unbelief vs belief

The Cost of Unbelief

Readings for today: Proverbs 27-29

There is a cost to unbelief. I know we like to pretend otherwise but there is no neutral territory in this world. One is either enslaved to sin or set free by Christ. One is helpless in the face of their warped desires or one has had their desires transformed by the Holy Spirit. One is either confused and ignorant of the righteousness of God or one is filled with the wisdom and knowledge of the Lord. There are no other options. Not according to Proverbs.

We see this cost on display right now in our country. Proverbs 28:2 says, “When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.” This is why character matters in our leaders. And not just any character will do. We need godly leaders. Leaders whose hearts have been transformed by the love of Christ and who extend that love out to others. Leaders who actively seek God’s counsel for wisdom and insight on how to tackle the massively complex problems that we are facing. Leaders who are unapologetic when it comes to standing for God’s truth as it is revealed through creation, science, Scripture, and the natural order of things. Leaders who are selfless and generous and honest and have integrity. Leaders who are not driven by the “will to power” but the “will to serve.”

Think of all the problems we face as as society. Political corruption at the highest levels. Social experiments when it comes to gender and sexuality. Astronomically high rates of depression and anxiety and suicidal ideation. Outbreaks of violence that far outpace any other country on earth. Massive rates of incarceration that disproportionately impacts communities of color and/or impoverished communities. An unsustainable, ever-widening gap between rich and poor. Significant rise in hate crimes across the board in almost every social group. And it seems like all our leaders can do is fiddle while Rome burns.

Solomon proposes a different way in the Proverbs. He reminds us of some important truths that could potentially turn the tide if we would submit our ways to God’s way. Listen to some of the examples from our reading today…

Proverbs 27 - He teaches us that anger and wrath and jealousy are all dangerous emotions not to be entertained. He teaches us to be humble rather than proud. He reminds us to plan wisely and take precautions for the future. And he encourages us receive rebukes from a friend as a blessing.

Proverbs 28 - He calls out those who rebel against God’s law. He He warns against corruption and immorality. He especially focuses on those who intentionally pursue evil and teach others to do the same. He reminds us of the danger of wicked people in places of influence and power. He challenges our greed and desire for ill-gotten wealth.

Proverbs 29 - He closes by casting a positive vision for a nation. He lifts up the virtues of humility, godliness, wisdom, justice, righteousness, compassion, discipline, and trusting in the Lord. Blessed is the nation led by leaders who treasure such things! Blessed are the communities whose people embrace such values.

Yesterday, the church I lead had the opportunity to bless our town. Each year we are invited to hold a worship service on the main stage of the main event of the year. The Parker Days Festival draws thousands from all over our state each year and the funds collected are essential for the operation of our local Chamber of Commerce. It is such a blessing to be asked to serve our town in this unique way and it’s something we don’t take for granted. As we worshipped, we prayed for our town and our leaders and the people in our community. We asked God to pour out His Spirit and draw us to Christ. We asked God to bring everyone to saving faith in His Son so our town might be blessed and thrive and flourish under His sovereign Lordship. Finally, we challenged each other to put into practice a lot of what Solomon has to say with the hope that as more and more people come to know Christ, the price we have to pay for unbelief in our community will go down. Make it so, Lord Jesus, make it so for the sake of your great Name and your great Glory!

Readings for tomorrow: Ecclesiastes 1-6