
Readings for today: 2 Samuel 10, 1 Chronicles 19, Psalms 20, 53, 60, 75

Human beings can tend to be naturally suspicious. Especially those who have been hurt before. It is hard to earn trust and when it is lost, it is almost impossible to regain. There is an old Nigerian proverb that says, “Any animal that escapes from a trap will be suspicious of every bent stick.” This rings true to me especially in our culture today. The rise of social media has led to an exponential increase in bullying and abusive behavior. The hurt and pain so many suffer online bleeds over into their everyday relationships. It creates a posture where we assume the worst rather than the best of each other. We question each other’s motives and/or character rather than offer trust. We are quick to pounce on mistakes rather than extend grace. The result is a toxic emotional system which perpetuates pain and suffering on a local, national, even global scale.

There is nothing new under the sun. In our reading for today, King David reaches out to King Hanun of the Ammonites to offer his condolences after his father dies. Sadly, Hanun is deeply insecure and perceives a threat where there is none. In an effort of self-protection, he shames David’s messengers and sends them back home. This represents a significant act of aggression in the Ancient Near East so David goes to war. He defeats the Ammonites in a major battle that costs the lives of thousands of soldiers. All because one man reacted with suspicion to a compassionate gesture.

In one of my favorite all time passages, the Apostle Paul writes, “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” (1 Corinthians‬ ‭13‬:‭7‬-‭8a‬ ‭ESV‬‬) Those who are in Christ are set free from a life of suspicion. We are set free from a life of caution and distrust. We are set free from the burden of being guarded and self-protective. We are set free to love. Love unconditionally. Love generously. Love sacrificially just as Jesus did. And as the Apostle John so famously said, “Perfect love casts out all fear.” So let me challenge you to set aside any and all of your suspicions. Step into the freedom Christ won for you on the cross. Step into the freedom Christ offers you through His Spirit. Embrace the way of love and watch how it changes your relationships with those you love and the world around you.

Readings for tomorrow: Psalms 65-67, 69-70