
Readings for today: Judges 13-14, Luke 9:28-62

Samson is a cautionary tale. He is a man ruled by his appetites. Driven by his desires. An addict enslaved to the basest of emotions. His life is a study in contrasts. Miraculously conceived. Set apart from birth as a Nazarite. (No wine, cutting of the hair, or touching of dead bodies) He single-handedly delivers Israel from their enemies. At the same time, he despises his birthright. He intermarries with Philistines and sleeps with prostitutes. He eats honey from the carcass of a lion he’s killed. He tells Delilah (yet another Philistine) the supposed secret of his strength and she cuts his hair. He is imprisoned and tortured but exacts vengeance on his enemies in one final act of martyrdom. 

I have met Samson. Every time I look in the mirror I am reminded I too was once driven by sinful desire. Enslaved to the flesh as the Apostle Paul might put it. Sexual desire drove me to pornography. My drinking habits bordered on alcohol addiction. I’ve struggled with depression and despair in my life. It’s been hard. At the same time, I’m blessed with an amazing family. A godly wife and four kids I love with all my heart. I’ve got great friends. A career I absolutely love. But my inner life used to be a mess. I too often believed the lie that I was at the mercy of what I feel. That I had no choice. Thankfully, I received great spiritual counsel and a lot of therapy over the years. Mentors, counselors, friends who acted as a spiritual and emotional guides to help bring peace to my soul. Most of all, I immersed myself in God’s Word. I gave His Spirit the microphone in my life. I wanted Him to be the loudest voice in my head. The loudest voice in my heart. Constantly reminding me who I was created to be. Constantly encouraging me to live in light of God’s transforming love.

I am not the only “Samson” out there. I cannot tell you the number of people I have counseled over the years in my office who seemingly cannot control their desires. Sexual appetites. Drug and alcohol addiction. Co-dependence. Suicidal ideation. It’s heartbreaking. These are gifted people who have been blessed in every measure by God. They have families. They have friends. They have careers. They make good money and experience professional success. But their inner lives are a mess. Their souls are in turmoil. They feel trapped and enslaved and ruled by their passions. They buy into the lie that they were “made” this way and therefore have no choice. There are so many voices in their heads and hearts clamoring for attention. Demanding that they listen. It’s paralyzing. It’s crippling. And it breaks the heart of God.

Here’s the truth of the gospel, friends. You have been set free! For freedom Christ has set you free so do not submit again to a yoke of slavery! Do not turn back to your former ways! Do not believe the lie that you are at the mercy of what you feel. You are not defined by your desires. You are not a slave to your emotions. Love the Lord with all your heart! Submit your desires to Him! Allow His Spirit to sanctify your emotions and your feelings. Keep in step with the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. In fact, you will find yourself beginning to desire what God desires. Holiness. Purity. Grace. Mercy. Compassion. These things flow from a heart surrendered to God.  

Readings for tomorrow: Judges 15-17, Luke 10:1-24