A Life of Praise

Readings for today: 2 Chronicles 1-4, Psalms 71

God wants us to live a life of praise. A life of continual thanksgiving for all He has done for us. A life of faith with our eyes continually focused on our Savior. God wants us to understand all of life is in His hands. All our days are numbered according to His sovereign will. All our resources counted out in advance by His plan. All our experiences - good, bad, and otherwise - are sovereignty used by God to shape us into the image of His Son. When we see life from this perspective, we cannot help but praise the Lord. We cannot help but fall to our knees in awe and wonder. We are humbled and honored and blessed and life takes on a glory we could never create for ourselves.

I find myself sitting in a cafe in Uganda reflecting on God’s goodness to me. Who could have known He would send me to the ends of the earth over and over again to proclaim his gospel to the nations? Who could have planned for my life to work out the way that it has? Since the day God delivered me on the campus of the University of Colorado in Boulder, He has used me to advance His Kingdom on the earth. Who am I that God would choose me? Who am I that God would use me in such a way? Who am I that God would honor me? I am nothing. My life is but a breath. My days pass so quickly. And yet God has favored me. Perhaps this is why the Psalm we read this morning hits so differently today.

“Lord, I seek refuge in you; let me never be disgraced. In your justice, rescue and deliver me; listen closely to me and save me. Be a rock of refuge for me, where I can always go. Give the command to save me, for you are my rock and fortress. Deliver me, my God, from the power of the wicked, from the grasp of the unjust and oppressive.” I can look back and see where God has answered this prayer in my life. He has been a refuge for me in times of trouble. He has never let me be disgraced. He has rescued and delivered me in so many situations. He has remained close to me and protected me. He has not allowed the wicked to triumph over me. My life is a testimony to His goodness and grace.

“For you are my hope, Lord God, my confidence from my youth. I have leaned on you from birth; you took me from my mother’s womb. My praise is always about you. I am like a miraculous sign to many, and you are my strong refuge. My mouth is full of praise and honor to you all day long.” From the day I said “yes” to Jesus, God has been my confidence. He has been my stronghold. He has filled me with His Spirit and anointed my days. He has made my life a miraculous sign to many. What can I do in response to all He has done for me? I can praise God. I can praise Him with my lips. I can praise Him with my heart. I can praise Him from the depths of my soul.

“Don’t discard me in my old age. As my strength fails, do not abandon me. For my enemies talk about me, and those who spy on me plot together, saying, “God has abandoned him; chase him and catch him, for there is no one to rescue him.” God, do not be far from me; my God, hurry to help me. May my adversaries be disgraced and destroyed; may those who intend to harm me be covered with disgrace and humiliation. But I will hope continually and will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell about your righteousness and your salvation all day long, though I cannot sum them up. I come because of the mighty acts of the Lord God; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone.” Now I am growing older. And as I age, I fully expect my outer body to waste away even as my inner body is renewed day by day. The days will fly by more quickly. My strength and energy will diminish over time. My wisdom and knowledge will eventually fail. But God will remain my hope and I will praise Him more and more. I will use every breath to tell the world of your righteousness and your mighty works.

“God, you have taught me from my youth, and I still proclaim your wondrous works. Even while I am old and gray, God, do not abandon me, while I proclaim your power to another generation, your strength to all who are to come. Your righteousness reaches the heights, God, you who have done great things; God, who is like you? You caused me to experience many troubles and misfortunes, but you will revive me again. You will bring me up again, even from the depths of the earth. You will increase my honor and comfort me once again. Therefore, I will praise you with a harp for your faithfulness, my God; I will sing to you with a lyre, Holy One of Israel. My lips will shout for joy when I sing praise to you because you have redeemed me. Therefore, my tongue will proclaim your righteousness all day long, for those who intend to harm me will be disgraced and confounded.” (Psalms‬ ‭71‬:‭1‬-‭24‬ ‭CSB‬‬) What an incredible privilege it is to proclaim God’s power and works to yet another generation. To remind everyone yet again of the glory and honor and power and splendor and majesty of God. To teach everyone to number the days they’ve been given and count the hours God has blessed them with and use all the time they have to tell others about Christ. God has taught us from our youth…so we proclaim His good works. God has blessed us in our old age…so we proclaim His power to another generation. God has caused us to go through trials and temptations, good times and bad…so we tell of His deliverance and salvation. God has brought us up over and over again from the depths of the earth to increase us in honor and comfort…so we praise Him yet again. Praise Him with all that we are and all that we have and all the energy we have left. We proclaim His praise all the day long!

Readings for tomorrow: 2 Chronicles 5-8, Psalms 72