Finishing Strong

Readings for today: Nehemiah 11-13, Psalm 126

There’s nothing better than accomplishing a great task for God. It could be the planting of a new church. Building a new church building. Launching an evangelistic crusade. Starting a medical clinic in an impoverished area. There’s nothing better than stepping out in faith, risking it all for the sake of God’s mission, and then seeing your hard work bear Kingdom fruit. I’ve seen it in the church I am privileged to serve. Every time God challenges us to take on a monumental task, our church family has responded and our faith in Christ has grown. We’ve planted new churches around the world. We’ve launched a new local mental health clinic. We paid off all our debt. We launched a highly successful Alpha program to reach new believers. The list goes on and on and every time we hit a milestone, we celebrate. Just like the nation of Israel did when they finally completed the wall.

Completing the wall would have meant so much to the people of Israel. First and foremost, it would have pointed them to the faithfulness of God. God is the one who made this happen. God is the one who laid it on the heart of Nehemiah to build the wall. God is the one who moved the heart of the emperor to provide materials and resources. God is the one who protected them from their enemies along the way. Second, completing the wall would’ve signified safety and security. Now the people could build their homes and businesses without fear. Now they could begin to plan for their future. Now they could rebuild their city and reclaim their national identity. Thirdly, completing the wall would have sent a signal to all their enemies. No longer would Israel be a doormat. No longer would they be an easy mark. No longer would they be at their mercy. The wall was a powerful symbol in addition to being a physical monument.

Now consider your own life. Consider the great things God has called you to. Consider the great plans God has for you. Consider all God wants to accomplish through you. Does anything come to mind? Can you look back and see some of the milestones you’ve hit along the way? If not, I encourage you to seek the Lord. Ask Him to show you what He wants you to do for Him. All of us have a calling on our life. All of us have a God-sized plan for our life. Something only God Himself can accomplish in and through us. Perhaps you know what God wants you to do but you’ve hesitated to take that step of faith. Don’t hold back! Don’t wait any longer! Step into the future God has for you! Perhaps you find yourself right in the middle of God’s plan. Perhaps you’re feeling stretched beyond your resources. Perhaps you’re coming to the end of your strength. These can be great signs that you are right where God wants you. Keep pressing in. Keep wading in. Keep it going. God is with you! He who began this great work in and through you will bring it to completion!

Readings for tomorrow: Psalm 106, John 1:4-14