A Life God Blesses

Readings for today: Jeremiah 7-9, Psalms 15

The Psalmist asks and answers a great question in our reading for today. “Lord, who can dwell in your tent? Who can live on your holy mountain?” (Psalms‬ ‭15‬:‭1‬ ‭CSB‬‬) The holy mountain, of course, is Jerusalem. Even more specifically, the holy mountain refers to the Temple Mount where Solomon’s Temple originally stood. This is the very place the people of Israel look for hope in the midst of their suffering and affliction. Sadly, however, they fix their eyes on the wrong thing. Instead of lifting their eyes above the hills to look to the One who actually brings help, they keep looking at the Temple, treating it like a sacred totem or talisman that will keep them safe. How often do we do the same? How often do we take the worship of God and turn it into an idol? Particular instruments? Particular spaces? Particular styles of worship? Particular buildings or properties? It’s so easy for us to place our trust in the blessings of God rather than God Himself.

God is clear. He wants obedience over sacrifice. It’s far more important to God that we follow His Word than go through the motions of worship. This is why He tells Jeremiah to prophesy against the Temple. The people of God are neglecting the very things that are supposed to set them apart. They neglect justice and mercy. They neglect truth and righteousness. Instead, they pursue selfishness and greed and then come to worship, assuming they can placate God. God will not be mocked. He is not some pagan deity who can be appeased. He is jealous for us. Jealous for a true, authentic relationship with us. He refuses to share our devotion or settle for a divided heart. He will not rest until He is first and foremost in our hearts.

Readings for tomorrow: Jeremiah 10-13, Psalms 16