New Year, New Creation

Readings for today: Genesis 1-2, Matthew 1

Welcome to all those joining us on this journey through the Bible in a year! We are excited to be doing this for the fourth year in a row. Couple of things to “orient” you for the journey. One, give yourself a lot of grace. Life happens. You will find yourself behind at various points. Bored at various points. Struggling at various points. You’ll also find yourself excited and passionate and reading ahead. It’s all part of the experience. Second, read “devotionally.” This is not a reading plan for inductive Bible study. You will note that the devotionals that appear in this space will feel more like journal entries - which they are - as I process how the Lord speaks to me through His Word. Too many Bible reading plans fail because the reader tries to do too much. Simply read the Word and let the Spirit speak to your heart rather than drill down on every jot and tittle. Third, ask a lot of questions. If you are confused about anything, feel free to fire away in the comment section below or through the app or on the Facebook group. I guarantee many others are asking the same questions and it is one of the great benefits of reading together. No question is off limits! This is a “judgment free” zone where everyone is allowed to be where they are in their journey. ;-)

“And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1:2b)

I love this image. It strikes me almost every year. Years ago I looked up the Hebrew word for “hovers” and found the same expression used to describe what an eagle does over her young. There is a sense of tenderness about the word. A sense of comfort. Genesis 1 and 2 are parallel creation accounts. The first written in poetry, the second in prose. Both describe using different details God’s heart for His creation. God’s purpose for creation. God’s design for creation. It is good. It is orderly. It is meant for blessing.

Before there was a “beginning”, there was God. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit existing in eternal relationship. Three Persons. One God. God is all-sufficient in Himself. There was no need to create. No lack within Himself that He was seeking to fulfill. Rather, He creates out of an overflow of love. God is love and God chooses to extend His love beyond Himself to all creation in general and to a creature made in His own image in particular. That’s me. That’s every single human being who has ever walked the face of the earth. Man and woman. Black, white, and brown. Male and female. Gay and straight. Rich and poor. You name it. If you belong to the human race, you have dignity and worth because you are made in the image of God. You are the object of His affection and love. He desires to have a relationship with you. This is why He created in the first place. To share His love with you.

You are no accident. You are not the product of random chance. The Spirit hovered over your creation just as an eagle hovers over her young. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Knit together by God’s own hand. Every part of you a product of God’s eternal design. God took great care in making you who you are. Giving you the personality and gifts and talents and abilities you have. You are no “rush job.” You are not the product of some divine assembly line. You are unique and beautiful because God has declared you to be so. This is the most fundamental truth of our existence. Surely there are other truths that will be revealed along the way. Most certainly, the image of God has been defaced in all our lives due to sin. But sin is a “contingent” reality and not eternal.

As we begin the year, it’s important to rest in this truth. The same Spirit who hovered over the waters at creation is the same Spirit who hovered over our conception and birth. He is the same Spirit who hovers over us even now. Protecting. Providing. We rest secure under the shadow of His wings.

Readings for tomorrow: Genesis 3-5, Matthew 2