

Readings for today: Leviticus 11-14

Holy. It’s a word that defies definition. We don’t really understand it. We can’t fully grasp it. We’ve never experienced it or seen it or touched it with our hands. At best we use words like “sacred”, “perfection”, and “righteous” as we grope after it. But it’s like the blind leading the blind in the dark. Only God is holy. Perhaps this is why we struggle to grasp what holiness is all about. It is something unique to Him. And because holiness is unique to God and because God cannot be defined, we will never be able to truly define what holiness is all about. At the same time, we run across passages where God calls us to be holy as He is holy. How is that possible if holiness is a quality reserved for God alone? How in the world can we be holy as He is holy?

The answer, as always, is found in relationship. This is why God says, “For I am the Lord, who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God, so you must be holy because I am holy.” (Leviticus‬ ‭11‬:‭45‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Holiness is not a quality we can muster on our own. It is not a characteristic we can develop over time. Even if we were able to channel all our effort and energy and attention into being holy every single day of our lives, we would fall short. Holiness is something that comes from God alone. It flows from a deep, intimate relationship with Him. It cannot be experienced apart from Him. It is a byproduct of dwelling in God’s presence. Remember how Moses’ face lit up with the glory of God after meeting with Him? It was like a bit of God’s glory “stuck” to Moses and he had to veil his face as a result. The same is true for holiness. As we spend time with God and develop our relationship with Him, we will find His holiness beginning to stick to us.

One cannot understand the heart of today’s readings without understanding this basic principle. All the rules and regulations regarding what is clean and unclean seem arbitrary and capricious if you do not ground them in relationship to God. God is seeking to set His people apart. He wants them to live a particular way. A purified way. A sacred way. And that requires they take certain steps to keep their food and kitchens clean, maintain personal hygiene, and eliminate disease. Even the person who is “unclean” bears a responsibility to make sure he or she doesn’t contaminate the entire community. It’s why they separate themselves and live alone. It’s why they yell, “unclean” when others are around. Everyone has a share in making sure the community remains pure and holy before the Lord. I know this sounds strange to our 21st century Western ears but in ancient near east culture, the community is always prioritized over the individual. (Important Note: The text doesn’t say the community should shun or not care for the individual in need. It simply says that person should live alone. Don’t let how human beings have cruelly chosen to treat those with disease over the centuries skew your reading of the Bible.)

“Be holy as I am holy.” Thankfully, as always, Jesus Christ shows us the way. He was unafraid to dine with the unclean. Unafraid to touch women with menstrual conditions. Unafraid to touch lepers and others with disease. He was unafraid because He knew He was the conduit for His Father’s holiness. He knew God’s holiness was far more “contagious” than any mold or blood or disease. He knew as soon as people came into relationship with Him that a bit of His holiness would stick to them. And the same is true for us today. As we enter into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, we are made holy. We become holy because He is holy and this leads to a desire to remain holy in order to honor Him.

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 15-18

The Call to Righteousness

Readings for today: Philippians 1-2, Psalms 11

Our world is a mess. On this point just about everyone agrees. Our world is full of pain and suffering. Violence and oppression. Abuse and anger. Hatred and deceit. It’s hard to hold onto hope. It’s hard to see any way out. It seems like the harder we work, the worse things get. The more we strive, the less we achieve. Every action results in an equal and opposite reaction with diminishing returns. Each generation is convinced they have the answer only to watch their plans turn to dust just like the plans of those who came before them. What’s the problem? Why is it so hard to make progress? Why do we find Eden so elusive?

There are many answers out there, of course. Many people who claim to know the truth. But humanity has consistently failed to complete this project. Their strength gives out. Their wisdom is not up to the task. No matter how many technological advances we make or how hard we try to socially engineer our environment or how often we attempt to correct Mother Nature; we ultimately fall short. Our best laid plans go to waste. Our condition worsened by unforeseen and unintended consequences. This is as true in the church as it is in the world today.

We do not know the pathway to peace. We do not know the road to righteousness. We do not know the way to salvation. We are lost. Blind wanderers in a world that is not our home. Only God can direct us. Only God can set our feet on the narrow way that leads to a life of blessing and honor and shalom. So we must go to Him. We must seek Him. We must pursue God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. And once we find Him - and the great news of the gospel is He delights in being found! - we will find what our hearts so long for. We will find righteousness, justice, stability, peace for these are the gifts that come from being in His presence.

The call to seek God is not a call to inactivity. It is not a call to complacency. It is not a call to passivity. It is a call to action. Righteous action. The kind of action that can only come as we stay in step with the Holy Spirit and walk with Jesus through all of life. Listen to how the Apostle Paul describes it, “For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain…Therefore, as citizens of heaven, live your life worthy of the gospel of Christ.” (Philippians‬ ‭1‬:‭21‬, ‭27‬ ‭CSB‬‬) Clearly Paul is calling for righteous action. He is calling for those who have been made new through the gospel of Jesus Christ to strive for the faith of the gospel and live in a manner worthy of the gospel so that the world will stand up and take notice.

It’s a stirring vision. Can you imagine a world where the church is known for righteousness? A righteousness born not of rules or regulations or winning the culture war but of love and peace and joy and grace? Can you imagine what might happen if the church laid aside her pursuit of political power or social platform? Can you imagine what would happen if the church would lay aside her addiction to personal wealth and cultural privilege? Can you imagine what would happen if the church would engage in a life of humble service, mutual submission, and radical sacrifice for the sake of others? Would it not change things? Thankfully, you can see this happening all over the world today. So many churches in so many places bearing witness to the power of the gospel. And each day presents an opportunity for us to link arms with them as well. Will we make mistakes? Of course. Will we fail and fall? Absolutely. Will we say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing at times? Sure. But thankfully our hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness. And like the Apostle Paul, I am confident “that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6 CSB)

Readings for tomorrow: Philippians 3-4, Psalms 12 (No devotionals on Sunday)

A Life of Blessing

Readings for today: Leviticus 19-22

Here’s a potential new thought for you…a holy life equals a blessed life. Following God’s way leads to the flourishing of human life. The deepest intimacy in human relationships. The redemptive lift of all human society. For far too long, holiness has been perceived as a net negative. We tend to look at God’s laws as restrictive, confining, even limiting. They cut against the grain of our natural desires so we tend to reject them.

But what kind of life have we created for ourselves? What kind of life have we gained by indulging our desires? What kind of life have we found by going our own way? Not a great life. Not on balance. Humanity’s inhumanity is on display every single hour of every single day. Despite the fact that there is plenty of food to go around, millions are starving. Despite the fact that we have the ability to deliver clean water to every person on the planet, millions go without access. Despite all our medical advances and technology, millions go without access to basic healthcare. Despite our aversion to suffering and death, millions suffer violence and abuse every single day. If we focus our attention closer to home, things don’t look much better. Our selfishness tears apart relationships. Our greed widens the gap between the “haves” and the “have nots.” Our laziness makes hard work seem like a necessary evil. Our lack of resiliency makes us vulnerable to anxiety, despair, self-harm, and suicide. It’s tragic and heartbreaking on so many levels.

Friends, God’s ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He knows exactly what we need to grow and flourish and thrive. The rules He sets out are for our good. Yes, some of those rules change over time because our Heavenly Father knows our needs change over time. What human beings needed in the ancient near east or in 1st century Greco-Roman culture is different to some extent than what we may need in 21st century America. For example, the civil laws governing ancient Israel no longer apply in our context nor do the ceremonial laws governing ancient Israelite worship and purity. At the same time, some of the rules God lays out are eternal. Moral laws restricting violence, deceit, stealing, and sexual immorality appear throughout the Scriptures, are affirmed by Jesus and His apostles, and therefore remain in force in our day as well.

Do you want to live a life of blessing? Listen to what the Lord says, “Set yourselves apart for a holy life. Live a holy life, because I am God, your God. Do what I tell you; live the way I tell you. I am the God who makes you holy.” (Leviticus‬ ‭20‬:‭7‬-‭8‬ ‭MSG‬‬) Holiness equals blessing. Holiness leads to human flourishing. Holiness is what sets us apart as followers of Christ and makes us His light in this dark world.

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 23-25

Community Above Self

Readings for today: Leviticus 11-14

God’s stated goal for His people is for them to be holy as He is holy. “Make yourselves holy for I am holy. Don’t make yourselves ritually unclean by any creature that crawls on the ground. I am God who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Be holy because I am holy.” (Leviticus‬ ‭11‬:‭44‬-‭45‬ ‭MSG‬‬) Yes, in Christ the ceremonial laws of Leviticus have been fulfilled. We no longer need to worry about clean and unclean animals. (See Peter’s vision in Acts 10.) We no longer need to fear being made unclean by touching lepers or coming into contact with the dead. Through His shed blood, Christ has not only washed us clean (in the Levitical sense) but also sanctified us permanently! This is incredible to think about as we read about the rituals the Israelites had to perform.

It’s so tempting to read the Bible through western eyes. We read these chapters and immediately our hearts go out to those individuals who are hurting like those who contract leprosy. Leprosy was considered a highly contagious disease in ancient Israel. One they took very seriously. Those with leprosy were removed from community. They were isolated. Quarantined. Often grouped together in colonies where they struggled to survive. They were not allowed to mix with healthy people. They were barred from corporate worship. The local priests - who also served as frontline healthcare workers in their communities - monitored their care closely with the goal of restoring them to fellowship as soon as possible. But most westerners reading these texts react to their pain on a visceral level. We can’t get our heads around why they would be cast our of their homes and separated from their families. We fundamentally believe such measures are unjust and unrighteous. But there is another angle here as well. Reading these chapters through Middle Eastern eyes brings us to a much different conclusion. While we acknowledge the pain and suffering of the individual, we also acknowledge the need to protect the community. When an individual becomes “unclean” by contracting a disease, they are often isolated in order to stop the spread. The same might be true in cases of habitual or addictive sin as well. For example, a Christian recovering from alcohol addiction would need to isolate themselves from situations where temptation might rise that would cause them to drink. Practically speaking, these chapters from Leviticus show us what it means to put the needs of others before our own. To put the needs of the wider community above our own. To sacrifice for the greater good of those around us.

As an aside, it’s fascinating to read these passages in the wake of a global pandemic. These are good words to prayerfully consider as we reflect on our experiences over the past few years. How do we balance the needs of the most vulnerable and less vulnerable in our community? How does the needs of others factor into our decision-making? When is the right time to put the good of the community above our own? When have we gone too far? These are very complex questions and there are no easy answers. Global pandemics impact every sector of society and the public health issues are multivalent. One response here has unintended consequences over there. We need to be praying for our leaders to seek God’s wisdom for the good of our communities and the welfare of our cities.

Holiness, for the Israelites, was a way of life. It impacted their diet, their homes, childbirth, the way they treated disease, and their interactions with others. Why did they follow these laws? What motivated them to break dishes when something unclean fell into them? Or make the sacrifice to remain outside the camp for long periods of time? They fundamentally believed holiness led to human flourishing. They believed God’s ways were better than their ways and would result in greater blessing. Do we believe the same? Do we believe the way of Jesus is better than our way? Do we believe the life Jesus offers us is truly abundant? Do we believe following His commands will lead to blessing? This is the challenge set before us by Old Testament books like Leviticus.

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 15-18

Reading Leviticus

Readings for today: Leviticus 1-4

Leviticus. The book where well-intentioned Bible reading plans go to die. The laws seem archaic at best. They deal with issues that seemingly have little relevance to 21st century postmodern Christians living in the wealthiest nation the world has ever seen. The cultural distance is extreme and difficult to overcome. The minutiae wears down even the most faithful reader. And yet, Leviticus is God’s Word as much as the Gospels. The laws contained in this book are as divinely inspired as the “red sections” of the gospels. Reading them devotionally helps shape our hearts as much as the language of the Psalms. So how can we read in such a way that we profit from spending devotional time in this book? 

Two keys principles...

First, keep in mind there are three different kinds of laws listed here. There are the ceremonial laws that govern worship. Sacrifices. Personal hygiene. Disease. Particularly focused on ritual purity, these laws were designed to create the conditions where holiness could flourish so the people could come before their God without fear. Second, there are the civil laws that govern the nation of Israel. Tithing. Inheritance. Sentencing guidelines. These laws were necessary to maintain order in society, create revenue for the national government, and promote social welfare. Third, there is the moral law governing behavior. Exemplified by the Ten Commandments, these laws were designed to teach us righteousness. Many of the laws governing violence, sexuality, lying, honoring parents, and how to observe the Sabbath were created to embed this moral law in the day to day and shape a covenantal understanding of life.

The second principle to remember is that Levitical law served three overarching purposes. First, as I just mentioned above, it was given to us by God to teach us righteousness. Righteousness is not a relative category. It is not something we create for ourselves. God sets a standard for righteousness that we, as His creation, are bound to follow. The Law is His standard. Second, the Law was given to restrain evil. Because we live in a society based on the principles of proportional justice, we fail to see how radical “an eye for an eye” truly was in ancient near east culture. Setting limits or restraints on vengeance was a massive leap forward for human society and while not necessarily unique to Israel, it did set them apart. The punishment must fit the crime and be serious enough to act as a deterrent to potential future crimes. Third, and most importantly, the Law was given to teach us our need for a Savior. We cannot keep the Law. We cannot achieve righteousness on our own. Our sinful nature rebels against God’s commands and, if we’re totally honest, we find ourselves violating them on a daily basis. The Law acts as a mirror of sorts to show us the true condition of our souls. Not to make us despair but to bring us to a point where we’ll cry out to God! The Law ultimately humbles us. Brings us to our knees. Breaks our stubborn pride. It paves the way for Jesus. 

As you read through Leviticus over the next several days, keep these things in mind lest you get lost the weeds of this important book. Put yourself in the place of an ancient Israelite living in abject poverty in a subsistence agragrian economy where the most important daily task is to secure enough food for you and your family. Imagine yourself living in a village with one to two hundred of your relatives. Raising kids together. Doing life together. Learning to survive together. Imagine going up to Jerusalem a few times a year to worship and the preparations you have to make for that particular journey. Then think about your own life. Do you live with the same intentionality? What would it look like if you did?

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 5-7