judgment day

Logical Consequences

Readings for today: Obadiah, Psalms 82-83

I have four children, all of whom have entered or are entering adulthood. One of the things we’ve tried hard to teach them over the years is the law of logical consequences. Every single one of our decisions in life - good or bad - results in consequences. When we are responsible and do the right thing, most of the time the consequences are good. We are blessed. We succeed. We get ahead. When we are irresponsible and do the selfish thing, most of the time the consequences are bad. We struggle. We invite all kinds of anxiety and fear into our lives. We fall behind. I realize it’s not always this way. Life does have a way of throwing us curves. Sometimes those who are irresponsible are blessed. Those are responsible are cursed. The rain falls on the just and unjust alike. But I do believe, by and large, logical consequences hold true.

What is true for us as individuals is also true for the nations. God is the judge of the nations of the earth and His judgments are always righteous and good. He repays the wicked for their wickedness and He blesses those who walk in faithful obedience. Consider the nation of Edom. Descendants of Esau. Jacob’s brother. One would think their bonds of kinship would make them allies for Israel but sadly, they were most often enemies. When Israel struggled and needed them the most, they refused to help. Not only that but they took advantage of her weakness and exploited her brokenness for their own gain. They refused to lift a finger as Israel was carted off into exile. They laughed at the plight of their cousins, refusing to give shelter to refugees. God, of course, was watching. He took note of how Edom treated Israel and He will judge them for their sins.

“God’s Judgment Day is near for all the godless nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. What you did will boomerang back and hit your own head. Just as you partied on my holy mountain, all the godless nations will drink God’s wrath. They’ll drink and drink and drink— they’ll drink themselves to death. But not so on Mount Zion—there’s respite there! a safe and holy place! The family of Jacob will take back their possessions from those who took them from them. That’s when the family of Jacob will catch fire, the family of Joseph become fierce flame, while the family of Esau will be straw. Esau will go up in flames, nothing left of Esau but a pile of ashes.” God said it, and it is so.” (Obadiah‬ ‭1‬:‭15‬-‭18‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

If you are like me, you often wonder at the state of the world. You get frustrated and angry when you see corruption in political leadership, the powerful exploit the powerless, nations invade other nations, and the impact this has on the poorest of the world. You may even cry out to God - as I often do - “How long, O Lord? How long will you let such things stand?” Obadiah is a great reminder of the coming Judgment Day of God where all things will be set right. Evil will be repaid with evil. Good with good. Righteousness will win the day. Justice will be done. The consequences of our choices will fall either on us or on Christ.

Readings for tomorrow: Jeremiah 45-48