Readings for today: Psalms 111-118
I have been reading a book recently titled, “The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World.” The authors are the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu. It is essentially an interview, the last one between the two dear friends, before Archbishop Tutu died. In the book, both men agree that we create so much of our own suffering. We have this innate selfishness about us that is the root of much of our pain and frustration. We are naturally inclined to be greedy and gluttonous. We seem addicted to pleasure and give little thought to those in need around us. To put it in biblical terms, we too easily “gratify the desires of the sinful nature” which creates a negative ripple effect on the world around us. What’s the antidote to pervasive disease? Giving ourselves away to others. Compassionate concern for those who are less fortunate. Deliberately choosing to deny ourselves so that others around us might flourish. Living in radically generous ways. Being open-handed with all that we have to help those in need. Focusing on the well-being of others is the surest and truest path to joy.
The Psalmist agrees. Blessed is the one who fears the Lord. Light dawns in the darkness for the one who is upright. It goes well with the one who is generous and just. The righteous will never be moved. They will be remembered forever. They are immune to fear for they place their trust in the Lord. They are steady and non-anxious for they know their victory over this world is secure. Only the righteous person is truly free for they are not bound to the things of this world. They do not love the things of this world. They store up their treasures in heaven. This allows them to distribute freely. To walk with open hands and live with an open heart. This is the life God promises to those who will follow Him.
We live in such an anxious world. More and more people suffer from anxiety disorders and depression. They medicate with alcohol and marijuana and opioids. There is so much anger and hatred in our world. Violence is on the rise. Pain and suffering are becoming more and more unbearable. It’s heartbreaking to witness. As a pastor, I often have a front row seat as people seek my counsel. They come into my office or grab coffee with me down at Fika and they want to know why things are so hard. They want to know why life is so difficult. They want to know where God is in the midst of all they are going through. Sadly, as I listen to them share, I see the same self-centered patterns emerge. They are often the victim of their own sinful choices. They spend years ignoring God and then are surprised when life doesn’t go their way. They justify their selfish attitudes and actions. They rationalize away their sin. They don’t really want to make the changes God requires. So their suffering only deepens. If only they would turn to God! If only they would delight in His commands! God has tremendous blessings stored up for those who commit their way to Him. For those who seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. If you want to live a life free from fear, give your life over to Christ. Love Him by obeying His commands. Put on His righteousness like a garment. Let Him cover you with His peace.
Readings for tomorrow: 1 Kings 1-2, Psalms 37, 71, 94