
Readings for today: 1 Kings 20-21

One of the things that I’m always amazed by is the grace of God. The verdict on King Ahab is clear. He is not a godly king. He breaks all the commandments. He does not love Yahweh. He is as pagan as they come and yet God still reaches out to him. Still delivers him. Still rescues him from his enemies. It reminds me of what Paul says in Romans 5:10, “While we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son…”

God’s grace is truly unconditional and that seems scandalous to us. We can’t wrap our heads and hearts around it. God’s grace does not discriminate. It is there for the prodigal as well as the Pharisee. It is there for the sinner and the saint. It is freely offered to any and all whether they be black or white or brown. Rich or poor. Gay or straight. Old or young. God shows no partiality. All He asks is that we receive it. We trust it. We open our hearts to it.

Sadly, we too often reject it. Much like Ahab. Ben-hadad has gathered a massive force to bring against Israel. Thirty-two kings join him in this fight. They bring horses and chariots which were the Sherman Tanks of their day. They invade the northern kingdom of Israel and march right up to the gates of the capital city of Samaria. Ahab knows he can’t win. He offers all his gold and silver to buy them off. No deal. The army takes their positions. The trumpets are about to sound. Victory is assured. Israel will be destroyed. Ahab looks on helplessly from his position on the walls. And then he hears a voice at his side. A prophet has been sent by God. “Behold, I will give this great multitude into your hand this day so that you shall know I am the Lord.” Why doesn’t God leave Ahab to his fate? After all, he deserves it. He’s earned it. The just decree would be for Ahab and all who follow him to die. But God is merciful and gracious. He loves us with an everlasting love. God desires all to be saved and come to a knowledge of His truth. Even an evil king like Ahab.

What about you? Does this give you hope? Some of us have things in our past that we think God would never forgive. We have memories that bring us shame. We have seen things and done things that are terrible and tragic. And yet God still loves us. Warts and all. Does this discourage you? Make you think less of God? Perhaps you’re more like me and you wish God were more consistent. Be careful what you ask for! God’s grace is baffling to would-be Pharisees like us. That’s why Jesus had such problems with them. God’s grace seemingly bends and breaks His own rules for the purpose of drawing all people to Himself. Our story today only demonstrates the lengths God is willing to go in order to accomplish His saving purposes in our world. And as remarkable as this story is, it doesn’t even hold a candle to the scandal of the cross. God dying to save a world at war with Him. God dying to save a people in rebellion against Him. God dying to turn His enemies into friends. Amazing grace indeed!

Readings for tomorrow: 1 Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18-20