Godly Leadership

Readings for today: Ezra 4-6

Godly leaders keep their eyes focused on God. They are committed to walking in His ways and obeying His commands no matter how high the cost may be in this world. They refuse to bow the knee to pressure or threats or persecution. They resist the temptation to give in or respond in kind. They are not passively submissive but engage in active resistance, recognizing God cares as much about the “means” as He does the “ends.”

Haggai and Zechariah were godly leaders. They provided encouragement and direction at a time in Israel’s life when they needed it the most. The exiles had returned from Babylon. They were re-establishing their life in the Promised Land. In addition to rebuilding homes and re-planting fields and re-establishing their businesses, they also had undertaken the great work of rebuilding their Temple. The locals wanted to help out. They wanted to play a part. They wanted to assimilate with these newcomers. Tragically, however, they had merged some of the sacred rituals of the Jewish religion with some of their traditional pagan practices. Not only that but they had intermarried with non-Jews thus corrupting their identity as God’s chosen people so Haggai and Zechariah and the other leaders for Israel rejected their offer. They were faithful to obey the covenant commands of God.

One of the things that strikes me most about our reading today is that while Haggai and Zechariah resisted the pressure to conform to culture, they also resisted the temptation to go to war with culture. They didn’t assemble the army and wipe out or enslave the local population. They didn’t try to dominate or control those who opposed them. They simply pursued the truth and they did it in a way that was consistent with the laws of the empire. Their opponents lobbied the emperor to stop the work. They lobbied the emperor to complete the work. Their opponents put all kinds of obstacles in their way. They worked hard to overcome those obstacles and continued to build. It’s a great picture of how to engage our own culture today.

We live in a culture that is becoming increasingly hostile to the gospel. Different Christians are choosing to respond in different ways. Some Christians want to withdraw from culture. They want to retreat into their own cloistered communities and not engage society at all. Some Christians want to dominate culture. They want to fight our culture on every front and re-establish Christian hegemony over the laws of the land. Still other Christians understand their call to be a faithful witness much like Haggai and Zechariah. They are committed to active, non-violent resistance to the pagan cultural forces that swirl around us without trying to control or dominate their neighbors. They are committed to continuing the work God has called them to no matter what pressure or opposition may come. I truly believe this last approach is the best approach and helps us follow in the footsteps of godly leaders like Haggai and Zechariah.

Readings for tomorrow: Haggai 1-2