The Steadfast Love of the Lord

Readings for today: Psalms 107-108, Romans 15:22-33

“Whoever is wise, let him attend to these things; let them consider the steadfast love of the Lord.” (Psalm‬ ‭107:43‬)

Today’s Word comes at a good time for me. I’ve had quite a week. The Delta variant of COVID-19 continues to spread through our community so our local public health department decided to issue a mask mandate for children ages 2-11 as they head back to school. This created quite a bit of anxiety for many families in our community and in our congregation as you can imagine. The following day our county commissioners decided to opt out of the mandate but the school district decided to stay in which added a layer of confusion to the situation. It’s not been easy to navigate. At the same time, I am talking to many service men and women who are watching what is taking place in Afghanistan with horror. They cannot believe all their blood, sweat, and tears would be in vain. For some, it triggers incredible pain. For others, it’s brought back the nightmares. For still others, it comes with a tremendous amount of grief as they think about the Afghan friends who will be left behind. The situation is compounded by the arrogance of our political leaders and the blame-shifting on both sides of the aisle. It’s frustrating if not typical and real people continue to pay the price. In particular, I think of the Afghan pastors I am connected to through many missionary friends. They have let it be known that the Taliban are going door to door to hunt them down. Their lives are in danger. The lives of their families are in danger. The lives of those they serve in their congregations are in danger. And yet they remain faithful. It’s humbling and it brings me to my knees in constant prayer.

So it’s been a week. I’ve felt the pastoral burden of ministry keenly. I’ve had moments of frustration. Moments of doubt. Moments of anxiety. I’ve not slept real well. And that’s why I needed the reminder this morning of the steadfast love of God. I needed to take a step back and remember His goodness and grace. I needed to be reminded that He will not allow evil to have its way. Despite what I may feel or what I may think, God remains sovereign. He is at work. He is even now gathering His redeemed from the north, south, east, and west. He promises to satisfy their longing souls and fill their hungry souls with good things. He promises to bring them out of darkness and the shadow of death and break the bonds of their oppression. He promises to heal them and deliver them from their self-destruction. He promises to calm the storm and make the raging sea like glass.

Furthermore, God is at work judging those who do evil. He will turn their rivers into deserts and their fruitful lands into salty wastes. He will pour contempt on princes make them wander in trackless wastes. He will not allow their foolishness to stand. He raises up and lays low even the most powerful in this world. Kingdoms come and go. Empires rise and fall at His command. He shuts the mouths of the wicked. He exposes their lies. He makes them reel and stagger like drunken men. He brings them to the end of their strength. The end of their wisdom. The end of their resources. All so they will cry out to Him.

Friends, this is why the Psalmist declares whoever is wise, let him attend to the Word of God. Let her consider the steadfast love of God. Let him think on God’s goodness and God’s faithfulness throughout the generations. Let her count the blessings of God and offer thanksgiving and praise. You may have had a week like me. Perhaps you too are feeling the burdens of anxiety and fear and frustration and failure. Maybe you find yourself depressed or despairing over the circumstances of your life or the condition of our world. Turn to Christ! Place your trust in Him! He is strong enough to hold all things together when everything feels like it’s falling apart.

Readings for tomorrow: None