
Readings for today: Joshua 23-24, Luke 6:27-49

Recently, I’ve been reflecting on all the blessings I’ve been given in my life. Blessings I did not earn. Blessings I did not seek. Blessings I could never have gained on my own. I grew up in a family where hard work and commitment were prized. My father’s family spent their lives farming in western Nebraska. My mother’s family spent their lives ministering in southern Indiana. Both sets went through periods of hardship and struggle. Both sets experienced success and failure. Both sets persevered. Family was a priority. Faith was the rule rather than the exception. Children were expected to work alongside the adults. Talent and ability was identified at a young age and nurtured. Education was seen as the key to creating greater opportunity. Sacrifices were made in order to help the next generation build on what previous generations had built. When I was young, I took my upbringing for granted. Now that I am older, I am learning just how rare it can be. I travel the world and meet people from all walks of life and I can tell you firsthand that I am blessed beyond measure. I had access to resources most people can only dream of growing up. I have been given so many opportunities along the way. None of this was my doing. It was all the Lord.

Perhaps that’s why I love these words from the end of the Book of Joshua so much. “I gave you a land on which you had not labored and cities that you had not built, and you dwell in them. You eat the fruit of vineyards and olive orchards that you did not plant. Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua‬ ‭24:13-15‬) Israel was a blessed nation. Chosen by God. Not because she was the strongest or the greatest but simply out of grace. God gave her a new name. A new identity. A new Law. A Tabernacle in which to worship. A Promised Land in which to dwell. Abundant resources to harvest. Power over her enemies. And all He asks in return is faith. All He wants from His people is for them to love Him with all their hearts. Worship Him exclusively as He rightly deserves.

When you think back over the course of your life, what do you see? Do you see abundant blessings that can only come from God? Blessings not just in material wealth but blessings that are spiritual, emotional, and relational? Do you see God at work even the hard times? Amidst the failures? Does He show up in the middle of your pain and suffering to bring comfort? Are these not also unlooked for blessings that we have not earned nor have a right to expect? In light of all God has done for you in the course of your life…in light of all God has done for you on the cross…will you choose to serve Him? Love Him? Place your faith in Him? This is the choice Joshua sets before Israel and it is the choice God sets before us this Good Friday. Choose this day whom you will serve. The gods of this earth who exploit and oppress and ultimately take everything from you or the God of the universe who gives up everything - including His very life - to save and deliver you.

Readings for tomorrow: Judges 1-2, Luke 7:1-35