Table of Nations

Readings for today: Genesis 10-11

Genesis 10 is the famous “Table of Nations” which lists the founders of seventy nations descended from Noah and his family. This is not an exhaustive list. The Biblical genealogies are always abridged. They include the names the ancients deemed important at the time. Lesser nations or those siblings who are less culturally relevant at the time are left out. Some of the nations listed are easily identifiable even to this day. Others are far more obscure. All attempts to identify them meet with varying degrees of success due to the time and cultural distance between our world and the ancient world. However, here’s one attempt just to help you picture it…

Why is the table important? What relevance does it have for us today? First of all, it shows those nations most important to ancient Israel. That’s why Egypt, Babylon, and Assyria all feature prominently. These empires will become Israel’s greatest enemies. It’s also why the Canaanite tribes are all mentioned because of the challenges they will present Israel on a regular basis. But perhaps most of all, it shows the deep, fundamental connection Israel has with the nations around them. When God calls Israel to be a “light to the nations”, she is being called to illuminate the gospel for her cousins no matter how distant they may be. She is being called to bring the gospel to her extended family. Yes, she is set apart but not for isolation. She is set apart in order to put the mercies of God’s grace on display so the nations will hear and be glad and turn to the Lord in faith.

One more thing…the Table of Nations reveals the plan of salvation. God working through the line of Shem all the way to Terah to bring a man named Abram into view. The man through whom God’s promises for the world will come to pass. It’s a great reminder that even when we may not be able to see it, God is working. Even when we may not be able to feel it or touch it, God is working. As generations come and generations go, God is always at work to bring His plans to pass. May you walk in that confidence today!

Readings for tomorrow: None