paradise lost

Paradise Lost

Readings for today: Isaiah 59-63

“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.” So says Satan in John Milton’s classic book, Paradise Lost. I can’t tell you the number of people I’ve met over the years who sadly have taken this sentiment to heart. They live life according to their own rules. They believe they are the captains of their own fates. The masters of their own destinies. Their primary goal is the pursuit of their own happiness. They aren’t bad people. In fact, they are quite normal people. They get married. They have families. They love their kids. They work hard. But life is oriented inward rather than outward. Ultimately, they seek to serve themselves rather than God or those around them so if/when the life they’ve built stops working for them, they move on. They get divorced. They leave their families. They quit their jobs. They cut off friendships. Anything that gets in the way of their happiness is considered toxic, phobic, unhealthy, you name it. Sadly, they never do find what they are looking for. I know. I’ve met many of them on their deathbeds. Talked to them as they neared the end of their lives and they express so many regrets. Or, even worse, some of them don’t have any regrets at all for all the pain they’ve left in their wake.

In today’s reading, Isaiah describes a similar situation in Israel. Rather than living for God and trusting His will for their lives, the people of God largely lived for themselves with devastating consequences. “We long for light but sink into darkness, long for brightness but stumble through the night. Like the blind, we inch along a wall, groping eyeless in the dark. We shuffle our way in broad daylight, like the dead, but somehow walking. We’re no better off than bears, groaning, and no worse off than doves, moaning. We look for justice—not a sign of it; for salvation—not so much as a hint. Our wrongdoings pile up before you, God, our sins stand up and accuse us. Our wrongdoings stare us down; we know in detail what we’ve done: Mocking and denying God, not following our God, spreading false rumors, whipping up revolt, pregnant with lies, muttering malice. Justice is beaten back, Righteousness is banished to the sidelines, Truth staggers down the street, Honesty is nowhere to be found, Good is missing in action. Anyone renouncing evil is beaten and robbed.” (Isaiah‬ ‭59‬:‭1‬0-‭15a‬ ‭MSG‬‬) Isaiah paints a terrible picture, doesn’t he? There exists in the heart of every person who has ever lived a deep longing for justice and peace and righteousness and goodness but these things seem forever out of reach. And the reason they are out of reach is not because of God. His arm has not grown short. His ears have not grown deaf. The problem is not with God, it is with us and the sinful orientation of our hearts that always presses us to seek our own good above those around us. Selfishness lies at the root of all evil. Our desires are simply insatiable. Our will is not strong enough to resist. Thankfully, God sees all this and takes pity on us.

“God looked and saw evil looming on the horizon— so much evil and no sign of Justice. He couldn’t believe what he saw: not a soul around to correct this awful situation. So he did it himself, took on the work of Salvation, fueled by his own Righteousness. He dressed in Righteousness, put it on like a suit of armor, with Salvation on his head like a helmet, Put on Judgment like an overcoat, and threw a cloak of Passion across his shoulders. He’ll make everyone pay for what they’ve done: fury for his foes, just deserts for his enemies. Even the far-off islands will get paid off in full. In the west they’ll fear the name of God, in the east they’ll fear the glory of God, For he’ll arrive like a river in flood stage, whipped to a torrent by the wind of God. “I’ll arrive in Zion as Redeemer, to those in Jacob who leave their sins.” God’s Decree.” (Isaiah‬ ‭59‬:‭15‬b-‭20‬ ‭MSG‬‬) This is God’s promise to all who believe. What we cannot achieve for ourselves, God will do for us. What we cannot earn for ourselves, God will freely give to us. What we cannot even seek for ourselves, God will seek out for us. He will find us. He will gather us. He will wipe away every tear. He will heal every hurt. He will right every wrong. He will make all things new. Including me. Including you. We will be given a new heart and a new spirit. Our desires will be reoriented towards God and those around us. Our minds filled with the wisdom and knowledge of God who will make our paths straight.

So let me challenge you to reject the lie of this world. The lie that says it’s better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. The lie that says it’s better to serve yourself than those around you. The lie that says it’s better to chase your own happiness rather than seek to make others happy. The lie that says you don’t need to bow the knee to anyone or anything. The lie that says you’re in charge. You’re the boss. You’re the master. Open your eyes and see these lies for what they are and honestly take stock of the impact of these lies on those you love. Cast them aside and instead believe the Truth. Place your trust in the truth of God as it is revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ. His way is better. His way leads to eternal and abundant life.

Readings for tomorrow: Isaiah 64-66