The Holy Spirit

Readings for today: John 14-17

I love the Holy Spirit. He is the literal gift of God from God to anyone who places their faith in God. He proceeds from the Father and the Son. He comes to transplant our souls. Regenerate our hearts. Renew our minds. He is the Guide, Comforter, and Friend. He comes to make Christ known to us. He comes to remind us of all Christ taught and how Christ lived and most of all, to show us the meaning behind Christ’s death and resurrection. He comes to give us peace. True shalom. He comes to make us whole and happy and fulfilled. He comes to expose the world’s sin. He comes to teach the world righteousness. He comes to bring judgment on the evil one and all his works. He comes to make sense of why the world is the way it is and what God is doing about it. The Holy Spirit doesn’t come to draw attention to Himself but to point beyond Himself to what God has done in Christ and what He will do in Christ to make all things new.

Sadly, the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood these days. Even by Christians. We perceive Him to be something like the “Force” from Star Wars or we think of Him like we think of ghosts and spirits. We talk about Him as if He is a power not a Person. We fail to recognize His Presence as the very Presence of God with us. We often overemphasize or underemphasize His gifts and we neglect His fruit. We do not seek to be filled with the Spirit. We do not know how to tune into the Spirit to hear what He is saying to us. We do not draw on the strength and wisdom of the Spirit to guide our everyday decisions in life. And the result of all this is a often a passionless, weak, impotent walk with Christ that doesn’t live up to the Biblical hype.

So what can we do? We begin by seeking the Spirit. We seek the Spirit when we intentionally spend time in His presence. We learn to listen to the Spirit’s voice by reading God’s Word, meditating on it’s meaning in silence and solitude, and waiting on Him to reveal His will to us. We learn to pay attention to the ways the Spirit speaks through Scripture to address our circumstances and we trust Him to lead us to godly decisions and godly actions. We learn to trust the Holy Spirit even when His will for us might run counter to what we might normally do or naturally feel. We ask the Spirit to bear His fruit in our hearts and to give us His gifts so that we might serve. As we practice these things, we learn to tune in more and more to the Spirit and become more attuned to His abiding Presence.

How are you being filled with the Spirit today? Where do you need the Spirit to move in your life today? Have you asked Him? Are you following Him? Are you seeking His guidance for your life?

Readings for tomorrow: None