
Readings for today: Leviticus 1-4

Cattle. Sheep. Goats. Grain. The fundamental building blocks of an agrarian society. I have seen this firsthand in some of the places I go around the world. Places where there is little to no modern infrastructure. Places where the people are still very nomadic, following the rains. Places where survival depends on a good harvest and your herds producing offspring on a regular basis. Places where drought, famine, disease, and plague are not just inconveniences but life-threatening to entire populations of people.

Imagine you are an ancient Israelite. You were just delivered from back-breaking slavery. You find yourself experiencing freedom for the first time in centuries. You now have hope for a future. You are on your way to a land full of milk and honey and promise. You are excited about the potential opportunities that await you. But first you stop at Mt. Sinai. You receive laws from the same God who delivered you. These laws are intended to shape and form you into a nation. A particular people with a particular culture. One of the first laws has to do with worship. It has to do with sacrifice. It has to do with what is acceptable before the Lord.

Without blemish. Firstfruits. Fresh grain. Fine flour. The best of what you have to offer. This is what you are commanded to bring before God. Before you take care of yourself and your family and your clan and your tribe, you honor God for all He has done for you. You honor God for creating the conditions under which your flocks and herds and fields can thrive. You honor God for providing the rain in due season. For protecting you from plague and disease. For preserving you through periods of famine and drought. You honor God with your best because He has blessed you beyond measure. You offer back to God a portion of what you have in recognition of all He has given you. The regularity of these sacrifices are intended to keep God always before you. To remind you of all He has done for you. This is why we are commanded to give. Not out of obligation. Not out of guilt. Not because we have to “pay God off” like some kind of mafia boss. We give because He has first given to us. We give out of gratitude of all He has done for us. We give to honor Him for His grace and love and mercy in our lives.

The same principles hold true for us today. Do we offer to God our best? Do we offer to God our firstfruits? Do we offer Him the best of our wealth and time and energy? Do we give Him the firstfuits of our day or give out of the firstfruits of what we earn? Do we offer Him an unblemished sacrifice? Do we give from a pure heart? A desire to honor Him and bring Him glory? Do we give from a posture of gratitude for all He has done for us?

Readings for tomorrow: Leviticus 5-7