mighty men and women

Mighty Men and Women

Readings for today: 1 Chronicles 11-14, Psalms 66

No person is an island. No one accomplishes anything in life on their own. I remember years ago speaking to a man who was a significant benefactor to Princeton Theological Seminary. He had made his millions in real estate in New York City. He had endowed academic chairs at Ohio State and Princeton as well as created fellowships for the training of pastors. He was incredibly generous and I asked him one time why he gave so much of his wealth away. He replied, “Doug, I have benefited from the generosity of so many over the course of my life. So many people who invested in me, taught me, helped me network, and used their resources to get me where I am today. I didn’t do any of this on my own and I simply want to create similar opportunities for others.” He’s just one example of a “mighty man.” Someone who seeks not his own good but the good of others. Someone who understands his role to build others up. Someone who celebrates the success of others.

David had his mighty men. They are named in our passage for today. David would never have become king without these men. He would have never captured Jerusalem without these men. He would never become the greatest leader Israel had ever known without these men. They invested in David. They served David. They gave their lives for David. Everything David accomplished in his life was due in large measure to the efforts of these men. It’s a great reminder to us all of how much we need “our people.” People who will invest in us, bless us, create opportunities for us, and even give their lives for us. I naturally think of my wife and children here. I do my best to serve them, invest in them, and give my life for them. I think of my church family. I would do the same for them. I think of the pastors I serve overseas. I would do the same for them. I have reached a place in my life where serving others and investing in others and celebrating others brings me the greatest joy.

I would not be where I am today without so many mighty men and women over the years. The list is endless. My mom. My wife. My children. My in-laws. Mentors. Professors. Fellow pastors. Men and women in the church who have supported me, encouraged me, and blessed me in so many ways. I am a product of their intentional effort and prayer. Take a few moments and make a list of the people who have invested in you over the years. People who helped shape you into the person you are today. People who opened doors for you. People who gave you opportunity. People who mentored you along the way. Thank God for each of them. Pray for them and their families. Find a way to reach out to them to thank them if you can. Find ways to cultivate relationships with even more mighty men and women. And perhaps most importantly, be a mighty man or woman yourself!

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Chronicles 15-17, Psalms 67