Expanding our View

Readings for today: Romans 5-8

My view of life can be so narrow at times. I am limited by my lack of understanding. Limited by my lack of experience. Limited by my finite abilities. Limited by my emotions. Limited by the sin that so easily trips me up. All of these things and more conspire to narrow my field of vision. Foreclose on options I otherwise might consider. Shot down possibilities I might otherwise take advantage of. Close doors I might otherwise walk through. I’ve seen it happen in my life. I’ve seen it happen in the lives of those I love and serve as a pastor.

Recently, I was talking with a friend who is locked in conflict with their spouse. Neither of them can see the forest for the trees. Both of them are locked into a particular point of view. Their field of vision has narrowed to the point where their “way” is the only “way” they can see. It may end up destroying their marriage. I was talking to another friend who is frustrated with a colleague at work. They are wrestling with all kinds of emotions. They are battling their fears and anxieties and assumptions. When they let these things get the upper hand, they start to feel like the situation is hopeless. They start to believe the lie that there’s no way forward. Their vision begins to narrow unnecessarily and options they might otherwise consider no longer seem to be in play. It’s amazing how often we fall into this trap as human beings. It’s part of our sinful, broken condition and it impacts us all.

This is why I love what Paul shares in Romans 5 today. Listen to how the Message version translates it, “By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.” (Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ ‭MSG‬‬) I love the language of “wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory.” All kinds of images flash through my mind when I read these words. Summitting a 14’er here in Colorado and being able to see for miles. Standing on the Great Plains and seeing the wheat fields stretch out before me in every direction. Looking out the window of a plane and being able to see entire cities come into view. This is the difference between God’s view and my view. His view is unlimited, mine is limited. His view is infinite, mine is finite. His view is unobstructed, mine is obstructed by all kinds of tension and stress and anxiety and fear and sinful desires that I struggle with almost every day.

Friends, God wants to give us His eyes to see. His ears to hear. His heart to understand all that is going on in the world around us. He wants to expand our view, not only of our own lives, but the lives of those we love and live among and work alongside. He wants us to live in the wide open spaces of grace rather than the cramped spaces of sin. He wants us to live in freedom rather than in slavery. He wants us to see all the possibilities and all the opportunities He has prepared for us. He has promised to do more than we can ever ask or imagine! All He asks is that we let go of our hopes and dreams - which are small and petty by comparison - and turn our lives over to Him.

Readings for tomorrow: Romans 9-12