No More Condemnation

Readings for today: Romans 7-8, Psalms 136

I recently preached a sermon from the Book of Revelation where I pointed out that Satan - a name that literally means “accuser” - has been thrown out of heaven for good. His access has been denied. His privileges taken away. He no longer can stand in the presence of God which means there is no one left to accuse us. No one left to attack us. No one left to condemn us before the throne of God. There is only Jesus who lives to make intercession for us. Only Jesus, our faithful high priest, who passed through the heavens to identify with us in our weakness, subject Himself to every temptation, and suffer and die in our place. This is why we can approach the throne of grace with confidence and receive mercy and help in our time of need. Because Jesus promises to save to the uttermost those who draw near to Him. I have to admit I was surprised at how deeply this idea impacted the church family I serve. So many wept as they thanked me for reminding them there is no longer any condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Many others sent me messages and emails throughout the week to let me know how this point had stuck with them and shifted their perspective profoundly. I was humbled by the feedback.

The Apostle Paul strikes a nerve in Romans 8. After vulnerably and honestly acknowledging the depth of his despair over his sin - “Wretched man that I am, who shall save me from this body of death?” - Paul finds hope in the gospel. Because of Christ, there is no longer any condemnation. Because of Christ, we have been set free. Because of Christ, we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. Because of Christ, the sufferings of this present world are no longer worth comparing to the glory that will one day be revealed in us. Because of Christ, all things work together for our good. Because of Christ, we have been called, predestined, justified, sanctified, and glorified. Because of Christ, there is no one left to accuse, no one left to condemn. Because of Christ, we know God is for us, not against us. Because of Christ, nothing can separate us from God’s love. These are some of the most amazing and profound truths in all the Bible. In fact, I have often thought that if we lost the whole Bible but were somehow able to retain the verses from this chapter, we would be okay.

I have been a Christian for over thirty years now. Thankfully, I had spiritual mentors who pointed me to the Book of Romans, and this chapter in particular, from the very beginning of my Christian journey. I have prayed over these verses. I have clung to these verses in difficult moments. I have wrestled with these verses in the midst of great suffering. I have found solace in these verses when in pain. I have staked my life on these verses - and many, many others - and God has proven Himself faithful. Faithful to save. Faithful to love. Faithful to forgive. Faithful to bless. No matter where life may find you today, place your trust in God. Trust what He says about Himself in this chapter and let these truths shape how you understand your faith and life.

Readings for tomorrow: Romans 9-10, Psalms 137