
Readings for today: 1 Kings 3-4, 2 Chronicles 1, Psalms 72

“Give your servant therefore an understanding mind to govern your people, that I may discern between good and evil, for who is able to govern this your great people?”” ‭‭(1 Kings‬ ‭3:9‬)

We suffer today from a lack of discernment. We live in a post-truth world. Right and wrong are personally defined. There is no such thing as objectivity anymore. People do what is right in their own eyes. We call good “evil” and evil “good.” We are lost as a culture. As a society. As a nation. The pandemic has revealed the fault lines. Our political leaders seem far more interested in using this crisis to further their own political ends. We don’t seem to have many adults in the room. People who will honestly and transparently and humbly lead us through what is an extremely challenging time. The results are deadly. Especially in impoverished areas and communities of color. The structural failings of our system and the fruit of a racist history continue to haunt us. The latest video of George Floyd only adds fuel to an already raging fire. Would that God would raise up a leader for us like Solomon!

Sadly, in a democratic system, you often get the leadership you deserve. If we are honest, they are an extension of us. They are the embodiment of our basest desires and primal instincts. They are ruthless, calculating, greedy, corrupt. Such is the system we’ve created. We’ve polluted the pool of potential candidates with so much dark money, bareknuckle politics, and backroom deals that it’s no wonder we end up with the leaders we have. The only ones can possibly stand above the fray are the uber-rich who can fund their own campaigns but they mostly live lives so disconnected from the normal everyday that it’s hard for them to know what’s best for the average person. How I long for the day when we would have a humble leader in the Oval Office or in the Halls of Congress! A godly leader who was willing to acknowledge their mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and simply do their best for the American people. A leader who would put “We the people” above their political party. A leader who would unite rather than divide. A leader who would speak the truth in love. A leader who was honest and transparent.

One of the things we will see as we read through the Kings is how the character of a leader shapes the nation. The fortunes of Israel rise or fall largely on the godliness of the kings who serve her. When godly kings are in power. Kings who are wise. Discerning. Those who know right from wrong and good from evil. Israel flourishes. When ungodly kings are in power. Kings who are corrupt. Foolish. Narcissistic. Those who could care less about right or wrong as long as they acquire more power. Israel falls. America is no different. Now, more than ever, we need godly leadership at the helm of our nation. Now, more than ever, the character of our leaders matters. May God raise up for us leaders like Solomon who know good from evil and can lead us with wisdom.

Readings for tomorrow: Psalm 119:89-176