The Importance of Worship

Readings for today: Malachi 1-4, Psalm 50

Human beings are worshipping creatures. The earliest records of the human race depict scenes of worship. We will worship just about anything given the right set of circumstances. We will worship animals. We will worship trees. We will worship the land and the ocean. We will worship money and sex and power. We will worship authority. We will worship other human beings. We will even make up our own gods to worship to fill in the gaps of our lives. It’s one of the traits that sets us apart from any other creature in the world. We crave a connection with transcendence. We want a relationship with the eternal. The catch is that we want it on our terms. We want to be in control. We refuse to bow the knee to any higher power that doesn’t “do for us” if we “do for them.” And that’s our problem with God.

Malachi indicts God’s people for making a mockery of true worship. Instead of worshipping God in His terms, they worship God on their terms. They defile the altar. They bring the leftovers and the rejects from their flocks to sacrifice. They refuse to give the required tithes. Their priests ignore the truth. They play at religion, going through the motions as if it didn’t matter. But God will not be mocked. He refuses to play their game. He judges them with righteousness and the verdict is “guilty.” Listen again to what God says to His people through the prophet, “Instead of honoring me, you profane me. You profane me when you say, ‘Worship is not important, and what we bring to worship is of no account,’ and when you say, ‘I’m bored—this doesn’t do anything for me.’ You act so superior, sticking your noses in the air—act superior to me, God-of-the-Angel-Armies! And when you do offer something to me, it’s a hand-me-down, or broken, or useless. Do you think I’m going to accept it? This is God speaking to you.”(Malachi‬ ‭1‬:‭12‬-‭13‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

As a pastor in the American church context, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had conversations with Christians that reflect the same sentiment above. Believers who’ve been in worship their whole lives who begin to profane it by ignoring it or diminishing it or complaining about it. Excuses like, “I’m not being fed” or “they don’t play the right music” or “worship doesn’t do anything for me” are tossed around ad nauseam these days. Add to that the number of preachers who have exchanged the truth of God for the latest social/political commentary and the number of believers who refuse to sacrificially give and one can easily see why the church in America is so weak. God has withdrawn His favor. He simply will not bless our consumeristic approach to the gospel. He refuses to allow Himself to become a commodity. He will not diminish Himself or His glory to accommodate our self-centered worship. He calls us higher. He calls us deeper. He calls us to humbly submit ourselves to Him and embrace the path He’s laid out for us.

Friends, worshipping God in Spirit and in truth may be the most radical act of resistance the world has ever seen. When we gather to worship, we are taking our stand on the gospel and declaring to the world the coming of God’s Kingdom. When we gather for worship, we find the dividing walls of hostility that keep us apart generationally, ethnically, socially, economically, politically, sexually, etc. being torn down as God’s Spirit gives us new hearts and new minds built for the new world that is coming. When we gather for worship, we proclaim an end to evil, an end to sin, an end to death, and the final victory of Christ over all His enemies. This is why we worship, friends! And this is why God takes our worship so seriously.

Readings for tomorrow: Ezra 7-10