
Readings for today: Exodus 10-12, Psalm 20

Several years ago, I read a book about the leadership principles of the Jesuit Order. If you don’t know the history, the Jesuits have been around for over four hundred years. They have established themselves across the globe in many different cultures. They are adaptable, flexible, and highly successful at accomplishing their mission. The current pope is a Jesuit by training. They mainly focus on education but are highly engaged in their local communities as most Roman Catholic orders tend to be. One of the four principles they base their way of life on is to always live “with one foot raised.” In others words, they are always open to what’s next. They are willing to go wherever God calls them to go. Do what He calls them to do. They are prepared to leave at a moment’s notice when His call comes.

I find this way of living inspiring and it reminds me of how the Israelites prepared for Passover. Of all the instructions given, the one that intrigues me the most is the one about how they should dress. “You must be dressed for travel, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. You are to eat it in a hurry; it is the Lord’s Passover.” (Exodus 12:11 CSB) God was getting ready to do a mighty work in their lives. He was preparing a miracle just for them. The meal they ate was a sign of the deliverance that was to come and they were to dress in such a way that they could take advantage of the kairos moment when it arrived. Imagine the kind of faith it must have taken for these beaten down, broken people to trust Moses when he said God’s deliverance was on it’s way. They had been slaves for four hundred years. They had lived for generations under the merciless lash of the Pharaohs. But now things had changed. God remembered them. God saw them. God heard their cries. And the time had come for them to be set free.

What about you? Do you live with one foot raised? Do you live in anticipation of what God can do in your life? Do you trust God? Despite your past, despite your circumstances, despite your fears and failures? Do you believe God is at work even now to bring you greater freedom? Greater joy? Greater peace? Greater love? Greater blessing? Are you willing to dress for that future? Prepare for God’s future? Step into it when it arrives?

Readings for tomorrow: Exodus 13-15, Psalm 21 (No devotionals on Sundays)