God’s Call

Readings for today: Genesis 12-13

Father, everything I need to know about a life of faith and my salvation is revealed in Your Word. It is sufficient for all my spiritual needs. Through your Holy Spirit, direct me to what You would have me see and have me learn today. 

I remember my last year at Princeton. All of my friends had passed their ordination exams. All of them were interviewing with different churches. All of us were praying for each other and talking about where the Lord might be leading us. Some felt drawn to particular places. Beaches. Mountains. Places they had always dreamed of living in. Some wanted to be close to home. Close to family. Close to those they loved. I too wanted these things if I am honest. At the same time, my wife and I felt very drawn to Genesis 12:1 - “Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee…” As we read these words (not in the King James, mind you!), we realized God was calling us to walk with open hands and an open heart before Him. To let Him guide and direct our steps. To go wherever He might call. To place no limits on Him. So we looked at churches all over the United States. We sent resumes out to about thirty of them. We interviewed with three of them and had a fourth interview scheduled before God showed us the place He wanted us to go. A wonderful church called Overlook Presbyterian Church in the southern port city of Mobile, AL. 

We spent six great years there. We were embraced by the community. We built special friendships with the people in our congregation. They taught me almost everything I know about how to pastor well. I can still see them in my mind’s eye and my heart warms at the thought of them. I would mention their names but there really are too many to count and all of them had a deep impact on my life and my family. Then God’s call came to us again towards the beginning of 2008. It was just after we bought our first home. Just after we settled in for the long haul or so we thought at the time. We moved north to a little town called Sun Prairie outside of Madison, WI to plant a church. We spent two terrible years there. The worst years of our lives. It almost cost us our marriage. Almost cost us our family. I was broken in more ways than I could imagine. Some asked us if we had misheard God. Not at all. The Lord gives and takes away and He met us in the midst of that traumatic experience. He put some wonderful friends in our lives who ministered to us in ways I cannot even begin to describe. They loved us. Listened to us. Prayed with and for us. They were a sanctuary. A refuge. And it is largely because of them that we are still together and still in ministry today. Thankfully, God’s call came again at the end of 2009. We moved west. Back home to a little town near where both Kristi and I grew up called Parker, CO to pastor a great church called PEPC. We’ve had twelve amazing years here. We’ve been embraced by our church family. Put down deep roots in our community. Shared life with some incredible friends. Raised our kids. Watched God work miracles. The Lord has used PEPC to heal us. Encourage us. Strengthen us. Challenge us. We’ve grown in more ways than we could ever have imagined and we are thankful for God’s abiding presence every step of the way.

As I look back over my journey, I realize there is no way I could have planned it. There were so many twists and turns that only God could orchestrate. Some good. Some bad. Some ugly. Through it all, God was faithful to His promise to use all things for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose and I imagine Abram must have felt the same way. When he looked back on his journey from Ur to Haran with his father. From Haran to Canaan with his nephew. From Bethel to the Negev to Egypt and back again with Sarai before finally settling in Hebron. Abram had quite a journey. Especially at a time when it was dangerous, perhaps even foolish, to leave the safety and security of your home, family, clan, and tribe. Abram left it all to follow God’s will for his life. He left his business. Left his personal and professional network. Left his friendships. Left all that was familiar to go to the place God would show him. This is what stepping out in faith looked like for Abram…what does it look like for you? Where is God calling you to go? What is God calling you to leave behind? Are you willing to walk with open hands and an open heart before Him? Truly letting His Spirit guide and direct your steps?

Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 14-16