godly perspective


Readings for today: Malachi 1-2, Psalms 63

So much depends on our perspective. The more narrow our perspective, the more difficult it is to see the world or our lives clearly. The wider our perspective, the more we are able to take in and understand. I think about how important it is, for example, to put oneself in another’s shoes. To try and see things from another person’s vantage point or truly listen to them share their experiences. When we do that, we develop empathy and our view of the world around us expands. However, it seems clear from the debates raging in our nation today or the divisions that exist around the world that our perspectives are only growing more narrow. We retreat further and further into echo chambers of our own making. We place ideological litmus tests on those we are in relationship with and we cut off those who do not pass. We aren’t interested in assuming the best of another person or giving them the benefit of the doubt, instead we are quick to pounce on anything and everything that doesn’t fit our narrow worldview. It’s tragic and heartbreaking and a significant source of violence and hatred in our society.

Now apply that same concept to our relationship with God. Think about how demanding we have become as human beings. We demand evidence of God’s existence. We want Him to prove His love for us over and over again. We refuse to take Him at His word and even deny the miracles He performs day after day. We want a relationship with Him…but we want it on our terms. We want Him to fit into our narrow perspective rather than trust His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We try to squeeze Him into our theological systems or remake Him in our own image or project on Him our own feelings, values, and ideologies. The same thing was happening in Israel in Malachi’s day. “You say you love us but how have you loved us?” “Where have you been all these years?” “Why do we find ourselves in the same mess over and over again?” “You say we have despised your name but how have we done so?” “Don’t you understand how hard it is for us to give up the best of our flock?” “Do you really need all these sacrifices from us?” “Don’t we at least get partial credit for going through the motions?”

Friends, God’s perspective is much bigger and much wider than our own. He sees the past, present, and future laid out before Him all at once. He knows what’s best for us and what He has in store for us. He knows the plans He has for us to give us hope and a bright future. A covenant of love and peace and joy and abundance. He is faithful even when we are not. He remains true even when we fall away. He will never relent until we accept life on His terms, walk in His ways, and rest in His love.

Readings for tomorrow: Malachi 3-4, Psalms 64