
Radical Transformation

Readings for today: Acts 9-11

It’s hard to get our minds around the transformation of Saul. One day, he is literally the fiercest enemy of the church and the next, he is her fiercest defender. One day, he is dragging Christians out of their homes, throwing them in prison, and calling for their execution and the next, he himself is risking it all to proclaim the gospel. One day, he is the hunter and the next, he is the hunted. Nothing short of an encounter with the Risen Christ could effect such a change and that, of course, is exactly what happened.

If you’re looking for a modern day example, you might check out the story of Mosab Hassan Yousef. Mosab is the oldest son of one of the founders of Hamas. He was groomed from a very young age to take over the terrorist organization. His father, Sheikh Hassan Yousef, lives in the West Bank where he has coordinated the activities of Hamas for decades. He has been arrested several times for inciting terrorism, most recently in the wake of the attacks on October 7th. Mosab rejected his father’s legacy of terror in favor of the way of Jesus. He even worked with Mossad from 1997-2007 to prevent terror attacks from happening in Israel. He has a powerful testimony and believes it is only by “loving our enemies” that peace can come to the Middle East.

Only Jesus Christ can make this kind of radical transformation possible. He alone can change the human heart. He alone can give us a new spirit. He alone can lead us to repentance which is a 180 degree turn in life. Most of us will probably never engage in the terror campaigns Saul conducted when he was a Pharisee. We will never join any kind of terror organization like Mosab. However, we are all born into sin and enslaved by it’s power. Only the Risen Christ can set us free. Only the Risen Christ can open our blind eyes to see Him for who He truly is. Only the Risen Christ can raise us to new life.

Readings for tomorrow: Acts 12-14