcome the Lord.

Thankfully, in the midst of this passage, a pinprick of light appears. A break in the storm. The Son appears on the horizon, His light piercing the darkness. “Still I know that God lives - the One who gives me back my life - and eventually He will take His stand on earth. And I’ll see Him - even though I get skinned alive - I will see God myself, with my very own eyes. Oh, how I long for that day!” (Job 19:24-27 MSG) Against all hope and human experience, Job trusts God. Though God seems to be his enemy, Job refuses to lose faith in Him. Though God seemingly has taken everything from him, Job continues to seek Him. It’s a powerful Word in the midst of a challenging book that forces us to come face to face with the overwhelming nature of suffering.

Most of us can identify with Job on some level. If you live life for very long, chances are good that you will experience suffering. It might be a terminal disease. It might be mental illness. It might be a financial loss. It might be the implosion of a career. It might be a divorce or estrangement with someone you love. It might be a struggle with an addiction. Whatever it may be, know that God is with you in the storm. He is at work even now creating a breakthrough that will bring deliverance and salvation in this life or the next. He is faithful! He will never leave you or abandon you. He is able! There is nothing beyond the reach of His amazing and all-powerful grace. He is good! You can trust Him because He loves you as a Father and He delights in giving good gifts to His children.

Readings for tomorrow: Job 22-24