More Humility

Readings for today: Proverbs 22-24, Psalms 5

There is nothing in this world that more humility won’t solve. There is no problem that cannot be tackled if all parties come to the table with open hands, open hearts, and open minds. We can talk about anything if we are willing to relinquish our need to protect our ego. Unfortunately, humility is one of the most difficult qualities to cultivate in our world today. From the moment we wake up until we go to bed, we are inundated with messages to put ourselves first, take care of ourselves first, and guard ourselves against anyone who would offer a critique. We have been conditioned to react rather than thoughtfully respond which means our conversations are often over-heated and unproductive and only perpetuate conflict, fear, hurt, and brokenness. Our pride is so costly. I’ve seen it cost people their marriages and families. I’ve seen it break apart businesses and cause people to lose their jobs. I’ve seen it split churches and small groups. Once you start down the road of pride, it’s hard to find the exit ramp.

Perhaps that’s why the Bible promotes the virtue of humility so often. It’s almost like we can’t hear it enough. “Humility, the fear of the Lord, results in wealth, honor, and life.” (Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭4‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Can God be any more clear? He promises to reward those who are humble with wealth and honor and life. Don’t make the mistake of thinking humility is a means to an end. If that’s how you read this verse, you are still fostering pride and ego. No, this verse is simply pointing to the fact that those who are humble and fear the Lord can be trusted with wealth and honor and life because they aren’t driven by these things. And because they aren’t driven by these things, they don’t play the comparison game. And because they don’t play the comparison game, what passes for “wealth and honor and life” can look different depending on the context.

When you read a verse like Proverbs 22:4, where you do find yourself focusing? Is it on the back half? Wealth and honor and life? If so, let me encourage you to confess to the Lord and ask His Spirit to purify you of your pride. If you find yourself focusing on the first half of the verse, then you are probably on the right track. Ask the Spirit to keep you there and to continue His sanctifying work within you.

Readings for tomorrow: Proverbs 25-27, Psalms 6 (No devotionals on Sundays)