Growing Up Jesus

Readings for today: Joshua 7-8, Luke 2:22-52

What are your impressions of Jesus when He was young? Can you imagine Him as a baby in Mary’s arms? As a toddler in Joseph’s carpentry shop? Playing in the sawdust? Learning how to drive a nail?Can you see Him running around with the other boys in Nazareth? Do you think He ever felt awkward? Did He have a sense that He was not like the rest? I imagine Jesus did. I imagine He felt set apart from a very early age. 

Many myths and stories have been told about the so-called “lost years” of Jesus. The years of Jesus’ childhood that none of the gospel writers bother to write down. Some say Jesus went to study with the gurus of India. Some say He spent time with the Essenes and His cousin John. Still others believe He traveled to England with Joseph of Arimethea. All of these theories are completely bogus of course. Tales spun to satisfy a curiosity that simply will not accept the truth. Jesus lived a very ordinary life as the oldest son of Joseph and Mary. He apprenticed in His father’s carpentry business. He studied Torah with the rabbi’s. He simply “grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him.” (Luke‬ ‭2:40‬) 

Of course, there were glimpses of the extraordinary in Jesus’ life. Like the time at the Temple when He was twelve years old. Joseph and Mary make their annual trek to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover. After the celebration is over, they begin to make their way home. Since villages all tended to travel together, they assumed Jesus was with their group. However, after they get a day’s journey out, they realize Jesus is not with them and they panic. They rush back to Jerusalem. Search the city for three whole days only to find Him in the Temple, sitting among the teachers, listening and asking questions. “Why have you treated us like this?” Why disrespect us? Why not obey us? Why did you not come when it was time to go? Their anger and frustration is palpable. Jesus responds by humbling himself and returns with them to Nazareth. 

Meanwhile Mary adds this event to the list she’s treasuring in her heart. Angelic visitations. Miraculous conception. Awe-inspiring birth. Shepherds, wise men, and others worshipping her little boy. Old Simeon proclaiming Him to be the Messiah. 84 year old Anna saying the most amazing things. Surely Mary must have seen something special in Jesus. Something she did not see in her other children. And now this latest episode where her twelve year old son, displaying a wisdom beyond His years, astounding the teachers of the law in the Temple with His understanding. What a privilege to have a front row seat to all that God was doing in and through her Son. To watch Him grow in wisdom and stature and favor with both God and man. Mary could not have been more proud. 

So let me ask you this Jesus growing on you? Do you find yourself trusting in His wisdom? Trusting in His strength? Is Jesus “increasing” in your eyes? Has He found favor with you like He has for so many billions throughout the world today? 

Readings for tomorrow: Joshua 9-10, Luke 3